Bad Advertisement? Are you a Christian? Online Store: | PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP To Paschasinus, Bishop of Lilybæum. Leo, the bishop, to Paschasinus, bishop of Lilybæum. I. He sends a copy of the Tome and still further explains the heterodoxy of Eutyches. Although I doubt not all the sources of scandal are fully known to you, brother, which have arisen in the churches of the East about the Incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ, yet, lest anything might have chanced to escape your care, I have despatched for your attentive perusal and study our letter422
II. Eutyches might have been warned by the fate of former heretics. A like blasphemy, therefore, is to be abhorred in
Eutyches, as was once condemned and overthrown by the Fathers in former
heretics: and their example ought to have benefited this foolish
fellow, in putting him on his guard against that which he could not
grasp by his own sense, lest he should render void the peerless mystery
of our salvation by denying the reality of human flesh in our
Lord Jesus Christ. For, if there is not
in Him true and perfect human nature, there is no taking of us upon
Him, and the whole of our belief and teaching according to his heresy
is emptiness and lying. But because the Truth does not lie and
the Godhead is not passible, there abides in God the Word both substances in one Person, and the Church
confesses her Saviour in such a way as to acknowledge Him both
impassible in Godhead and passible in flesh, as says the Apostle,
“although He was crucified through (our) weakness, yet He lives
by the power of God424 III. He sends quotations from the Fathers, and announces that the churches of the East have accepted the Tome. And in order that you may be the fuller instructed in all things, beloved, I have sent you certain quotations from our holy Fathers, that you may clearly gather what they felt and what they preached to the churches about the mystery of the Lord’s Incarnation, which quotations our deputies produced at Constantinople also together with our epistle. And you must understand that the whole church of Constantinople, with all the monasteries and many bishops, have given their assent to it, and by their subscription have anathematized Nestorius and Eutyches with their dogmas. You must also understand that I have recently received the bishop of Constantinople’s letter, which states that the bishop of Antioch has sent instructions to all the bishops throughout his provinces, and gained their assent to my epistle, and their condemnation of Nestorius and Eutyches in like manner. IV. He asks him to settle the discrepancy between the Alexandrine and the Roman calculation of Easter for 455, by consulting the proper authority. This also we think necessary to enjoin upon your care that you should diligently inquire in those quarters where you are sure of information concerning that point in the reckoning of Easter, which we have found in the table425 Theophilus, and which greatly exercises us, and that you should discuss with those who are learned in such calculations, as to the date, when the day of the Lord’s resurrection should be held four years hence. For, whereas the next Easter is to be held by God’s goodness on March 23rd, the year after on April 12th, the year after that on April 4th, Theophilus of holy memory has fixed April 24th to be observed in 455, which we find to be quite contrary to the rule of the Church; but in our Easter cycles426