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Chapter XXXVII.
When, after an interval
of some time had elapsed, Athanasius, finding that Marcellus was by no
means sound in the faith, suspended him from communion. And he had this
degree of modesty, that, being censured by the judgment of so great a
man, he voluntarily gave way. But though at a former period innocent,
yet confessedly afterwards becoming heretical, it may be allowed to
conclude that he was really then guilty when judgment was pronounced
regarding him. The Arians, then, finding an opportunity of that kind,
conspire to subvert altogether the decrees of the Synod of Sardes. For
a certain coloring of right seemed to be furnished them in this fact,
that a favorable judgment had as unjustly been formed on the side of
Athanasius, as Marcellus had been improperly acquitted, since now, even
in the opinion of Athanasius himself, he was deemed a heretic. For
Marcellus had stood forward as an upholder of the Sabellian
370 As Epiphanius
remarks, Sabellius taught that the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost were all
the same person, only under different appellations. | But Photinus had already brought forward a
new heresy, differing indeed from Sabellius with respect to the union
of the divine persons, but proclaiming that Christ had his beginning in
Mary. The Arians, therefore, with cunning design, mix up what was
harmless with what was blameworthy, and embrace, under the same
judgment, the condemnation of Photinus, and Marcellus, and Athanasius.
They undoubtedly did this with the view of leading the minds of the
ignorant to conclude, that those had not judged incorrectly regarding
Athanasius, who, it was admitted, had expressed a well-based opinion
respecting Marcellus and Photinus. At that time, however, the Arians
concealed their treachery; and not daring openly to proclaim their
erroneous doctrines, they professed themselves Catholics. They thought
that their first great object should be to get Athanasius turned out of
the church, who had always presented a wall of opposition to their
endeavors, and they hoped that, if he were removed, the rest would pass
over to their evil371 opinion. Now,
that part of the bishops which followed the Arians accepted the
condemnation of Athanasius with delight. Another part, constrained by
fear and faction, yielded to the wish of the Arian party; and only a
few, to
whom the true faith
was dearer than any other consideration, refused to accept their unjust
judgment. Among these was Paulinus, the bishop of Treves. It is related
that he, when a letter on the subject was placed before him, thus
wrote, that he gave his consent to the condemnation of Photinus and
Marcellus, but did not approve that of Athanasius.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH