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    BIBLE: SERVANT -Distinguish a bondservant (Greek: doulos), who was a slave, from a hired servant (Greek: diakonos), who was not a slave -BOND .Laws of Moses concerning #EX 21:1-11,20,21,26,27,32; LE 19:20-22; 25:6,10,35-55; DE 12 15:12,14,18; 24:7 .Kidnapping forbidden #DE 21:10-14; 24:7; 1TI 1:10; RE 18:13 .Fugitive, not to be returned to his master #DE 23:15,16 .David erroneously supposed to be a fugitive slave #1SA 25:10 .Instances of fugitive .Hagar, commanded by an angel to return to Sarah (Sarai), her owner #GE 16:9 .Sought by Shimei #1KI 2:39-41 .Onesimus interceded for, by Paul #PHM 21 1:21 .Rights of those born to a master #GE 14:14; 17:13,27; EX 21:4; PR 29:21; EC 2:7; JER 2:14 .Bought and sold #GE 17:13,27; 37:28,36; 39:17; DE 28:68; ES 7:4; EZE 13 27:13; JOE 3:6; AM 8:6; RE 18:13 .Captives of war became slaves #DE 20:14; 21:10-14; 2KI 5:2; 2CH 28:8,10; LA 5:13 .Captive bondservants shared by priests and Levites #NU 31:28-47 .Thieves punished by being made #GE 43:18; EX 22:3 .Defaulting debtors made #LE 25:39; MT 18:25 .Children of defaulting debtors sold as #2KI 4:1-7 .Voluntary servitude of #LE 25:47; DE 15:16,17; JOS 9:11-21 .Given as dowry #GE 29:24,29 .Owned by priests #LE 22:11; MR 14:66 .Slaves owned slaves #2SA 9:10 .The master could marry, or give in marriage #EX 21:7-10; DE 21:10-14; 1CH 2:34,35 .Taken in concubinage #GE 16:1,2,6; 30:3,9 .Used as soldiers by Abraham #GE 14:14 .Must be circumcised #GE 17:13,27; EX 12:44 .Must enjoy religious privileges with the master's household #DE 12:12,18; 16:11,14; 29:10,11 .Must have rest on the sabbath #EX 20:10; 23:12; DE 5:14 .Equal status of, with other disciples of Jesus #1CO 7:21,22; 12:13; GA 3:28; EPH 6:8 .Kindness to, commanded #LE 25:43; EPH 6:9 .Bond service threatened, as a national punishment, for the disobedience of Israel #DE 28:68; JOE 3:7,8 .Degrading influences of bondage exemplified by cowardice #EX 14:11,12; 16:3; JUD 5:16-18,23 .Emancipation of #EZR 1:1-4; JER 34:8-22; 1CO 7:21 .Freedmen called "Libertines," #AC 6:9 .Cruelty to .The Israelites #EX 1:8-22; 2:1-4; AC 7:19,34 .An abandoned sick man #1SA 30:13 .Kindness to .By the Roman centurion #MT 8:8-13; LU 7:2-10 .By Paul #PHM 21 1:21 -INSTANCES OF .Joseph #GE 37:26-28,36 .Israelites #EX 1:10-22; 5:7-14; DE 6:12,21 .Gibeonites #JOS 9:22-27 .Canaanites #1KI 9:21 .The Jews in Babylon #2CH 36:20; ES 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10 .Emancipation of #2CH 36:23; EZR 1:1-4 -FIGURATIVE #LE 25:42,55; PS 116:16; MT 24:45-51; LU 12:35-48; 17:7-9; JOH 8:32-35; RO 6:16-22; 1CO 4:1; 7:21-23; GA 5:13; 1PE 16 2:16; 2PE 2:19; RE 7:3 -INSTANCES OF GOOD .Joseph #GE 39:2-20; 41:9-57; AC 7:10 .Elisha #2KI 2:1-6 .Servants .Of Abraham #GE 24 .Of Boaz #RU 2:4 .Of Jonathan #1SA 14:7 .Of Abigail #1SA 25:14-17 .Of David #2SA 12:18; 15:15,21 .Of Ziba #2SA 9 .Of Naaman #2KI 5:2,3,13 .Of Nehemiah #NE 4:16,23 .Of the Roman centurion #MT 8:9 .Of Cornelius #AC 10:7 .Onesimus #PHM 11 1:11 .Servants in the parable of the pounds and the parable of the talents #MT 25:14-23; LU 19:12-19 -WICKED AND UNFAITHFUL .Jeroboam #1KI 11:26 .Gehazi #2KI 5:20-27 .Zimri #1KI 16:9,10; 2KI 9:31 .Onesimus #PHM 11 1:11 .Of Abraham and Lot #GE 13:7 .Of Abimelech #GE 21:25 .Of Ziba #2SA 16:1-4; with 19:26,27 .Of Absalom #2SA 13:28,29; 14:30 .Of Shimei #1KI 2:39 .Of Joash #2KI 12:19-21 .Of Amon #2KI 21:23 .Of Job #Job 15 19:15,16 .In the parable of the talents and the parable of the pounds #MT 25:24-30; LU 19:20-26 .In the parable of the vineyard #MT 21:33-41; MR 12:1-9 .Conspiracy by .See CONSPIRACY Ż 1204 -UNCLASSIFIED SCRIPTURES RELATING TO #GE 16:6-9; EX 20:10; DE 5:14; NE 5:8; Job 15 19:15,16; 31:13,14; PS 123:2; PR 12:9; 13:17; 17:2; 19:10; 25:13; 26:6; 27:18,27; 29:19,21; 30:10,21-23; EC 7:21; ISA 52:3; JER 22:13; 34:8-17; LA 5:8; ZEP 1:9; MAL 1:6; MT 8:9; 10:24,25; 24:45-51; LU 12:35-48; 16:1-13; 17:7-9; 22:27; JOH 16 13:16; 1CO 4:2; 7:21-24; EPH 6:5-9; COL 3:22-25; 1TI 6:1,2; TIT 2:9,10; 1PE 2:18-20 .See EMPLOYEE Ż 1633 .See EMPLOYER Ż 1634 .See MASTER Ż 3226 -HIRED .Jacob #GE 29:15; 30:26 .Re-employed #GE 30:27-34; 31:6,7,41 .Parable of .The laborers of a vineyard #MT 20:1-15 .The father of the prodigal son #LU 15:17,19 .The rebellious son #LU 15:15-19 .Treatment of, more considerate than that of slaves #LE 25:53 .Await employment in the marketplace #MT 20:1-3 .Wages paid .In kind #GE 30:31,32; 2CH 2:10 .In money #MT 20:2 .UNCLASSIFIED SCRIPTURES RELATING TO #LE 19:13; 25:39-41; DE 24:14,15; Job 1 7:1,2; 14:6; MAL 5 3:5; MT 10:9,10; LU 10:7; RO 4:4; COL 4:1; 1TI 5:18; JAS 4 5:4 .See MASTERS Ż 3226 .See WAGES Ż 5103


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