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| Chapter IV. He produces testimonies to the same doctrine from the Apostle Paul. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter IV.
He produces testimonies to the same doctrine from the
Apostle Paul.
But passing over these
things which cannot possibly be unfolded because there would be no
limit to the telling of them, as the blessings which he gives are
without stint, it is time for us to consult the Apostle Paul, the
stoutest and clearest witness to Him, for he can tell us everything
about God in the most trustworthy way because God always spoke from his
breast. He then, the chosen teacher of the nations, who was sent to
destroy the errors of Gentile superstition, bears his witness in the
following way to the grace and coming of our Lord God: “The
grace,” he says, “of God and our Saviour appeared unto all
men, instructing us that denying ungodliness and worldly desires we
should live soberly and justly and godly in this world, looking for the
blessed hope and coming of the glory of the great God and our Saviour
Jesus Christ.”2404 He says that
“there appeared the grace of God our Saviour.” Admirably
does he use a word suited to show the arrival of a new grace and birth;
for by saying “there appeared,” he indicated the
approach of a new grace and birth, for thenceforward the gift of a new
grace began to appear, from the moment when God appeared as born in the
world. Thus by using the right word, and one exactly suitable, he shows
the light of this new grace almost as if he pointed to it with his
finger. For that is most properly said to appear, which is shown
by sudden light manifesting it. Just as we read in the gospel that the
star appeared to the wise men in the East:2405 and in Exodus: “There
appeared,” he says, “to Moses an angel in a flame of
fire in the bush:”2406 for in all these
and in the case of other visions in the Holy Scripture, Scripture
determined that this word in particular should be used, that it might
speak of that as “appearing,” which shone forth with
unwonted light. So then the Apostle also, well knowing the coming of
the heavenly grace, which appeared at the approach of the holy
nativity, indicated it by using a term applied to a bright appearance;
expressly in order to say that it appeared, as it shone with the
splendour of a new light. “There appeared” then “the
grace of God our Saviour.” Surely you cannot raise any quibble
about the ambiguity of the names in this place, so as to say that
“Christ” is one and “God” another, or to divide
“the Saviour” from the glory of His name, and separate
“the Lord” from the Divinity? Lo, here the vessel2407
2407 Vas Dei
(Petschenig): Gazæus has Vis Dei. | of God speaks from God, and testifies by
the clearest statement that the grace of God appeared from Mary. And in
order that you may not deny that God appeared from Mary, he at once
adds the name of Saviour, on purpose that you may believe that He who
is born of Mary is God, whom you cannot deny to have been born a
Saviour, in accordance with this passage: “For to you is born
to-day a Saviour.”2408 O excellent
teacher of the Gentiles truly given by God to them, for he knew that
this wild heretical folly would arise, which would turn to
controversial uses the names of God, and would not hesitate to slander
God from His own titles; and so just in order that the heretic might
not separate the title of Saviour from the Divinity he put first the
name of God, that the name of God standing first might claim as His all
the names which followed, and that no one might imagine that in what
followed Christ was spoken of as a mere man, as by the very first word
used he had
taught that He
was God. “Looking,” says the same Apostle, “for the
blessed hope and coming of the glory of the great God and our Saviour
Jesus Christ.” Certainly that teacher of divine wisdom saw that
plain and simple teaching would not in itself be sufficient to meet the
crafty wiles of the devil’s cunning, unless he fortified the holy
preaching of the faith with a protection of extreme care. And so
although he had used the name of God the Saviour up above, he here adds
“Jesus Christ,” in case you might think that the mere name
of Saviour was not enough to indicate to you our Lord Jesus Christ, and
might fail to understand that the God, whom you acknowledge as God the
Saviour, is the same Jesus Christ. What then does he say? He says:
“Looking for the blessed hope and coming of the glory of the
great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ.” Nothing is here wanting
as regards the titles of our Lord and you see here God, and the
Saviour, and Jesus, and Christ. But when you see all these, you see
that they all belong to God. For you have heard of Him as God, but as
Saviour as well. You have heard of Him as God, but as Jesus as well.
You have heard of Him as God, but as Christ as well. That which the
Divinity has joined and united together cannot be separated by this
diversity of titles; for whichever you may seek for of them, all, you
will find it there. The Saviour is God, Jesus is God, Christ is God. In
all of this which you hear, though the titles used are many, yet they
belong to one Person in power. For whereas the Saviour is God, and
Jesus is God, and Christ is God, it is easy to see that all these,
though different appellations, are united as regards the Majesty. And
when you hear quite plainly that one and the same Person is called God
in each case, you can surely clearly see that in all these cases there
is but one God spoken of. And so you cannot any longer seek to make out
a distinction of power from the different names given to the Lord, or
to make a difference of Person owing to variety of titles. You cannot
say: Christ was born of Mary, but God was not; for an Apostle declares
that God was. You cannot say that Jesus was born of Mary, but God was
not; for an Apostle testifies that God was. You cannot say: the Saviour
was born, but God was not; for an Apostle supports the fact that God
was. There is no way of escape for you. Whichever of the titles of the
Lord you may take, He is God, of whom you speak. You have nothing to
say: nothing to assert: nothing to invent in your wicked falsehood. You
can in impious unbelief refuse to believe: you have nothing to deny in
the matter of your blasphemy.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH