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| To Felix, Bishop of Messana (Messene). PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Epistle LXVI.
To Felix, Bishop of Messana (Messene).
Gregory to Felix, &c.
Customs which are found to bring a burden upon
churches it becomes us in our consideration to discontinue, lest any
should be forced to contribute to quarters from which they ought rather
to look for contributions. Accordingly, it is thy duty to
preserve intact the custom of the clergy and others, and to transmit to
them every year what has been accustomed: but for the future we
forbid thee to transmit anything to us. And, since we take no
delight in presents (xeniis)1379 , we have
received with thanks the Palmatianæ1380
1380 Probably vestes
palmatæ, i.e. robes interwoven or embroidered with palm
leaves. | which thy Fraternity has sent us, but
have caused them to be sold for an adequate price, which we have
transmitted separately to thy Fraternity, for fear lest thou shouldest
have felt the expense. Further, since we have learnt that thy
Charity is desirous of coming to us, we admonish thee by the present
letter not to take the trouble of coming: but pray for us, that
the more we are separated by length of way, the more we may be joined
one to another in mind, with the help of Christ, by charity; to the end
that, aiding each other by mutual supplication, we may resign our
office unimpaired to the Judge that is to come.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH