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| A passing repetition of the teaching of the Church. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
A passing repetition of the teaching of the Church.
But if a man keeps steadfast to
the sound doctrine, and believes that the Son is of the nature which is
divine without admixture, he will find everything in harmony with the
other truths of his religion, viz., that Our Lord is the maker of all
things, that He is King of the universe, set above it not by an
arbitrary act of capricious power, but ruling by virtue of a superior
nature; and besides this, he will find that the one First Cause188
188 One
First Cause, μοναρχίας. In a notable passage on the Greeks who came up to the
Feast (John xii. 20), Cyril (Catena, p. 307), uses the same
word. “Such, seeing that some of the Jews’ customs did not
greatly differ from their own, as far as related to the manner of
sacrifice, and the belief in a One first Cause…came up
with them to worship,” &c. Philo had already used the word so
(De Charit.). Athanasius opposes it to πολυθεία
(Quæst. ad Antioch. I.). | , as taught by us, is not divided by any
unlikeness of substance into separate first causes, but one Godhead,
one Cause, one Power over all things is believed in, that Godhead being
discoverable by the harmony existing between these like beings, and
leading on the mind through one like to another like, so that the Cause
of all things, which is Our Lord, shines in our hearts by means of the
Holy Spirit; (for it is impossible, as the Apostle says, that the Lord
Jesus can be truly known, “except by the Holy Spirit189 ”); and then all the Cause beyond, which
is God over all, is found through Our Lord, Who is the Cause of all
things; nor, indeed, is it possible to gain an exact knowledge of the
Archetypal Good, except as it appears in the (visible) image of that
invisible. But then, after passing that summit of theology, I mean the
God over all, we turn as it were back again in the racecourse of the
mind, and speed through conjoint and kindred ideas from the Father,
through the Son, to the Holy Ghost. For once having taken our stand on
the comprehension of the Ungenerate Light, we perceive190
190 ἐνοήσαμεν: aorist of instantaneous action. | that moment from that vantage ground the
Light that streams from Him, like the ray co-existent with the sun,
whose cause indeed is in the sun, but whose existence is synchronous
with the sun, not being a later addition, but appearing at the first
sight of the sun itself: or rather (for there is no necessity to be
slaves to this similitude, and so give a handle to the critics to use
against our teaching by reason of the inadequacy of our image), it will
not be a ray of the sun that we shall perceive, but another sun blazing
forth, as an offspring, out of the Ungenerate sun, and simultaneously
with our conception of the First, and in every way like him, in beauty,
in power, in lustre, in size, in brilliance, in all things
at once that we observe in the sun. Then again, we see yet another such
Light after the same fashion sundered by no interval of time from that
offspring Light, and while shining forth by means of It yet tracing the
source of its being to the Primal Light; itself, nevertheless, a Light
shining in like manner as the one first conceived of, and itself a
source of light and doing all that light does. There is, indeed, no
difference between one light and another light, qua light, when
the one shows no lack or diminution of illuminating grace, but by its
complete perfection forms part of the highest light of all, and is
beheld along with the Father and the Son, though counted after them,
and by its own power gives access to the light that is perceived in the
Father and Son to all who are able to partake of it. So far upon