PREVIOUS CHAPTER - NEXT CHAPTER - HELP - GR VIDEOS - GR YOUTUBE - TWITTER - SD1 YOUTUBE ![]() LIST OF EDITIONS REFERRED TO THE LIFE OF HEYLYN, BY JOHN BARNARD, D.D. THE HISTORY OF THE REFORMATION. Dedication to Charles II. To the Reader. THE HISTORY OF EDWARD THE SIXTH. Introduction. Birth of Edward Descent of Queen Jane Seimour Account of Sir Edward Seimour His descendants Sir Thomas Seimour Sir Henry Seimour Description of Queen Jane Her Marriage Death of Henry’s natural son Prince Edward born Death of the Queen Edward never Prince of Wales Movements towards a Reformation Suppression of Monasteries Shrines destroyed The Pope’s Bull of Deprivation Act of Six Articles Transactions with Scotland Project of Marriage between Prince Edward and Queen Mary Wars with Scotland and France Education of Prince Edward Preparations for his investiture as Prince of Wales The succession to the Crown settled Proceedings against the Duke of Norfolk and his son Death of King Henry Henry’s relations with foreign Princes State of affairs at home Spoliation of Bishopricks by exchange of lands Bishopricks and Colleges founded by Henry Statutes for the independence of the National Church Reformations in doctrine New titles added to the royal style Will of King Henry Funeral of the King EDWARD THE SIXTH. ANNO REG. Accession of Edward The Earl of Hertford appointed Protector New Peerages and appointments The Coronation A General Pardon, with six exceptions Movements towards a Reformation A Visitation by royal authority The Injunctions Injunctions for the Bishops Form of Bidding Prayer Working on the Lord’s Day allowed in certain cases Progress of the Reformation Preparations for War with Scotland Death of Francis I. The Visitation executed Behavior of Gardiner and Bonner The War with Scotland Battle of Musselburgh or Pinkie Defeat of the Scots The victory is not followed up The Protector returns to England Proceedings in Parliament Act for liberty in Religion Act against such as speak against the Sacrament The Eucharist to be given in both kinds Chantries, etc. given by Parliament to the King Act for the appointment of Bishops Ridley appointed Bishop of Rochester Barlow translated to Bath and Wells EDWARD THE SIXTH. ANNO Orders against certain Ceremonies Order against Images Latimer preaches at Court The Order of the Communion set forth in English Opposition to it Execution of the Act for seizing chantries Spoliation of the Church of Westminster Impoverished state of the Clergy Affairs of Scotland Bishop Gardiner opposes the Reformation Divisions on Religion. An English Liturgy projected The first Book of Common Prayer completed Public Service ought to be in the vulgar tongue Act permitting the marriage of the Clergy Act for payment of Tithes Act for abstinence from flesh Farrar consecrated Bishop of St David’s EDWARD THE SIXTH. ANNO 3. Account of Lord Seimour . He is attainted and executed Building of Somerset House Troubles caused by Gospellers and Anabaptists The new Liturgy comes into use Order against masses at St Paul’s Disturbances about enclosures Rebellion in Devonshire Rebellion in Norfolk. Deprivation of Bonner Act for bringing in popish books, and for removing Images Peter Martyr comes to England Arrival of Bucer Interference of Calvin Wars with France and Scotland Intrigues of Warwick against the Protector Charges against Somerset He is committed to the Tower Act for a new Ordinal Act for revision of Ecclesiastical Laws Act for protection of the King’s Counselors Further proceedings against Somerset EDWARD THE SIXTH. ANNO Somerset is condemned to loss of Offices, etc. New Appointments Church-lands bestowed on Lords Wentworth and Paget Somerset again received by the King Affairs of France A Peace concluded with France and Scotland Condemnation of Joan of Kent for heresy She is burnt in Smithfield John a Lasco settles in England Difficulties about the consecration of Hooper as Bishop Disputes about ceremonies and vestments Irregularities in the Church Disuse of Excommunication Orders for Preaching. Altars taken down Letter of the Council to Bishop Ridley Reasons for the change from altars to tables Proceedings of Ridley Changes during the year EDWARD THE SIXTH. ANNO Deprivation of Gardiner Some Bishops alienate Church-lands Deprivations and appointments of Bishops The Princess Mary adheres to the Romish religion The Emperor interferes in her behalf Embassy to France A marriage between Edward and a French Princess agreed on Progress of the Reformation Revision of the Liturgy Articles of Religion The Merchants of the Steelyard deprived of their privileges Treaty with the King of Sweden The Coinage reformed Omens of coming evil The Sweating Sickness Fresh plots of Warwick A creation of Peers, etc. Somerset and others imprisoned Visit of the Queen Regent of Scotland Trial and condemnation of Somerset The King’s diversions Execution of Somerset Disgrace of his adherents Troubles of Bishop Farrar EDWARD THE SIXTH. ANNO Meeting of Parliament and Convocation. Articles of Religion Second Liturgy of King Edward Affairs of Ireland Reformation may be without a general Council Act for observance of Holy days and Fasts Other acts relating to the Church. The new Liturgy comes into use . The Psalms put into meter Founding of St Bartholomew’s and St Thomas’ Hospitals Taylor appointed to the See of Lincoln Death of Leland the antiquary Cardan’s visit to England EDWARD THE SIXTH. ANNO State of the King’s finances A Commission for inquiry as to Church-plate, etc. Consequent spoliations The Bishoprick of Durham in danger The King’s sickness Expeditions of Cabot and others Marriages of the Lady Jane Grey and her sisters The King settles the crown Progress of his sickness Death of Edward Foundation of Christ’s Hospital, Abingdon Additions and Corrections EDITIONS OF SOME WORKS TO WHICH REFERENCE IS MADE. THIS list is intended to contain such works only as the editor knows or believes to exist in more than one edition; and of these only such as are often cited — the edition of others being mentioned in the reference. Where other editions than those in the list have been used — as, for reasons of temporary convenience, has sometimes been the case — notice is given in the proper place. Bellarmini Opera, Colon. Agripp. 1620, fol. Bramhall , Anglo-cath. Library edition, Oxf. 1842-5, 8vo. Burnet’s Hist . of the Reformation, Oxf. 1829, 8vo. Calvini Opera, Amstelod. 1667, fol. (The Epistles are in the 9th volume.) Camden’s Britannia, English translation, Lond. 1610, fol. Annales, Lond. 1615, fol. English , in Kennett’s Complete Hist., vol. 2. Campbell’s Lives of the Chancellors, 1st ed. Lond. 1845, 8vo. Clarendon’s Hist. of the Great Rebellion, with his Life, Oxf. 1843, 1 vol. large 8vo. Collier’s Eccl. Hist. of Britain, ed. Barham, Lond. 1840-1, 8vo. Collins’ Peerage, ed. Brydges, Lond. 1812, 8vo. Cranmer , ed. Jenkyns, Oxf. 1833, 8vo. ed. Cox (Parker Society), Camb. 1844-6, large 8vo. Davila’s Hist. of the Civil Wars of France, English transl. 2nd ed. Lond. 1678. Dod’s [i. e. Tooth’s] Church Hist. of England, ed. Tierney, Lond. 1839, 8vo. Fox’s Acts and Monuments, ed. Cattley, Lond. 1840, 8vo. Fuller’s Church History of Britain, ed. Brewer, Oxf. 1845, 8vo. Hist. of Cambridge, and Appeal of Injured Innocence, ed. Nichols, Lond. 1840, 8vo. Gibson’s Codex Juris Ecclesiastici Anglicani, Lond. 1713, fol. Godwin , De Praesulibus Augliae, ed. Richardson, Cantab. 1743, fol. f4 Annals of Henry VIII., Edward VI., and Mary, transl, by Morgan Godwin, Loud. 1676. fol. Hackett’s Life of Archbp. Williams, Lond. 1693, fol. Hall’s Chronicle, Loud. 1809, 4to. Hallam’s Constitutional Hist. of England, ed. 4, Lond. 1842, 8vo. Hayward’s Life of Edward VI., in Kennett, vol. Herbert’s Life of Henry VIII Heylyn’s Cyprianus Anglicus, (Life of Laud,) Lond. 1668; p. 167]. (The former edition has been used for the Life; the latter for the History.) Cosmography, Lond. 1652. Holinshed’s Chronicle, Lond. 1808, 4to. Hume’s Hist. of England, Oxf. 1826, 8vo. Jewel , Lond. 1609, fol. ed. Jelf, Oxf. 1847, 8vo. ed. Ayre, (Parker Soc.) 1845, large 8vo. (The Apology, Defense, and Letters are not yet published in this edition.) Kennett’s Complete Hist. of England, ed. 2, Loud. 1719, fol. f5 Latimer , ed. Corrie, (Parker Soc.) Camb. 1844-5, 8vo. Laurence’s Bampton Lectures, ed. 3, Oxf. 1838, 8vo. Le Neve’s Fasti Eccl. Anglicanae, Lond. 1726, fol. Leslaeus de Moribus et Rebus Gestis Scotorum, Romans 1675, 12mo. Lingard’s Hist. of England, Lond. 1838, 12mo. Martyris (P.) Epistolae, printed with his Loci Communes, Lond. 1583, fol. Mason de Ministerio Anglicano, Lond. 1638, fol. Monasticon Anglicanum , Lond. 1845, fol. Nicolas’ Chronology, Lond. 1838, 19mo. Onuphrius , see Platinae. Phillips’ Life of Pole, Lond. 1767, 8vo. Platinae et Onuphrii Vitae Pontificum, Colossians Agripp. 1668, fol. Robertson, J. C., How shall we Conform to the Liturgy? ed. 2, Lond. 1844, 8vo. Sanderi Hist. Schismatic Anglicani, Ingolst. 1587, 12mo. Sandford’s Genealogical History, Loud. 1707, fol. Sarpi’s Hist. of the Council of Trent, transl, by Brent, Loud. 1629, fol. Sleidanus De Statu Religionis et Reipublicae, Argent. 1566, 8vo. translated by Bohun, Loud. 1689, fol. Speed’s Chronicle , Loud. 1627. Spottiswoode’s Hist. of the Church in Scotland, Lond. 1655, fol. Stow’s Annals, Loud. 1631, fol. f6 Survey of London, Lond. 1633, fol. Strype’s Lives of Cranmer, Parker, and Grindal, folio; Eccl. Memorials, folio; Annals, vol. 1, ed. 2, folio. Thuani Hist. Sui Temporis, Lond. 1733, fol. Tytler’s Hist. of Scotland, Edinb. 1841-3, eraM1 8vo. Wood’s Athenae Oxonienses, ed. Bliss, Loud. 1813-20, 4to. Hist. and Antiquities of Oxford, ed. Gutch, Oxf. 1796, 4to. Wordsworth’s Ecclesiastical Biography, ed. 3, Lond. 1839, 8vo. Zurich Letters, ed. Robinson, (Parker Soc.) 1842-7, 8vo. f8 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - ECCLESIA RESTAURATA INDEX & SEARCH
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