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| Chapter X. Of the sun, of which it is said that it should not go down upon your wrath. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter X.
Of the sun, of which it is said that it should not go
down upon your wrath.
And of this sun God
clearly makes mention by the prophet, when He says, “But to those
that fear my name the sun of righteousness shall arise with healing in
His wings.”935 And this again is
said to “go down” at midday on sinners and false prophets,
and those who are angry, when the prophet says, “Their sun is
gone down at noon.”936 And at any rate
937 On the different
senses of Scripture see the note on Conference XIV. viii. | the mind, that
is the νοῦς or reason, which is fairly
called the sun because it looks over all the thoughts and discernings
of the heart, should not be put out by the sin of anger: lest when it
“goes down” the shadows of disturbance, together with the
devil their author, fill all the feelings of our hearts, and,
overwhelmed by the shadows of wrath, as in a murky night, we know not
what we ought to do. In this sense it is that we have brought forward
this passage of the Apostle, handed down to us by the teaching of the
elders, because it was needful, even at the risk of a somewhat lengthy
discourse, to show how they felt with regard to anger, for they do not
permit it even for a moment to effect an entrance into our heart:
observing with the utmost care that saying of the gospel:
“Whosoever is angry with his brother is in danger of the
judgment.”938 But if it be
lawful to be angry up till sunset, the surfeit of our wrath and the
vengeance of our anger will be able to give full play to passion and
dangerous excitement before that sun inclines towards its
939 Petschenig’s
text is as follows: Ceterum si usque ad occasum solis licitur sit
irasci, ante furoris satietas et ultrices iræ—commotionem
poterunt noxiæ perturbationis explere, quam sol iste ad locum sui
vergat occasus. That of Gazæus has “ante
perturbationes noxiæ poterunt furoris satietatem et ultricis
iræ commotionem explere, etc.” |