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| To Marinianus, Bishop of Ravenna. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Epistle X.
To Marinianus, Bishop of Ravenna.
Gregory to Marinianus, &c.
The bearers of these presents, the most distinguished men, Vicedominus and Defensor15
15 So, with initial capitals
as proper names, in the Benedictine Edition. Perhaps rather,
“the steward (vicedominus) and the guardian
(defensor).” | , came to
us asserting that a certain bishop, by name John, coming from Pannonia,
had been constituted in the castle which is called Novæ, to which
castle their island, which is called Capritana, had been appended as a
16 Erat quasi per
diocesim conjuncta. The meaning is, that the castellum
Novæ on the main land had been made the episcopal see of a
diocese of the island of Capritana, though not properly within its
limits. Cf. IX. 9, note 3. | . They add that, the bishop having been
violently withdrawn and expelled from this same castle, another had
been ordained there; concerning whom, however, they allege that it has been resolved that he ought not to have lived in the aforesaid castle, but in his own
island. They say further that, while he abode with them there, he
was unwilling to remain in schismatical error, and together with all
his people presented a petition to our most excellent son Callinicus
the Exarch, desiring to be united, with all those that were with him,
to the Catholic Church, as we have already said. But they say
that, being persuaded by the schismatics, he afterwards recanted, and
that now all the population of the aforesaid island are deprived of the
protection of a Bishop, since, while desiring to be united to holy
Church, they cannot now receive him who has turned to the error of the
schismatics; and they desire to have another ordained for them.
But we, inasmuch as it is necessary to investigate all things strictly
and thoroughly, have taken the precaution of ordering as follows;
namely that thy Fraternity should send to the said Bishop, and admonish
him to return to the unity of the Catholic Church and to his own
people. If, after admonition, he should scorn to return, the
flock of God ought not to be deluded in the error of its pastor; and
therefore let thy Holiness in that case ordain a Bishop there, and let
him have the said island for his diocese, till such time as the
Histrian Bishops shall return to the Catholic Faith; so that each
Church may have the rights of its own diocese preserved to it, and that
a population destitute of a pastor may not be without the protection
and oversight of government. In all these things, however, it
becomes thy Fraternity to take vigilant heed that this same people
which comes back to the Church be very studiously admonished, to the
end that it may be firmly fixed in its return, lest through wavering
thoughts it fall back into the pit of error. But take care to
request the most excellent Exarch, in his despatches, to notify these
same things to the most pious ears of the Emperors, since, although the
order which has been conveyed to him appears to have been elicited from
them, yet he is not forbidden in that order to allow such as wish it to
return to the Church, but only, at the present time, to compel the
unwilling. Let, then, our aforesaid son take into his charge the
management of this affair, to the end that he may so frame his reports,
that whatever he may ordain may not be dubious. We have, however,
ourselves also written to our common son Anatolius17
17 At this time
Gregory’s apocrisiarius at Constantinople. Cf. VII.
30. | ,
bidding him notify these things fully to the most pious
I have received repeated and pressing letters from my most excellent son, the lord Exarch Callinicus, in behalf of
Maximus18 . Overcome by his importunity, I see
nothing further to be done but to commit the cause of Maximus to thy
Fraternity. If, therefore, this same Maximus should come to thy
Fraternity, let Honoratus, archdeacon of his Church, appear also; that
thy Holiness may ascertain if he was rightly ordained, if he fell into
no simoniacal heresy, if there was nothing against him in respect of
bodily transgressions, if he did not know himself to be excommunicated
when he presumed to celebrate mass; and whatever may seem right to thee
in the fear of God do thou determine, that we, under God, may give our
assent to thy ordering. But, if our aforesaid son should hold thy
Fraternity in suspicion, let our most reverend brother Constantius,
bishop of Milan, come also to Ravenna, and sit with thee; and do you
decide together on the said cause: and whatever may seem good to
both of you, hold it for certain that it will seem good to me.
For, as we ought not to be obstinate towards the humble, so we ought to
shew ourselves strict towards the proud. Let, then, your
Fraternity, as you have learnt in the pages of holy Scripture, decide
in this business whatever you may consider just.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH