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| To Peter, Subdeacon of Sicily. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
To Peter, Subdeacon of Sicily.
Gregory to Peter, &c.
With regard to our having so long delayed sending off
thy messenger, we have been so occupied with the engagements of the
Paschal festival that we have been unable to let him go sooner.
But, with regard to the questions on which thou hast desired
instruction, thou wilt learn below how, after fully considering them
all, we have determined them.
We have ascertained that the peasants1343
1343 Rusticos
ecclesiæ; i.e. the native cultivater of the land, called
elsewhere coloni, and by Cicero (In Verrem),
aratores. See Proleg. | of the Church are exceedingly aggrieved
in respect of the prices of corn, in that the sum appointed them to pay
is not kept in due proportion in times of plenty. And it is our
will that in all times, whether the crops of corn be more or less
abundant, the measure of proportion be according to the market
1344 It appears from
Cicero that, when the Romans annexed Sicily, they found the greater
part of the land subject by ancient custom to a tithe of the corn and
other produce, and that such tithe continued to be enacted by the Roman
government, which derived thence its main revenue from the
island: further, that the custom had grown up of allowing a
pecuniary composition for the tithe, and that this custom, intended
originally for the accommodation of the tithe payers, had been abused
to their detriment by over valuation in years when corn was
cheap. One of the charges against Verres was that this had been
done under him as Prætor. When wheat was selling in Sicily
for two or at the most three sesterces per modius, the peasants
had been made to compound for their tithes at the rate of three
denarii, i.e. twelve secterces. (Cic. in Verr.
Divin. 10; Act II. Lib. iii. 6, 18). The Roman
Church having succeeded the Roman Government in the lordship of the
“Patrimony of St. Peter,” it appears that the Church
officials had not been guiltless of similar unfair exactions.
Hence the direction here in this Epistle that the valuations of the
tithe in successive years should follow the market price. | . It is our will also that corn
which is
lost by
shipwreck be fully accounted for; but on condition that there be no
neglect on thy part in transmitting it; lest, the proper time for
transmitting it being allowed to pass by, loss should ensue from your
1345 This refers to the
corn which was sent annually in large quantities to Rome, and on which
the Romans were in a great measure dependent for their supply.
Those in Sicily who furnished it were, it seems, responsible for its
delivery, taking the risk of loss by sea. But it rested with the
Church officials to provide for its being shipped; and, if any loss on
the voyage ensued from their delay, the parties otherwise responsible
were to be indemnified. | . Moreover, we have seen it to be
exceedingly wrong and unjust that anything should be received from the
peasants of the Church in the way of sextariatics1346
1346 Ex
sextariaticis. This appears to have been a technical term,
denoting unjust exaction of the following kind. The peasants
(rustici) on an estate had to supply, let us say, so many
modii of corn to be shipped for Rome. But the
modius varied in capacity. It is said originally to have
contained sixteen sextarii, a sextarius being between a pint and
a quart. But it appears below that one of eighteen
sextarii was in use in the time of Gregory, and by him
allowed. This limit, however, seems to have been sometimes
exceeded, and herein consisted the abuse complained of. In a
subsequent epistle (XIII. 34) a modius of even twenty-five
sextarii is spoken of as having been in one case
used:—“We understand that the modius by which the
husbandmen (coloni) were compelled to give their corn was one of
twenty-five sextarii.” | , or that they should be compelled to
give a larger modius than is used in the granaries of the
Church. Wherefore we enjoin by this present warning that corn may
never be received from the peasants of the Church in modii of
more than eighteen sextarii; unless perchance there be anything
that the sailors are accustomed to receive over and above, the
consumption of which on board ship they themselves attest.
We have also ascertained that on some
Massis. These massæ might include several
farms (fundi, or prædia), and were let or leased to
farmers (conductores), who made their profit out of them.
Cf. xiv. 14, “Massam quæ Aquas Salvias nuncupatur cum
omnibus fundis suis;” also v. 31, “Conductoribus massarum
per Galliam.” | of the Church
a most unjust exaction is practised, in that three and a half
[modii] in seventy are demanded by the farmers1348
Conductores. See last note. | ;—a thing shameful to be spoken
of. And yet even this is not enough; but something besides is
said to be exacted according to a custom of many years. This
practice we altogether detest, and desire it to be utterly extirpated
from the patrimony. But, whether in this or in other minute
imposts, let thy Experience consider what is paid too much per pound,
and what is in any way unfairly received from the peasants; and reduce
all to a fixed payment, and, so far as the powers of the peasants go,
let them make a payment in gross amounting to seventy-two1349
1349 Pensantem ad
septuagena bina. It would seem that, in addition to the abuse
of using modii of too large capacity, there was the additional
one of exacting more modii than were legally due, three and a
half being added to every seventy; i.e. one to every twenty. Cf.
Cicero in Verrem, “Ab Siculis aratoribus, præter
decumam, ternæ quinquagesimæ (i.e. three for every fifty)
exigebantur.” If the reading septuagena bina be
correct, it would seem that Gregory allowed two to be added to every
seventy perhaps on the ground of long-established custom. The
readings, however, vary; and what was meant is uncertain. | : and let neither grains1350
Siliquæ. In Roman weights the uncia contained
144 siliquæ, and the as or libra 12
unciæ. The reference seems to be to cases in which
the grain or other produce was rendered by weight. The just pound
was not to be exceeded. | beyond the pound, nor an excessive pound,
nor any further imposts beyond the pound, be exacted; but, through thy
valuation, according as there is ability to pay, let the payment be
made up to a certain sum, that so there may be in no wise any shameful
exaction. But, lest after my death these very imposts, which we
have disallowed as extras but allowed in augmentation of the regular
payments, should again in any way be put on additionally, and so the
sum of the payment should be found to be increased and the peasants be
compelled to pay additional charges over and above what is due, we
desire thee to draw up charters of security, to be signed by thee,
declaring that each person is to pay such an amount, to the exclusion
of grains (siliquæ), imposts, or granary dues.
Moreover, whatever out of these several items used to accrue to the
rector [sc. patrimonii], we will that by virtue of this present
order it shall accrue to thee out of the total sum paid.
Before all things we desire thee carefully to
attend to this; that no unjust weights be used in exacting
payments. If thou shouldest find any, break them and cause true
ones to be made. For my son the servant of God, Diaconus, has already found such as displeased him;
but he had not liberty to change them. We will, then, that,
saving excepted cibaria of small value1351
1351 Præter
excepta et vilia cibaria. Cibaria bears the general sense of
victuals or provender; and specifically, “Cibarium, teste, Plin.
I. 18, c. 9, ubi de siligine agit, dicitur farina quæ post
pollinem seu florem excussum restat, postquam nihil aliud remanet nisi
furfures: the second sort of flour.
Eadem dicitur secundarium. Ex ea qui conficitur vocatur panis
cibarius, quia solet esse communis vulgi cibus.”
Facciolati. The adjective cibarius is applied to
provisions generally, wine, oil, bread, &c., of a common and
inferior kind, and consumed by the common people. The reference
in the text may be to refuse and inferior grain or other breadstuff, of
which an excessive weight might be exacted to make up for its inferior
quality. | ,
nothing else beyond the just weights be exacted from the
1352 Colonis,
meaning the same as rustici. See note 1. | of the
Further, we have ascertained that the first charge
of burdatio1353
Burdationis. This appears to have been a kind of land tax,
payable in the first instance, before the peasants had been able to
convert their produce into money. “Burdatio est pensio
quæ a rusticis præstatur prædii nomine, quod Burdam
vocant, nostri Borde.” Alteserra. | exceedingly
cripples our peasants, in that before they can sell the produce of
their labour they are compelled to pay taxes; and, not having of their
own to pay with, they borrow from public pawnbrokers1354
Auctionariis. “Mercator qui res suas auget; et
proprie dicitur ille qui hic vel illic res parvas et veteres et tritas
eruit, ut postea carius vendat.” Du Cange. | , and pay a heavy consideration for the
accommodation; whence it results that they are crippled by heavy
expenses. Wherefore we enjoin by this present admonition that
Experience advance to
them from the public fund all that they might have borrowed from
strangers, and that it be repaid by the peasants of the Church by
degrees as they may have wherewith to pay, lest, while for a time in
narrow circumstances, they should sell at too cheap a rate what might
afterwards have sufficed for the payment of the due, and even so not
have enough.
It has come to our knowledge also that immoderate
Commoda. The word commodum denotes properly a
bounty (as to soldiers over and above their pay), a gratuity, a
voluntary offering, though used also for a stipend, or payment
generally. The peasants (rustici) might not marry without
permission. Cf. xii. 25, “ut eum districte debeas commonere
ne filios suos quolibet ingenio vel excusatione foris alicubi in
conjugio, sociare præsumat, sed in ea massa cui lege et conditione
ligati sunt socientur.” For such permission they were, it
seems, accustomed to pay a fee, in theory perhaps voluntary, but
virtually exacted as a due. | are received on the marriages of
peasants: concerning which we order that no marriage fees shall
exceed the sum of one solidus. If any are poor, they
should give even less; but if any are rich, let them by no means exceed
the aforesaid sum of a solidus. And we desire no part of
these marriage fees to be credited to our account, but that they should
go to the benefit of the farmer (conductorem).
We have also ascertained that when some farmers die
their relatives are not allowed to succeed them, but that their goods
are withdrawn to the uses of the Church: with regard to which
thing we decree that the relatives of the deceased who live on the
property of the Church shall succeed them as their heirs, and that
nothing shall be withdrawn from the substance of the deceased.
But, if any one should leave young children, let discreet persons be
chosen to take charge of their parents’ goods, till they come to
such an age as to be able to manage their own property.
We have ascertained also that, if any one of a
family has committed a fault, he is required to make amends, not in his
own person, but in his substance: concerning which practice we
order that, whosoever has committed a fault, he shall be punished in
his own person as he deserves1356
1356 Because a fine
would have to be paid out of the common substance of the family, and so
all would be punished for the offence of one. | . Moreover,
let no present (commodum) be received from him, unless perchance
it be some trifle which may go to the profit of the officer who may
have been sent to him. We have ascertained also that, as often as
a farmer has taken away anything unjustly from his husbandman, it is
indeed required from the farmer, but not restored to him from whom it
was taken: concerning which thing we order that whatever may have
been taken away by violence from any one of a family be restored to him
from whom it was taken away, and not accrue to our profit, lest we
ourselves should seem to be abettors of violence. Furthermore, we
will that, if thy Experience should at any time despatch those who are
under thy command in causes that arise beyond the limits of the
patrimony, they may indeed receive small gratuities from those to whom
they are sent; yet so that they themselves may have the advantage of
them: for we would not have the treasury of the Church defiled by
base gains. We also command thy Experience to see to this:
that farmers never be appointed on the estates of the Church for a
consideration (commodum); lest, a consideration being looked
for, the farmers should be frequently changed; of which changing what
else is the result but that the Church farms are never
cultivated? But lest also the leases [i.e. by the Church to the
farmers] be adjusted according to the sum of the payments due. We
desire thee to receive no more from the estates of the Church on
account of the store-houses and stores beyond what is customary; but
let thine own stores which we have ordered to be procured be procured
from strangers.
It has come to our ears that three pounds of gold
have been unjustly taken away from Peter the farmer of Subpatriana;
concerning which matter examine closely Fantinus the guardian
1357 On the office of
defensores, see Proleg. | ); and, if they
have manifestly been unjustly and improperly taken, restore them
without any delay. We have also ascertained that the peasants
have paid a second time the burdation1358 which Theodosius had exacted from them
but had failed to pay over, so that they have been taxed twice.
This was done because his substance was not sufficient for meeting his
debt to the Church. But, since we are informed through our son,
the servant of God Diaconus, that this
deficiency can be made good out of his effects, we will that
fifty-seven solidi be repaid to the peasants without any
abatement, lest they should be found to have been taxed twice
over. Moreover, if it is the case that forty solidi of his
effects remain over and above what will indemnify the peasants (which
sum thou art said also to have in thy hands), we will that they be
given to his daughter, to enable her to recover her effects which she
had pawned. We desire also her father’s goblet
(batiolam) to be restored to her.
The glorious magister militum Campanianus
had left twelve solidi a year out of the Varronian estate to his
notary John; and this we order thee to pay every year without any
hesitation to the granddaughter of Euplus the farmer, although she may
have received all the
chattels of the said Euplus, except
perhaps his cash; and we desire thee also to give her out of his cash
five-and-twenty solidi. A silver saucer1359
Suppositorium. The word itself might denote anything put
under another, or supporting another. Here its being associated
with a cup (calix), and both being called small vessels
(vascula), suggests the translation in the text. | is said to have been pawned for one
solidus, and a cup for six solidi. After
interrogating Dominicus the secretary, or others who may know, redeem
the pledge, and restore the aforesaid little vessels.
We thank thy Solicitude for that, after I had enjoined
thee, in the business of my brother, to send him back his money, thou
hast so consigned the matter to oblivion as if something had been said
to thee by the last of thy slaves. But now let even thy
Negligence—I cannot say thy Experience—study to get this
done; and whatever of his thou mayest find to be in the hands of
Antoninus send back to him with all speed.
In the matter of Salpingus the Jew a letter has
been found which we have caused to be forwarded to thee, in order that,
after reading it and becoming fully acquainted with his case and that
of a certain widow who is said to be implicated in the same business,
thou mayest make answer as may appear to thee just concerning the
fifty-one solidi which are known to be returnable, so that the
creditors may in no way be defrauded unjustly of the debts due to
A moiety of his legacy has been given to
Antoninus; a moiety will be redeemed: which moiety we desire to
be made up to him out of the common substance; and not to him only, but
also to the guardians (defensoribus) and strangers
(pergrinis) to whom he [the testator] has left anything under
the title of a legacy. To the family (familiæ) also
we desire the legacy to be paid; which, however, is our concern.
Having, then, made up the account for our part, that is for
three-quarters, make the payment1360
1360 The meaning of these
directions is obscure owing to our ignorance of the circumstances. | .
We desire thee to give something out of the money
of the Church of Canusium to the clergy of the same Church, to the end
that they who now suffer from want may have some sustenance; and that,
if it should please God that a bishop should
be ordained, he may have a maintenance.
As to lapsed1361
1361 The word
lapsi was the regular one for denoting clergy or others, who had
fallen into sin rendering them liable to excommunication. | priests, or
any others of the clergy, we desire thee in dealing with their property
to keep free from any contamination. But seek out the poorest
regular monasteries which know how to live according to God, and consign the lapsed to penance in these
monasteries; and let the property of the lapsed go to the benefit of
the place in which they are consigned to penance, to the end that those
who have the care of their correction may have aid themselves from
their means. But, if they have relations, let their property be
given to their legitimate relations; yet so that an allowance for those
to whom they have been consigned for penance be sufficiently
provided. But, if any of an ecclesiastical community, whether
priests, levites, or monks, or clerics, or any others, shall have
lapsed, we will that they be consigned to penance, but that the Church
shall retain its claim to their property. Yet let them receive
for their own use enough to maintain them during their penance, lest,
if left destitute, they should be burdensome to the places whereto they
have been consigned. If any have relations on the ecclesiastical
domain, let their property be delivered to them, that it may be
preserved in their hands subject to the Church’s
Three years ago the subdeacons of all the churches
in Sicily, in accordance with the custom of the Roman Church, were
forbidden all conjugal intercourse with their wives. But it
appears to me hard and improper that one who has not been accustomed to
such continency, and has not previously promised chastity, should be
compelled to separate himself from his wife, and thereby (which
God forbid) fall into what is worse.
Hence it seems good to me that from the present day all bishops should
be told not to presume to make any one a subdeacon who does not promise
to live chastely; that so what was not of set purpose desired in the
past may not be forcibly required, but that cautious provision may be
made for the future. But those who since the prohibition of three
years ago have lived continently with their wives are to be praised and
rewarded, and exhorted to continue in their good way. But, as for
those who since the prohibition have been unwilling to abstain from
intercourse with their wives, we desire them not to be advanced to a
sacred order; since no one ought to approach the ministry of the altar
but one who has been of approved chastity before undertaking the
For Liberatus the tradesman, who has commended
himself to the Church, dwelling on the Cincian estate, we desire thee
to make an annual provision; which provision do thou estimate thyself
as to what it ought to be, that it may be reported to me and charged in
thy accounts. With regard to the present indiction I have already
got information from our son the servant of God Diaconus.
One John, a
monk, has died and left Fantinus the guardian (defensorem) his
heir to the extent of one half. Hand over to the latter what has
been left him, but charge him not to presume to do the like
again. But appoint what he should receive for his work, so that
it be not fruitless to him; and let him remember that one who lives on
the pay of the Church should not pant after private gains. But,
if anything should accrue to the Church, without sin and without the
lust of concupiscence, through those who transact the business of the
Church, it is right that these should not be without fruit of their
labour. Still let it be reserved for our judgment how they should
be remunerated1362
1362 It was
against monastic rule for monks or nuns to retain property of their own
after profession, or the power of disposing of it by will. It
became the common property of the monastery. Cf. Justinian,
Novell. V. c. 38. See also what was said above about the
goods of lapsed members of religious communities. In a subsequent
Epistle (IX. 7), Gregory annulls a will that had been made by an abbess
Sirica. The case of one Probus, an abbot (Appendix, Ep.
IX.), who was allowed to make a will, is no real exception to the
rule. For Gregory gave him special permission to do so on his own
petition, on the equitable ground that at the time of his hasty
ordination as abbot, not having been a monk previously, he had
neglected to make provision for his son by will, as he had intended to
do, and as he had then a right to do. In the case before us
Gregory acts with lenient consideration. Though condemning the
bequest of the monk John to the guardian Fantinus, he allows the latter
to take it on the ground that he deserved, but had not so far received,
a proper remuneration for his services. | .
As to the money of Rusticianus, look thoroughly
into the case, and carry out what appears to thee to be just.
Admonish the magnificent Alexander1363
1363 Magnificum
virum. Who this Alexander was is not known. His
designation implies a position of rank. An Alexander appears
afterwards as Prætor of Sicily (VI. 8): but the Prætor
of this year was Justinus (see above, Ep. II.), who was apparently
succeeded by Libertinus (III. 38). | to
conclude the cause between himself and holy Church; which if he
peradventure shall neglect to do, do thou, in the fear of God and with honour preserved, bring this same cause to an
issue as thou art able. We desire thee also to expend something
in this business; and, if it can be done, let him be spared the cost of
what has to be given to others, provided he terminates the cause which
he has with us.
Restore without any delay the donation of the
handmaiden of God1364
1364 Ancillæ
Dei. So were called, not professed nuns only, but also others
who devoted themselves to virginity and religious lives.
Gregory’s own aunts, Tarsilla and Æmiliana, who lived
as dedicated virgins in their own home, were instances. See
Proleg. p. xiv. | who
has lapsed and been sent into a monastery, to the end that (as I have
said above) the same place that bears the toil of attending to her may
have provision for her from what she has. But recover also
whatever of hers is in the hands of others, and hand it over to the
aforesaid monastery.
Send to us the payments of Xenodochius of Via Nova to
the amount thou hast told us of, since thou hast them by thee.
But give something, according to thy discretion, to the agent whom thou
hast deputed in the same patrimony.
Concerning the handmaiden of God who was with Theodosius, by name Extranea, it seems to
me that thou shouldest give her an allowance, if thou thinkest it
advantageous, or at any rate return to her the donation which she
made. The house of the monastery which Antoninus had taken from
the monastery, giving thirty solidi for it, restore thou without
the least delay, the money being repaid. After thoroughly
investigating the truth restore the onyx phials1365
Amulas. “Amula, minor ama, vas vinarium, in quo
sacra oblatio continetur.” Du Cange. | , which I send back to thee by the bearer
of these presents.
If Saturninus is at liberty and not employed with
thee, send him to us. Felix, a farmer under the lady Campana,
whom she had left free and ordered to be exempt from examination, said
that seventy-two solidi had been taken from him by Maximus the
sub-deacon, for paying which he asserted that he sold or pledged all
the property that he had in Sicily. But the lawyers said that he
could not be exempt from examination concerning acts of fraud.
However, when he was returning to us from Campania, he perished in a
storm. We desire thee to seek out his wife and children, to
redeem whatever he had pledged, repay the price of what he had sold,
and moreover provide them with some maintenance; seeing that Maximus
had sent the man into Sicily and there taken from him what he
alleged. Ascertain, therefore, what has been taken from him, and
restore it without any delay to his wife and children. Read all
these things over carefully, and put aside all that familiar negligence
of thine. My writings which I have sent to the peasants cause
thou to be read over throughout all the estates, that they may know in
what points to defend themselves, under our authority, against acts of
wrong; and let either the originals or copies be given them. See
that thou observe everything without abatement: for, with regard
to what I have written to thee for the observance of justice, I am
absolved; and, if thou art negligent, thou art guilty. Consider
the terrible Judge who is coming: and let thy conscience now
anticipate His advent with fear and trembling, lest it should then fear
[not?] without cause, when heaven and earth shall tremble before
Him. Thou hast heard what I wish to be done: see that thou
do it. E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH