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| Chapter XIV. Of the struggle into which we must enter against our faults, when they attack us. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter XIV.
Of the struggle into which we must enter against our
faults, when they attack us.
Wherefore we must enter the
lists against these faults in such a way that every one should discover
his besetting sin, and direct his main attack against it, directing all
his care and watchfulness of mind to guard against its assault,
directing against it daily the weapons of fasting, and at all times
hurling against it the constant darts of sighs and groanings from the
heart, and employing against it the labours of vigils and the
meditation of the heart, and further pouring forth to God constant
tears and prayers and continually and expressly praying to be delivered
from its attack. For it is impossible for a man to win a triumph over
any kind of passion, unless he has first clearly understood that he
cannot possibly gain the victory in the struggle with it by his own
strength and efforts, although in order that he may be rendered pure he
must night and day persist in the utmost care and watchfulness. And
even when he feels that he has got rid of this fault, he should still
search the inmost recesses of his heart with the same purpose, and
single out the worst fault which he can see among those still there,
and bring all the forces of the Spirit to bear against it in
particular, and
so by always
overcoming the stronger passions, he will gain a quick and easy victory
over the rest, because by a course of triumphs the soul is made more
vigorous, and the fact that the next conflict is with weaker passion
insures him a readier success in the struggle: as is generally the case
with those who are wont to face all kinds of wild beasts in the
presence of the kings of this world, out of consideration for the
rewards—a kind of spectacle which is generally called
Pancarpus (πάγκαρπος).
The word originally applied to an offering of all kinds of fruit. Cf.
Tertullian ad Valent. xii. It is also used in the general sense
“of all sorts” by Augustine, Adv. Secund. xxiii. Cassian
here speaks as if it had become the popular name for the conflicts of
the gladiators with all kinds of beasts, though there is apparently no
other authority for this. | Such men, I
say, direct their first assault against whatever beasts they see to be
the strongest and fiercest, and when they have despatched these, then
they can more easily lay low the remaining ones, which are not so
terrible and powerful. So too, by always overcoming the stronger
passions, as weaker ones take their place, a perfect victory will be
secured for us without any risk. Nor need we imagine that if any one
grapples with one fault in particular, and seems too careless
about guarding against the attacks of others, he will be easily wounded
by a sudden assault, for this cannot possibly happen. For where a man
is anxious to cleanse his heart, and has steeled his heart’s
purpose against the attack of any one fault, it is impossible for him
not to have a general dread of all other faults as well, and take
similar care of them. For if a man renders himself unworthy of the
prize of purity by contaminating himself with other faults, how can he
possibly succeed in gaining the victory over that one passion from
which he is longing to be freed? But when the main purpose of our heart
has singled out one passion as the special object of its attack, we
shall pray about it more earnestly, and with special anxiety and
fervour shall entreat that we may be more especially on our guard
against it and so succeed in gaining a speedy victory. For the giver of
the law himself teaches us that we ought to follow this plan in our
conflicts and not to trust in our own power; as he says: “Thou
shalt not fear them because the Lord thy God is in the midst of thee, a
God mighty and terrible: He will consume these nations in thy sight by
little and little and by degrees. Thou wilt not be able to destroy them
altogether: lest perhaps the beasts of the earth should increase upon
thee. But the Lord thy God shall deliver them in thy sight; and shall
slay them until they be utterly destroyed.”1339