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Chapter XVIII.
“I will relate two
wonderful examples of almost incredible obedience, and two only,
although many present themselves to my recollection; but if, in any
case, a few instances do not suffice to rouse readers to an imitation
of the like virtues, many would be of no advantage. Well then, when a
certain man having laid aside
all worldly business, and having entered
a monastery of very105
105 “monasterium
magnæ dispositionis.” | strict discipline,
begged that he might be accepted as a member, the Abbot began to place
many considerations before him,—that the toils of that order were
severe; that his own requirements were heavy, and such as no
one’s endurance could easily comply with; that he should rather
enquire after another monastery where life was carried on under easier
conditions; and that he should not try to attempt that which he was
unable to accomplish. But he was in no degree moved by these terrors;
on the contrary, he all the more promised obedience, saying that if the
Abbot should order him to walk into the fire, he would not refuse to
enter it. The Master then, having accepted that profession of his, did
not delay putting it to the test. It so happened that an iron vessel
was close at hand, very hot, as it was being got ready by a powerful
fire for cooking some loaves of bread: the flames were bursting forth
from the oven broken open, and fire raged without restraint within the
hollows of that furnace. The Master, at this stage of affairs, ordered
the stranger to enter it, nor did he hesitate to obey the command.
Without a moment’s delay he entered into the midst of the flames,
which, conquered at once by so bold a display of faith, subsided at his
approach, as happened of old to the well-known Hebrew children. Nature
was overcome, and the fire gave way; so that he, of whom it was thought
that he would be burned to death, had reason to marvel at himself,
besprinkled, as it were, with a cooling dew. But what wonder is it, O
Christ, that that fire did not touch thy youthful soldier? The result
was that, neither did the Abbot regret having issued such harsh
commands, nor did the disciple repent having obeyed the orders
received. He, indeed, on the very day on which he came, being tried in
his weakness, was found perfect; deservedly happy, deservedly glorious,
having been tested in obedience, he was glorified through
suffering.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH