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| Concerning the number of the Natures. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
V.—Concerning the number of the
In the case, therefore, of the Godhead1993
1993 Leont., Resp. ad
argum. Sever. | we confess that there is but one nature,
but hold that there are three subsistences actually existing, and hold
that all things that are of nature and essence are simple, and
recognise the difference of the subsistences only in the three
properties of independence of cause and Fatherhood, of dependence on
cause and Sonship, of dependence on cause and procession1994
1994 For καὶ τῇ
αἰτιατῇ καὶ
ὑ& 187·κῇ, καὶ τῇ
αἰτιατῇ καὶ
ἐκπορευτῇ we get
καὶ τῇ
καὶ ὑ& 187·κῃ,
καὶ πορευτῇ
in Cod. Colb. 1, Cod. Reg. 3, and so Faber
also. | . And we know further that these are
indivisible and inseparable from each other and united into one, and
interpenetrating one another without confusion. Yea, I repeat,
united without confusion, for they are three although united, and they
are distinct, although inseparable. For although each has an
independent existence, that is to say, is a perfect subsistence and has
an individuality of its own, that is, has a special mode of existence,
yet they are one in essence and in the natural properties, and in being
inseparable and indivisible from the Father’s subsistence, and
they both are and are said to be one God. In the very same way,
then, in the case of the divine and ineffable dispensation1995 , exceeding all thought and comprehension,
I mean the Incarnation of the One God the Word of the Holy Trinity, and
our Lord Jesus Christ, we confess that there are two natures, one
divine and one human, joined together with one another and united in
1996 Leont., Resp.
ad argum. Sever. | , so that one
compound subsistence is formed out of the two natures: but we
hold that the two natures are still preserved, even after the union, in
the one compound subsistence, that is, in the one Christ, and that
these exist in reality and have their natural properties; for they are
united without confusion, and are distinguished and enumerated without
being separable. And just as the three subsistences of the Holy
Trinity are united without confusion, and are distinguished and
enumerated without being separable1997
1997 See
Leont., Act. 7. De Sect., with reference to one of the
arguments of the Nestorians; also Greg. Naz., Orat. 36; Max.,
Ep. 1 ad Joan. Cubic. | , the
enumeration not entailing division or separation or alienation or
cleavage among them (for we recognise one God the Father, the Son and
the Holy Spirit), so in the same way the natures of Christ also,
although they are united, yet are united without confusion; and
although they interpenetrate one another, yet they do not permit of
change or transmutation of one into the other1998
1998 Infr.
ch. vii.: Basil, Epist. 40 and Bk. De Spir.
Sanct. ch. 17. | . For each keeps its own natural
individuality strictly unchanged. And thus it is that they can be
enumerated without the enumeration introducing division. For
Christ, indeed, is one, perfect both in divinity and in humanity.
For it is not the nature of number to cause separation or unity, but
its nature is to indicate the quantity of what is enumerated, whether
these are united or separated: for we have unity, for instance,
when fifty stones compose a wall, but we have separation when the fifty
stones lie on the ground; and again, we have unity when we speak of
coal having two natures, namely, fire and wood, but we have separation
in that the nature of fire is one thing, and the nature of wood another
thing; for these things are
united and separated not by number, but in another way. So, then,
just as even though the three subsistences of the Godhead are united
with each other, we cannot speak of them as one subsistence because we
should confuse and do away with the difference between the
subsistences, so also we cannot speak of the two natures of Christ as
one nature, united though they are in subsistence, because we should
then confuse and do away with and reduce to nothing the difference
between the two natures.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH