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| Letter of Constantius to the Ethiopians against Frumentius. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
31. Letter of
Constantius to the Ethiopians against Frumentius.
The following is the letter which was written to
the Princes of Auxumis respecting Frumentius, Bishop of that place.
Constantius Victor Maximus Augustus, to
Æzanes and Sazanes.
It is altogether a matter of the greatest care
and concern to us, to extend the knowledge of the supreme God1373
1373 ἡ τοῦ
vid. τὸν
κρείττονα, infr. And so in Arius’s Thalia, the Eternal Father,
in contrast to the Son, is called ὁ κρείττων,
κρείττονα, de Synod. §15. So again, θεὸν τὸν
συνιέντας, supr. §30, and συνετῶν
θεοῦ in the Thalia,
Orat. i. 5. Again, σοφίας
ἐξηγητὰς, supr. §30 and τῶν σοφίας
κατὰ πάντα
σοφῶν in the Thalia,
ibid. And τῶν
τοὺς ἄκρους
supr. §30, and τούτων κατ᾽
ἴχνος ἦλθον
in the Thalia. | ; and I think that the whole race of mankind
claims from us equal regard in this respect, in order that they may
pass their lives in hope, being brought to a proper knowledge of God,
and having no differences with each
other in their enquiries concerning justice and truth. Wherefore
considering that you are deserving of the same provident care as the
Romans, and desiring to shew equal regard for your welfare, we command
that the same doctrine be professed in your Churches as in theirs. Send
therefore speedily into Egypt the Bishop Frumentius to the most
venerable Bishop George, and the rest who are there, who have especial
authority to appoint to these offices, and to decide questions
concerning them. For of course you know and remember (unless you alone
pretend to be ignorant of that which all men are well aware of) that
this Frumentius was advanced to his present rank by Athanasius, a man
who is guilty of ten thousand crimes; for he has not been able fairly
to clear himself of any of the charges brought against him, but was at
once deprived of his see, and now wanders about destitute of any fixed
abode, and passes from one country to another, as if by this means he
could escape his own wickedness. Now if Frumentius shall readily obey
our commands, and shall submit to an enquiry into all the circumstances
of his appointment, he will shew plainly to all men, that he is in no
respect opposed to the laws of the Church and the established1374
1374 κρατούσῃ, supr. §23, note 6. | faith. And being brought to trial, when he
shall have given proof of his general good conduct, and submitted an
account of his life to those who are to judge of these things, he shall
receive his appointment from them, if it shall indeed appear that he
has any right to be a Bishop. But if he shall delay and avoid the
trial, it will surely be very evident, that he has been induced by the
persuasions of the wicked Athanasius, thus to indulge impiety against
God, choosing to follow the course of him whose wickedness has been
made manifest. And our fear is lest he should pass over into Auxumis
and corrupt your people, by setting before them accursed and impious
statements, and not only unsettle and disturb the Churches, and
blaspheme the supreme God, but also thereby cause utter overthrow and
destruction to the several nations whom he visits. But I am sure that
Frumentius will return home, perfectly acquainted with all matters that
concern the Church, having derived much instruction, which will be of
great and general utility, from the conversation of the most venerable
George, and such other of the Bishops, as are excellently qualified to
communicate such knowledge. May God continually preserve you, most
honoured brethren.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH