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Richard II Articles collected out of Wickliff’s Sermons Bull of Pope Gregory to the Chancellor and University of Oxford Epistle of Pope Gregory to Richard, King of England, to persecute John Wickliff The Conclusions of John Wickliff exhibited at a Convocation of Bishops at Lambeth The Protestation of John Wickliff An Exposition upon the Conclusions of John Wickliff Process of Archbishop Courtney respecting Heresy Articles of John Wickliff, some condemned as heretical, others as erroneous Mandate of Archbishop Courtney to the Bishop of London against John Wickliff and his adherents Matters incident of Robert Rygge, Chancellor of Oxford, Hereford, Reppyngdon and others A Letter of Archbishop Courtney to the Chancellor of Oxford against Wickliff and his adherents The Monition of Archbishop Courtney to the Chancellor of Oxford The Examination of Nicholas Hereford, Philip Reppyngdon, and John Ashton The Protestation of Hereford, Reppyngdon and Ashton Further Examinations and Proceedings against Hereford, Reppyngdon and Ashton Process of Archbishop Courtney against John Ashton The Sentence pronounced on John Ashton A Private Statute made by the Clergy without the consent of the Commons; with the Examination of it by the Author An Extract from the Petition of the Commons for repealing the aforesaid Statute The King’s Letters-patent to the Archbishop against the Favorers of Wickliff The Sentence of Excommunication passed upon Hereford and Reppyngdon, with the Citation against them The King’s Letter to the Chancellor and Proctors of Oxford Another Letter of the King to the same of Oxford A Letter of Robert Rygge, Chancellor of Oxford, to the Archbishop Abjuration of Philip Reppyngdon A cruel Letter of the Archbishop against Hereford An Epistle of John Wickliff to Pope Urban VI Pope Urban’s Bull to destroy Clement the Antipope Form of the Pope’s Absolution pronounced by the Bishop The substance of John Wickliff’s Answer to the King, touching the right and title of the King and the Pope The Public Testimony given by the University of Oxford, for John Wickliff The Testimony of John Huss touching John Wickliff The Sentence of the Council of Constance in condemnation of the Doctrine and Forty-five Articles of Wickliff .... Certain other Articles of Wickliff Articles against Wickliff attested by William Woodford The Public Defence of certain Articles of John Wickliff before the whole University of Prague. On the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Articles; by John Huss The Second Disputation, in the University of Prague, upon the Seventeenth Article of John Wickliff; by John Huss Hildegard’s Prophecy respecting Friars and Monks The Third Disputation, upon the Eighteenth Article of Wickliff; by John Huss The Substance of the Decree of the Council of Constance for the taking up of the Bones of John Wickliff The Story of William Swinderby The Revocation of Swinderby The Process of John Trefnaut, Bishop of Hereford, against Swinderby, in the cause of Heretical Pravity Matters articulated against Swinderby The Protestation of Swinderby to the Bishop of Hereford, in the same old English wherein he wrote it The Citation of William Swinderby The Sentence against Swinderby His Appeal from the Sentence of the Bishop to the King. Swinderby’s fruitful Letter sent to the Nobles and Burgesses of the Parliament The Story and Process against Walter Brute, a Briton Articles and Instruments denounced against him Certain Exhibits of Walter Brute in writing presented to the Bishop, for his Defence A more ample Tractation of the same matter The Judgment and Belief of Walter Brute, touching the Lord’s Supper, the Order Of Priests, etc. Walter Brute, on the Order and Office of Prayer Copy of a Letter from a Lollard to Master Nicholas Hereford. The Device of a Letter, reigned under the name of Lucifer, Prince of Darkness, written to the proud and persecuting Prelates of the Popish Clergy Bull of Pope Boniface to the Bishop of Hereford against the Lollards The Tenor of the Pope’s Bull to King Richard The King’s Commission Letter of the King against Walter Brute Letters of Archbishop Courtney respecting the Arrest of eight Lollards, and the Re-admission of Margaret Caily, a nun, into the Monastery of St. Radegond Letter of the Archbishop, enjoining Penance on certain good Persons of Leicester The Book of Conclusions and Reformations, exhibited in the Parliament holden at London, and set up at Paul’s door and other places, A.D. Letter of Richard II. to Pope Boniface IX Notes of Parliaments, holden in the reign of King Richard II., making against the Pope Henry IV Sir William Sautre, otherwise called Chatris, parish priest, a Martyr Sir William’s First and Second Examination Process against him; his Recantation, etc Sentence of Degradation pronounced upon him The cruel Decree against William Sautre Articles against King Henry IV. set upon Church-doors John Badby, artificer, a Martyr Sentence of the Bishop of Worcester against him, with the attestation of the Notaries The cruel Statute ‘Ex Officio’ The cruel Constitution of Archbishop Arundel, against the Gospellers, or followers of God’s Truth Articles of divers who were constrained to abjure William Thorpe: that constant servant of God The Preface of William Thorpe followed by his Examination, penned with his own hand The Testament of William Thorpe The Story of John Purvey Articles which he recanted, with other Articles drawn out of his books by Richard Lavingham A Sermon no lesse godly than learned, preached at Paules Crosse on the Sunday of Quinquagesima, anno 1388, by R. Wimbeldon Letter of King Henry IV. to Pope Gregory XII Letter of King Henry IV. to the Cardinals A Mandate of Archbishop Arundel to the Bishop of London, to warn men to say certain Prayers to the Virgin Mary at the ringing of the Morning Bell, as at the ringing of Curfew A Commission from the same, to suspend certain Churches of London, because they rung not their bells at the presence of my Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, with other Letters on the same subject An Injunction of Penance, from the Register of William Courtney, Archbishop of Canterbury Notes of Parliament Matters in the days of King Henry IV. Henry V The Trouble and Persecution of the most valiant and worthy Martyr of Christ, Sir John Oldcastle, knight, Lord Cobham The Christian Belief of Lord Cobham The Examinations of Lord Cobham, etc The definitive Sentence of his Condemnation A Testimonial made by his Friends An Abjuration counterfeited by the Bishops Copy of an Epistle of the Archbishop of Canterbury to the Bishop of London, whereon dependeth the ground and certainty of the aforesaid history of the Lord Cobham The Catholic Faith and Confession of Lord Cobham The definitive Sentence of Lord Cobham’s Condemnation A Defence of Lord Cobham against Nicholas Harpsfield, set out under the name of Alanus Copus Anglus The Words and Contents of the Statute made in the second year of Henry V., chapter seventh; with Notes by the Author The Indictment of the Lord Cobham, Sir Roger Acton, and others, with Notes following upon the same The Entry of the memorable History of the Bohemians, containing the History of Master John Huss, no less famous than lamentable: wherein is set out at large the whole order of his coming unto the Council of Constance, with the Acts and Process against him there; and, finally, his most cruel Death and Martyrdom, for the testimony of the truth of our Lord Jesus Christ Articles drawn out by John Huss and his adherents Objections of John Huss and his party against the Decree of the Doctors Substance of the Answer of the Catholic Doctors to the fore-going objections Letter of Pope John to King Wenceslaus The Council of Constance Recapitulation of matters done in each Session of the Council The Safe-conduct given to Master John Huss; and his Letters The Testimonial of the good Bishop of Nazareth An Instrument of Recognition or Protestation of the Lord Inquisitor of Heresies An Instrument of Testimonial, how Master John Huss and his Proctor were denied entrance into the Public Procuration, celebrated and holden in the Archbishop’s Court The Copy of the Letters which John Huss set up in the common places of the Cities which he passed through, going to the Council Articles presented unto Pope John XXIII., for the Condemnation of Master John Huss after he was newly imprisoned. The first Schedule or Bill, which the Nobles of Bohemia delivered up to the Council for the Deliverance of John Huss, the fourteenth day, of May, A.D. Answer of the Bishop of Lythomvsl, to the last part of the Supplication which the Nobles of Bohemia presented unto the Council Answer of the Nobles of Bohemia Copy of a Public Testimonial of the whole University of Prague for John Huss, offered up to the Council Another Supplication of the Nobles of Bohemia for John Huss The Protestation of John Huss, and the Answer of the Council Supplication of the Barons to the Emperor Sigismund for John Huss The Answer of John Huss to Twenty-six Articles concerning his Book of the Church The Copy and Tenor of the Appeal of John Huss Seven Articles said to be drawn out of the Treatise which John Huss wrote against Stephen Paletz Six Articles drawn out of the Treatise of John Huss, written against Stanislaus de Znoyma Other Nineteen Articles objected against John Huss, he being in Prison Second Series of Nineteen Articles formally contained in or picked, by the Parisians, out of the Treatise of John Huss of Prague, which he entitled “Of the Church,” following in this part or behalf, the errors, as they term them, of John Wickliff Reasons and Determinations of the Masters of Paris Oration of the Emperor Sigismund, addressed to the Council The Sermon of the Bishop of Lodi, before the Sentence was given upon John Huss The Sentence or Judgment of the Council of Constance against John Huss The Letter of the Emperor Sigismund to the Nobles of Bohemia A Letter of John Huss to his Friends in Bohemia A Letter of the Lord John de Clum, concerning the Safe-conduct of John Huss Epistles and Letters of John Huss A Letter of a Scholar of Wickliff to John Huss and the Bohemians: dated from London Other Letters of John Huss The Consolation of Master Jerome to Master Huss The tragical and lamentable History of the famous learned man and godly martyr of Christ, Master Jerome of Prague: burned at Constance for like cause and quarrel as was Master John Huss The Intimation of Jerome of Prague, set up in divers places of the town of Constance The Citation of Jerome to the Council of Constance The forced Abjuration of Master Jerome of Prague The Sentence read against Jerome The Letter of the Fifty-four Nobles of Moravia, written unto the Council of Constance in defense of Master John Huss and Master Jerome of Prague: with their names annexed The History of John Claydon, currier; and of Richard Turming, baker Articles contained in an English Book called “The Lanthorn of Light” Proclamation of Archbishop Chichesley against the Lollards The Trouble of John Barton and Robert Chapel, for Religion Articles obtruded upon Chapel to confess Recantation of Thomas Granter The Second Apprehension of the Lord Cobham In D. Johan. Cobhami equitis aurati et martyris cineres, carmen J. F. in felicem memoriam Continuation of the memorable History of the Bohemians; wherein is plainly and truly set forth, what vexations and conflicts they had for the religion of John Huss and Jerome of Prague, and of their Victories obtained and gotten, both against the Papists, and also against the Emperor Sigismund: and, finally, the Death of their valiant Captain Zisca Articles decreed in the Council of Constance, against the Bohemians The Story of Zisca A Notable Oration of Zisca to his Soldiers The Epitaph of John Zisca, the valiant Captain of the Bohemians The Bull of Pope Martin directed forth against the Followers of John Wickliff in England, of John Huss of Bohemia, and of Jerome of Prague The Articles of John Huss to be inquired upon A fruitful and christian Exhortation of the Bohemians, to Kings and Princes, to stir them up to the Zeal of the Gospel The Oration of Cardinal Julian The Table of the Archbishops of Canterbury BOOK 6. A Preface to the Reader Henry VI William Tailor, Priest John Florence, a Turner Richard Belward, and others Copy of the King’s Letters directed to John Exeter and Jacolet Germain, Keeper of the Castle of Colchester, for the apprehending of Sir William White, Priest, and other Lollards, as they called them William White, Priest Copy of the Letter of the Bishop of Norwich respecting Thomas Pie and John Mendham John Beverly, alias Battild, a Laborer; John Skilley of Flinton, Miller, and others The Story of Margery Bagster and others Richard Hoveden, Martyr Nicholas Canon, of Eye Thomas Bagley, Priest; Paul Craw, a Bohemian, Martyr The Story of Thomas of Rennes. a Frenchman and Carmelite Friar, burnt in Italy for the Profession of Christ The Order and Manner of the Council of Basil: with a Brief Recapitulation of the principal Matters decreed and concluded therein The Conclusions of the Disputation, and the Argument of Panormitane for the Pope The Answer of John Segovius The Conclusions of the Disputation, summed up By Aeneas Sylvius The Oration of Panormitane The Oration of Ludovicus the Prothonotary The Oration of Cardinal Arelatensis, or, of Arles The Oration of Amedeus, Archbishop of Lyons The Oration of Segovius The Second Book of the Commentaries of Aeneas Sylvius, upon the Acts of the Council of Basil The Preface of John Segovius and his associates The Oration in favor of Amedeus to the Popedom A further Continuation of the memorable History of the Bohemians; Being a brief Epitome, showing how they were called and brought unto the Council of Basil; briefly collected and gathered out of the Commentaries of Aeneas Sylvius A Declaration of the Council of Basil touching the three last Articles of the Bohemians already alleged A Declaration of the Council touching the first Article of the Communion Certain Petitions which the Bohemians put up, last of all, in the sacred Council of Basil An Epistle of Martin Meyre to Aeneas Sylvius The Copy of an Epistle of Julian, Cardinal of St. Angelo, unto Pope Eugene, for that he went about to dissolve the Council of Basil An Epistle of Aeneas Sylvius to the Rector of the University of Cologne, in defense of the Council Richard Wiche, Priest, Martyr The King’s Writ prohibiting Pilgrimages to the Tomb of Richard Wiche A brief Answer to the Cavillations or Alanus Copus concerning Lady Eleanor Cobham The Contention between the rich Cardinal of Winchester, and Humphrey, the good Duke of Gloucester, with certain Articles objected against the Cardinal The Story and Death of Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester The Invention and Benefit of Printing The lamentable Losing of Constantinople The History of Reynold Peacock, Bishop of Chichester; afflicted and tormented by the false Bishops for his Godliness, and Profession of the Gospel Copy of the Citation sent by Thomas Bowcher, alias Burschere, Archbishop of Canterbury The Form and Manner of the Retractation of Reynold Peacock Sentences or Proverbs attributed unto Pope Plus II., etc. The Title of the House of York to the Crown of England Edward IV Albert and Frederic III., Emperors of Germany The Large Dominions of Ladislaus John the Neatherd, of Franconia, a martyr; and Doctor Johannes de Wesalia Edward V. Richard III., the Usurper APPENDIX TO Vol,. III. GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - LIFE OF FOXE INDEX & SEARCH
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