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| To Callinicus, Exarch of Italy. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
To Callinicus, Exarch of Italy11
11 Callinicus had recently
succeeded Romanus at Ravenna as Exarch of Italy. The main purport
of this letter to him is to secure his hoped-for co-operation in
bringing back the Istrian and Venetian schismatics to Catholic
communion. See I. 16, note 3; also II. 46, 51. The
predecessor of Callinicus, viz. Romanus, had given great
dissatisfaction to Gregory by his conduct with regard to the
schismatics (see II. 46); but better things are expected from the new
Exarch. See also below, Ep. XCIII., &c. As to the case
of Maximus of Salona, briefly referred to at the end of the letter, see
III. 47, note 2. | .
Gregory to Callinicus, &c.
In the midst of what you have announced to me of your victories over the Sclaves, know that I have been refreshed with
great joy that the bearers of these presents, hastening to be joined to
the unity of holy Church from the island of Capritana12
12 Capritana was a small
island in the Adriatic, not far from the shore of Venetia, containing
the episcopal see of Capsula, or Cahorla. More about the desire
of the church of this island to return to communion with Rome will be
found in the letter which follows to Marinianus, bishop of Ravenna. | ,
have been sent by your Excellency to the blessed Peter, Prince of the
Apostles. For hereby you will the more prevail over your enemies,
if you recall under the yoke of the true Lord those whom you know to be
the enemies of God; and you will prosecute your causes among men with
all the more effect as with sincere and devout mind you maintain the
causes of God.
Now as to your having desired that a copy should be shewn me of the order13
13 Mention of a previous
order from the emperors, during the exarchate of Romanus, to Gregory
himself, bidding him refrain from compelling the Istrians to return to
communion, will be found in II. 46. | that has been sent to
you for the defence of the schismatic, your to me most sweet Excellency
ought to have considered carefully how that, although that order has
been elicited, you are still not therein enjoined to repel those who
come to the unity of the Church, but only, at this unsettled time, not
to compel those who are unwilling to come. Whence it is necessary
for you with all speed to inform our most pious Emperors of these
things, to the end that they may be aware how that in their times,
through the succour of Almighty God and your exertions, schismatics are
hastening to return of their own accord. What I have decided as
to the ordering of things in the island of Caritana, your Excellency
will learn through our most reverend brother and fellow-bishop
14 See the letter
following. | . But I would
have you know that this has caused me no slight distress; that your
Majordomo, who took charge of the petition of the bishop who was
wishing to return, declared that he had lost it, and that afterwards he
was got hold of by the adversaries of the Church: which
proceeding, in my opinion, was due not to his neglect but to his
venality. Wherefore I wonder that your Excellency has not in any
way visited his fault in him. And yet I soon blamed myself for
wondering at this, for where the lord Justinus gives advice, there
heretics cannot be arraigned.
Moreover you tell us that you wish to keep the
anniversary of Peter, Prince of the apostles, in the city of
Rome. And we pray Almighty God to protect you with His mercy, and
grant you a fulfilment of your desires. But I beg that the
aforesaid most eloquent man may come with you, or that, if he does not
come, he may retire from attendance on you. Or certainly, if your
Excellency should be unable to come owing to business that may arise,
let him either communicate with the unity of holy Church, or I beg that
he may not be a sharer of your counsels. For I hear of him as a
good man, were he not in most mischievous error. As to the cause
of Maximus, inasmuch as we can no longer stand against the importunity
of your Sweetness, you will learn from Castorius, the notary, what we
have determined. E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH