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| In reply to those who say “If Christ has two natures, either ye do service to the creature in worshipping created nature, or ye say that there is one nature to be worshipped, and another not to be worshipped.” PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
III.—In reply to those who say2256
2256 Against the
Apollinarians, &c. Cf. Greg. Naz., Ep. Ad Cled.,
11. | “If Christ has two natures,
either ye do service to the creature in worshipping created nature, or
ye say that there is one nature to be worshipped, and another not to be
Along with the Father and the Holy Spirit we
worship the Son of God, Who was incorporeal before He took on humanity,
and now in His own person is incarnate and has become man though still
being also God. His flesh, then, in its own nature2257
Athan., bk. i., Cont. Apoll. Epist. ad Adelph. Epiphan.
Ancor. § 51. | , if one were to make subtle mental
distinctions between what is seen and what is thought, is not deserving
of worship since it is created. But as it is united with God the
Word, it is worshipped on account of Him and in Him. For just as
the king deserves homage alike when un-robed and when robed, and just
as the purple robe, considered simply as a purple robe, is trampled
upon and tossed about, but after becoming the royal dress receives all
honour and glory, and whoever dishonours it is generally condemned to
death: and again, just as wood in itself2258
2258 A simile much
used by the Fathers: cf. supr., bk. iii., ch.
8. |
is not of such a nature that it cannot be touched, but becomes so when
fire is applied to it, and it becomes charcoal, and yet this is not
because of its own nature, but because of the fire united to it, and
the nature of the wood is not such as cannot be touched, but rather the
charcoal or burning wood: so also the flesh, in its own nature,
is not to be worshipped, but is worshipped in the incarnate God Word,
not because of itself, but because of its union in subsistence with God
the Word. And we do not say that we worship mere flesh, but God’s flesh,
that is, God incarnate.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH