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Chapter XIII.—Concerning
There are pleasures of the soul and pleasures of
the body. The pleasures of the soul are those which are the
exclusive possession of the soul, such as the pleasures of learning and
contemplation. The pleasures of the body, however, are those
which are enjoyed by soul and body in fellowship, and hence are called
bodily pleasures: and such are the pleasures of food and
intercourse and the like. But one could not find any class of
1818 Reading,
οὐκ ἂν
εὕροι τις
ἡδονάς. | belonging
solely to the body1819
1819 Nemes.,
ch. 18: Chrys., Hom. in Joan., 74. | .
Again, some pleasures are true, others
false. And the exclusively intellectual pleasures consist in
knowledge and contemplation, while the pleasures of the body depend
upon sensation. Further, of bodily pleasures1820
1820 See
Chrysostom, Hom. in Joannem, 74; Cicero, De fin. bon. et
mal., 1. | , some are both natural and necessary, in
the absence of which life is impossible, for example the pleasures of
food which replenishes waste, and the pleasures of necessary
clothing. Others are natural but not necessary, as the pleasures
of natural and lawful intercourse. For though the function that
these perform is to secure the permanence of the race as a whole, it is
still possible to live a virgin life apart from them. Others,
however, are neither natural nor necessary, such as drunkenness, lust,
and surfeiting to excess. For these contribute neither to the
maintenance of our own lives nor to the succession of the race, but on
the contrary, are rather even a hindrance. He therefore that
would live a life acceptable to God must follow after those pleasures
which are both natural and necessary: and must give a secondary
place to those which are natural but not necessary, and enjoy them only
in fitting season, and manner, and measure; while the others must be
altogether renounced.
Those then are to be considered moral1821
1821 καλάς,
honourable, good. | pleasures which are not bound up with
pain, and bring no cause for repentance, and result in no other harm
and keep1822
1822 Text, χωρούσας.
Variant, παραχωρούσας. | within the
bounds of moderation, and do not draw us far away from serious
occupations, nor make slaves of us.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH