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| From Three Gallic Bishops to St. Leo. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Letter LXVIII.
From Three Gallic Bishops to St.
Ceretius, Salonius and Veranus to the holy
Lord, most blessed father, and pope most
worthy of the Apostolic See, Leo.
I. They congratulate and thank Leo for
the Tome.
Having perused your Excellency’s letter,
which you composed for instruction in the Faith, and sent to the bishop
of Constantinople, we thought it our duty, being enriched with so great
a wealth of doctrine, to pay our debt of thanks by at least inditing
you a letter. For we appreciate your fatherly solicitude on our
behalf, and confess that we are the more indebted to your preventing
care because we now have the benefit of the remedy before experiencing
the evils. For knowing that those remedies are well-nigh too late
which are applied after the infliction of the wounds, you admonish us
with the voice of loving forethought to arm ourselves with those
Apostolic means of defence. We acknowledge frankly, most blessed
403 Cf. Lett. XVII.
n. 2a. | , with what singular loving-kindness you
have imparted to us the innermost thoughts of your breast, by the
efficacy of which you secure the safety of others: and while you
extract the old Serpent’s infused poison from the hearts of
others, standing as it were on the watch-tower of Love, with Apostolic
care and watchfulness you cry aloud, lest the enemy come on us unawares
and off our guard, lest careless security expose us to attack, O holy
Lord, most blessed father and pope, most worthy of the Apostolic
See. Moreover we, who specially belong to you404
404 Peculiares
tui. So in each one’s autograph subscription at the end
of the letter Ceretius calls himself susceptus vester, Salonius
venerator vester, and Veranus cultor vestri
apostolatus. | , are filled with a great and unspeakable
delight, because this special statement of your teaching is so highly
regarded wherever the Churches meet together, that the unanimous
opinion is expressed that the primacy of the Apostolic See is
rightfully there assigned, from whence the oracles of the Apostolic
Spirit still receive their interpretations.
II. They ask him to correct or add to
their copy of the Tome.
Therefore, if you deem it worth while, we entreat
your holiness to run through and correct any mistake of the copyist in
this work, so valuable both now and in the future, which we have had
committed to parchment405 , in our desire to
preserve it, or if you have devised anything further in your zeal,
which will profit all who read, give orders in your loving care that it
be added to this copy, so that not only many holy bishops our brethren
throughout the provinces of Gaul, but also many of your sons among the
laity, who greatly desire to see this letter for the revelation of the
Truth, may be permitted, when it is sent back to us, corrected by your
holy hand, to transcribe, read and keep it. If you think fit, we
are anxious that our messengers should return soon, in order that we
may the speedier have an account of your good health over which to
rejoice: for your well-being is our joy and health.
May Christ the Lord long
keep your eminence mindful of our humility, O holy Lord, most blessed
father and pope most worthy of the Apostolic See.
I, Ceretius, your
adopted (son?), salute your apostleship, commending me to your
I, Salonius, your adorer, salute your apostleship,
entreating the aid of your prayers.
I, Veranus, the worshipper of your apostleship, salute
your blessedness, and beseech you to pray for me.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH