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To the Neocæsareans.2734
2734 Newman
introduces his extracts from the following letter with the prefatory
remark: “If Basil’s Semi-Arian connexions brought
suspicion upon himself in the eyes of Catholic believers, much more
would they be obnoxious to persons attached, as certain
Neocæsareans were, to the Sabellian party, who were in the
opposite extreme to the Semi-Arians and their especial enemies in
those times. It is not wonderful, then, that he had to write
to the church in question in a strain like the
following.” (Ch. of the Fathers. p. 98.)
The passages in brackets are Newman’s version. The prime
agent in the slandering of Basil was presumably Atarbius, bishop of
Neocæsarea. |
1. [There has been
a long silence on both sides, revered and well-beloved brethren, just
as if there were angry feelings between us. Yet who is there so
sullen and implacable towards the party which has injured him, as to
lengthen out the resentment which has begun in disgust through almost a
whole life of man?] This [is happening in our case, no just
occasion of estrangement existing, as far as I myself know, but on the
contrary, there being, from the first, many strong reasons for the
closest friendship and unity. The greatest and first is this, our
Lord’s command, pointedly saying, “By this shall all men
know that ye are my disciples if ye have love one to
another.”2735 ] Again, the
apostle clearly sets before us the good of charity where he tells us
that love is the fulfilling of the law;2736
and again where he says that charity is a good thing to be preferred to
all great and good things, in the words, “Though I speak with
tongues of men and of angels and have not charity, I am become as
sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal. And though I have the gift
of prophecy and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though
I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not
charity, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed
the poor and though I give my body to be burnt and have not charity, it
profiteth me nothing.”2737 Not
that each of the points enumerated could be performed without love,
but that the Holy One wishes, as He Himself has said, to attribute
to the commandment super-eminent excellency by the figure of
2738 The allusion
may be to Mark xi.
23, but St. Paul would
probably reply to Basil that each of the points enumerated might
proceed not from love, but from vanity, ambition, or
fanaticism. |
2. [Next, if it tend much towards intimacy
to have the same teachers, there are to you and to me the same teachers
of God’s mysteries, and spiritual Fathers, who from the beginning
were the founders of your Church. I mean the great Gregory, and
all who succeeding in order to the throne of your episcopate, like
stars rising one after another, have tracked the same course, so as to
leave the tokens of the heavenly polity most clear to all who desire
them.] And if natural relationships are not to be despised, but
are greatly conducive to unbroken union and fellowship, these rights
also exist naturally for you and me. [Why is it, then, O
venerable among cities, for through you I address the whole city, that
no civil writing comes from you, no welcome voice, but your ears are
open to those who aim at slander?] I am therefore the more bound
to groan, the more I perceive the end they have in view. There is
no doubt as to who is the originator of the slander.2739 He is known by many evil deeds, but is
best distinguished by this particular wickedness, and it is for this
reason that the sin is made his name.2740
2740 i.e.
ὁ διαβολος.
The little paronomasia is untranslatable. | But you must put up with my plain
speaking. You have opened both ears to my slanderers. You
heartily welcome all you hear without any enquiry. Not one of you
distinguishes between lies and truth. Who ever suffered for lack
of wicked accusations when struggling all alone? Who was ever
convicted of lying in the absence of his victim? What plea does
not sound plausible to the hearers when the reviler persists that such
and such is the case, and the reviled is neither present nor hears what
is urged against him? Does not even the accepted custom of this
world teach you, in reference to these matters, that if any one is to
be a fair and impartial hearer, he must not be entirely led away by the
first speaker, but must wait for the defence of the accused, that so
truth may be demonstrated by a comparison of the arguments on both
sides? “Judge righteous judgment.”2741 This precept is one of those most
necessary for salvation.
3. When I say this I am not forgetful of the
words of the Apostle, who fled from human tribunals and reserved the
defence of all his life for the unerring judgment seat, when he said,
“With me it is a very small thing that I should be judged of you
or of man’s judgment.”2742 Your
ears have been preoccupied by lying slanders, slanders that have
touched my conduct, slanders that have touched my faith in God.
Nevertheless, knowing, as I do, that three persons at once are injured
by the slanderer, his victim, his hearer, and himself; as to my own
wrong, I would have held my tongue, be sure; not because I despise your
good opinion, (how could I, writing now as I do and earnestly pleading
as I do that I may not lose it?) but because I see that of the three sufferers the
one who is least injured is myself. It is true that I shall be
robbed of you, but you are being robbed of the truth, and he who is at
the bottom of all this is parting me from you, but he is alienating
himself from the Lord, inasmuch as no one can be brought near to the
Lord by doing what is forbidden. Rather then for your sakes than
for mine, rather to rescue you from unendurable wrong am I
pleading. For who could suffer a worse calamity than the loss of
the most precious of all things, the truth?
4. [What say I, brethren? Not that I
am a sinless person; not that my life is not full of numberless
faults. I know myself; and indeed I cease not my tears for my
sins, if by any means I may be able to appease my God, and to escape
the punishment threatened against them. But this I say: let
him who judges me, hunt for motes in my eye, if he can say that his own
is clear.] I own, brethren, that I need the care of the sound and
healthy, and need much of it. If he cannot say that it is clear,
and the clearer it is the less will he say so—(for it is the part
of the perfect not to exalt themselves; if they do they will certainly
come under the charge of the pride of the Pharisee, who, while
justifying himself, condemned the publican) let him come with me to the
physician; let him not “judge before the time until the Lord
come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and
will make manifest the counsels of the hearts.”2743 Let him remember the words,
“Judge not, and ye shall not be judged;”2744 and “Condemn not, and ye shall not be
condemned.”2745 [In a word,
brethren, if my offences admit of cure, why does not such an one obey
the teacher of the Churches, “Reprove, exhort,
rebuke”?2746 If, on the
other hand, my iniquity be past cure, why does he not withstand me to
the face, and, by publishing my transgressions, deliver the Churches
from the mischief which I bring on them?] Do not put up with the
calumny uttered against me within the teeth.2747
2747 υπ᾽
ὀδόντα. Ben. Lat.,
intra dentes. | This is the abuse which any slave-girl
from the grindstone might utter; this is the kind of fine shewing-off
you might expect from any street vagabond; their tongues are whetted
for any slander. But [there are bishops; let appeal be made to
them. There is a clergy in each of God’s
2748 The Greek is
παροικία which
is used both for what is meant by the modern “diocese”
and by the modern “parish.” Of the sense of
diocese instances are quoted among others in D.C.A. s.v.
“Parish,” from Iren. ad Florin. apud Euseb. H.E.
v. 20; and Alexand. Alexandrin. Ep. apud Theodoret, H.E. i.
3. | let the most
eminent be assembled. Let whoso will, speak freely, that I may
have to deal with a charge, not a slander.] Let my secret
wickedness be brought into full view; let me no longer be hated, but
admonished as a brother. It is more just that we sinners
should be pitied by the blessed and the sinless, than that we should
be treated angrily.
5. [If the fault be a point of faith, let
the document be pointed out to me. Again, let a fair and
impartial inquiry be appointed. Let the accusation be read; let
it be brought to the test, whether it does not arise from ignorance in
the accuser, not from blame in the matter of the writing. For
right things often do not seem such to those who are deficient in
accurate judgment. Equal weights seem unequal when the arms of
the balance are of different sizes.] Men whose sense of taste is
destroyed by sickness, sometimes think honey sour. A diseased eye
does not see many things which do exist, and notes many things which do
not exist. The same thing frequently takes place with regard to
the force of words, when the critic is inferior to the writer.
The critic ought really to set out with much the same training and
equipment as the author. A man ignorant of agriculture is quite
incapable of criticising husbandry, and the distinctions between
harmony and discord can only be adequately judged by a trained
musician. But any one who chooses will set up for a literary
critic, though he cannot tell us where he went to school, or how much
time was spent in his education, and knows nothing about letters at
all. I see clearly that, even in the case of the
2749 τοῖς
ἁγίου, the reading of the
mss. Bas. Sec. and Paris. The
commoner reading is λογίοις. | of the Holy
Spirit, the investigation of the terms is to be attempted not by
every one, but by him who has the spirit of discernment, as the
Apostle has taught us, in the differences of gifts;—“For
to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the
word of knowledge by the same Spirit; to another faith by the same
Spirit; to another the gift of healing by the same Spirit; to
another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another
discerning of spirits.”2750 If,
therefore, my gifts are spiritual, he who wishes to judge them must
shew proof of his own possession of the gift of “discerning of
spirits.” If, on the contrary, as he calumniously
contends, my gifts are of the wisdom of this world, let him shew
that he is an adept in this world’s wisdom, and I will submit
myself to his verdict. And [let no one suppose that I am
making excuses to evade
the charge. I put it into your hands, dearest brethren, to
investigate for yourselves the points alleged against me. Are
you so slow of intelligence as to be wholly dependent upon advocates
for the discovery of the truth? If the points in question seem
to you to be quite plain of themselves, persuade the jesters to drop
the dispute. [If there be anything you do not understand, put
questions to me, through appointed persons who will do justice to
me; or ask of me explanations in writing. And take all kinds
of pains that nothing may be left unsifted.
6. What clearer evidence can there be of my faith,
than that I was brought up by my grandmother, blessed woman, who came
from you? I mean the celebrated Macrina who taught me the words
of the blessed Gregory; which, as far as memory had preserved down to
her day, she cherished herself, while she fashioned and formed me,
while yet a child, upon the doctrines of piety. And when I gained
the capacity of thought, my reason being matured by full age, I
travelled over much sea and land, and whomsoever I found walking in the
rule of godliness delivered, those I set down as fathers,] and made
them my soul’s guides in my journey to God. And up to this
day, by the grace of Him who has called me in His holy calling to the
knowledge of Himself, I know of no doctrine opposed to the sound
teaching having sunk into my heart; nor was my soul ever polluted by
the ill-famed blasphemy of Arius. If I have ever received into
communion any who have come from that teacher, hiding their unsoundness
deep within them, or speaking words of piety, or, at any rate, not
opposing what has been said by me, it is on these terms that I have
admitted them; and I have not allowed my judgment concerning them to
rest wholly with myself, but have followed the decisions given about
them by our Fathers. For after receiving the letter of the very
blessed Father Athanasius, bishop of Alexandria, which I hold in my
hand, and shew to any one who asks, wherein he has distinctly declared
that any one expressing a wish to come over from the heresy of the
Arians and accepting the Nicene Creed, is to be received without
hesitation and difficulty, citing in support of his opinion the
unanimous assent of the bishops of Macedonia and of Asia; I,
considering myself bound to follow the high authority of such a man and
of those who made the rule, and with every desire on my own part to win
the reward promised to peacemakers, did enroll in the lists of
communicants all who accepted that creed.
7. [The fair thing would be to judge of me, not
from one or two who do not walk uprightly in the truth, but from the
multitude of bishops throughout the world, connected with me by the
grace of the Lord. Make enquiries of Pisidians, Lycaonians,
Isaurians, Phrygians of both provinces, Armenians your neighbours,
Macedonians, Achæans, Illyrians, Gauls, Spaniards, the whole of
Italy, Sicilians, Africans, the healthy part of Egypt, whatever is left
of Syria; all of whom send letters to me, and in turn receive them from
me.] From these letters, alike from all which are despatched from
them. and from all which go out from us to them, you may learn that we
are all of one mind, and of one opinion. [Whoso shuns communion
with me, it cannot escape your accuracy, cuts himself off from the
whole Church. Look round about, brethren, with whom do you hold
communion? If you will not receive it from me, who remains to
acknowledge you? Do not reduce me to the necessity of counselling
anything unpleasant concerning a Church so dear to me.] There are
things now which I hide in the bottom of my heart, in secret groaning
over and bewailing the evil days in which we live, in that the greatest
Churches which have long been united to one another in brotherly love,
now, without any reason, are in mutual opposition. Do not, oh! do
not, drive me to complain of these things to all who are in communion
with me. Do not force me to give utterance to words which
hitherto I have kept in check by reflection and have hidden in my
heart. Better were it for me to be removed and the Churches to be
at one, than that God’s people should suffer such evil through
our childish ill-will. [Ask your fathers, and they will tell you
that though our districts were divided in position, yet in mind they
were one, and were governed by one sentiment. Intercourse of the
people was frequent; frequent the visits of the clergy; the pastors,
too, had such mutual affection, that each used the other as teacher and
guide in things pertaining to the Lord.] E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH