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Letter LIV.2199
2199 Placed at the
same time as the foregoing. |
To the Chorepiscopi.
I am much distressed that
the canons of the Fathers have fallen through, and that the exact
discipline of the Church has been banished from among you. I am
apprehensive lest, as this indifference grows, the affairs of the
Church should, little by little, fall into confusion. According
to the ancient custom observed in the Churches of God, ministers in the
Church were received after careful examination; the whole of their life
was investigated; an enquiry was made as to their being neither railers
nor drunkards, not quick to quarrel, keeping their youth in subjection,
so as to be able to maintain “the holiness without which no man
shall see the Lord.”2200 This
examination was made by presbyters and deacons living with them.
Then they brought them to the Chorepiscopi; and the Chorepiscopi, after
receiving the suffrages of the witnesses as to the truth and giving
information to the Bishop, so admitted the minister to the sacerdotal
2201 The Ben. note
runs, “Ministros, sive subdiaconos, sacratorum ordini
ascribit Basilius. Synodus Laodicena inferiores clericos
sacratorum numero non comprehendit, sed numerat sacratos a
presbyteris usque ad diaconos, ἀπο
διακόνων, can.
24, distinguit canone 27, ἱερατικοὺς,
ἢ κληρικοὺς
ἢ λαικοὺς, sive
sacratos, sive clericos, sive laicos. Et can. 30.
῞Οτι οὑ δεῖ
ἱερατικὸν ἢ
κληρικὸν ἢ
ἀσκητὴν ἐν
μηδὲ πάντα
ἢ λαϊκόν. Non
oportet sacratum vel clericum aut ascetam in balneo cum mulieribus
lavari. sed nec ullum Christianum aut laïcum. Non
sequuntur hujus synodi morem ecclesiastici scriptores.
Basilius, epist. 287, excommunicato omne cum sacratis commercium
intercludit. Et in epist. 198, ἱερατεῖον
intelligit cœtum clericorum, eique ascribit clericos qui
epistolas episcopi perferebant. Athanasius ad Rufinianum
scribens, rogat eum ut epistolam legat ἱερατεί& 251·
et populo. Gregorius Nazianzenus lectores sacri
ordinis, ἱεροῦ
partem esse agnoscit in epist. 45. Notandus etiam canon
8 apostolicus, ει
ἢ etc. πρεσβύτερος
ἢ διάκονος ἢ
ἐκ τοῦ
etc. Si quis episcopus vel presbyter vel diaconus, vel
ex sacro ordine. Hæc visa sunt observanda, quia
pluribus Basilii locis, quæ deinceps occurrent, non parum
afferent lucis.” The letter of the Council in
Illyricum uses ἱερατικὸν
τάγμα in precisely the same
way. Theod., Ecc. Hist. iv. 8, where see note
on p. 113. So Sozomen, On the Council of Nicæa,
i. 23. Ordo, the nearest Latin equivalent to
the Greek τάγμα, was
originally used of any estate in the church, e.g. St.
Jerome, On Isaiah v. 19, 18.
On the testing of qualifications
for orders, cf. St. Cyprian, Ep. lxviii. | Now,
however, you have quite passed me over; you have not even had the
grace to refer to me, and have transferred the whole authority to
yourselves. Furthermore, with complete indifference, you
have allowed presbyters and deacons to introduce unworthy persons
into the Church, just any one they choose, without any previous
examination of life and character, by mere favoritism, on the
score of relationship or some other tie. The consequence is,
that in every village, there are reckoned many ministers, but not
one single man worthy of the service of the altars. Of this
you yourselves supply proof from your difficulty in finding
suitable candidates for election. As, then, I perceive that
the evil is gradually reaching a point at which it would be
incurable, and especially at this moment when a large number of
persons are presenting themselves for the ministry through fear of
the conscription, I am constrained to have recourse to the
restitution of the canons of the Fathers. I thus order you
in writing to send me the roll of the ministers in every village,
stating by whom each has been introduced, and what is his mode of
life. You have the roll in your own keeping, so that your
version can be compared with the documents which are in mine, and
no one can insert his own name when he likes. So if any have
been introduced by presbyters after the first appointment,2202
2202 μετὰ τὴν
is in later Greek the recognized equivalent for
“indictio” in the sense of a period of fifteen
years (Cod. Theod. xi. 28. 3). I have had some
hesitation as to whether it could possibly in this passage indicate
a date. But ἐπινέμησις
does not appear to have been used in its chronological sense before
Evagrius, and his expression (iv. 29) τοὺς
τῶν κύκλων
looks as though the term were not yet common; ἐπινέμησις
here I take to refer to the assignment of presbyters to different
places on ordination. I am indebted to Mr. J. W. Parker for
valuable information and suggestions on this question. | let them be rejected, and take their place
among the laity. Their examination must then be begun by you
over again, and, if they prove worthy, let them be received by
your decision. Drive out unworthy men from the Church, and
so purge it. For the future, test by examination those who
are worthy, and then receive them; but do not reckon them of the
number before you have reported to me. Otherwise, distinctly
understand that he who is admitted to the ministry without my
authority will remain a layman.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH