Chapter X.
Men entrust their safety rather to a just than to a
prudent man. But every one is wont to seek out the man who
combines in himself the qualities of justice and prudence.
Solomon gives us an example of this. (The words which the queen
of Sheba spoke of him are explained.) Also Daniel and Joseph.
50. We entrust our
case to the most prudent man we can find, and ask advice from him more
readily than we do from others. However, the faithful counsel of
a just456
456 Cic. de
Off. II. 9, § 34. |
man stands first and often has more weight
than the great abilities of the wisest of men: “For better
are the wounds of a friend than the kisses of others.”457
And just because it is the judgment
of a just man, it is also the conclusion of a wise one: in the
one lies the result of the matter in dispute, in the other readiness of
51. And if one connects the two, there will
be great soundness in the advice given, which is regarded by all with
admiration for the wisdom shown, and with love for its justice.
And so all will desire to hear the wisdom of that man in whom those two
virtues are found together, as all the kings of the earth desired to
see the face of Solomon and to hear his wisdom. Nay, even the
queen of Sheba came to him and tried him with questions. She came
and spoke of all the things that were in her heart, and heard all the
wisdom of Solomon, nor did any word escape her.458
52. Who she was whom nothing escaped, and that
there was nothing which the truth-loving Solomon did not tell her,
learn, O man, from this which thou hearest her saying: “It
was a true report that I heard in
mine own land of thy words and of thy
prudence, yet I did not believe those that told it me until I came, and
mine eyes had seen it; and behold the half was not told me. Thou
hast added good things over and above all that I heard in mine own
land. Blessed are thy women and blessed thy servants, which stand
before thee, and that hear all thy prudence.”459
Recognize the feast of the true
Solomon, and who are set down at that feast; recognize it wisely and
think in what land all the nations shall hear the fame of true wisdom
and justice, and with what eyes they shall see Him, beholding those
things which are not seen. “For the things that are seen
are temporal, but the things which are not seen are
53. What women are blessed but those of whom
it is said “that many hear the word of God and bring forth
again: “Whosoever doeth the word of God is My father and
sister and mother.”462
And who are
those blessed servants, who stand before Him, but Paul, who said:
“Even to this day I stand witnessing both to great and
or Simeon, who
was waiting in the temple to see the consolation of Israel?464
How could he have asked to be let
depart, except that in standing before the Lord he had not the power of
departing, but only according to the will of God? Solomon is put
before us simply for the sake of example, of whom it was eagerly
expected that his wisdom should be heard.
54. Joseph also when in prison was not free
from being consulted about matters of uncertainty. His
was of advantage to the whole of Egypt, so
that it felt not the seven years’ famine, and he was able even to
relieve other peoples from their dreadful hunger.
55. Daniel, though one of the captives, was
made the head of the royal counsellors. By his counsels he
improved the present and foretold the future.466
Confidence was put in him in all
things, because he had frequently interpreted things, and had shown
that he had declared the truth.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH