PREVIOUS CHAPTER - HELP - GR VIDEOS - GR YOUTUBE - TWITTER - SD1 YOUTUBE ![]() PREFACE 1 Since the first edition of this work went to press, I have seen Dr. Gill’s Tract, “Infant Baptism a Part and Pillar of Popery,” edited by George B. Ide, D. D., and published in a handsome little volume, by the American Baptist Publication Society. This volume has a chapter by Dr. Ide on “The Influence of Infant Baptism on Protestant Churches, Historically considered.” This is an able and conclusive chapter, of which, in this second edition, I have fully availed myself. CHAPTER - 1 Apud Van. Inf. Bapt., part 2, p. 8. 2 Institutes of Religion, Liber. 4, etc. 3 Expos. 39 Arts., Art. 18. 4 Hist Bap., p. 11. 5 Works, vol. 7, p. 329. 6 Liberty of Prophesying, pp. 228-246. 7 Lect. on Inf. Bap., p. 11. 8 Biblical Repository, 1883, p. 385. 9 Planting and Training, p. 101. 10 Church History: vol. 1 p.811, Torrey’s Translation. 11 Apud Hodges on Inf. Bap. p. 39. 12 Inf. Bap, pp. 21,26. 13 Theol. Insts, vol. 8, pp. 382, 397, 399. 14 Inf. Bap., p. 15 Church History. On baptism 16 Arts. of Rel., Art. 17. 17 West. Conf., chap. 28, sect. 18 Crudin on the Word. CHAPTER - 1 Disp. of Rights to Sacr., pp. 91-149,150. 2 Letters on Bap., p. 3 Theol. Ref, vol. 1, p.568. 4 Treat. on Bap, p. 114. 5 Goode on Bapt. p. 6 Comm. in loco. 7 Annot. in loco 8 Comm. in loco 9 Comm. in loco. 10 Miller, Bapt., pp 17-20 11 en . Macknight in loco. 12 Doct. Sacra. Bapt., p. 137. 13 West. Conf, pp. 21, 22. 14 Comm. in loco 15 Miller on Bad., pp. 17-20. 16 In the original both words are the same, one the verb, the other the corresponding adjective. 17 See context. 18 Comm. in loco. 19 Comm. in loco. CHAPTER - 1 Dr. Maccalla in Debate with Rev. A. Campbell, pp. 55-56. 2 Opera., tom. 4, p. 342 3 With the exception of servants purchased with money. CHAPTER - 1 Christian Nurture, p. 2 Goode on Bap., p. 30. 3 Works, p. 216. 4 Goode on: Bap., pp. 31-33. 5 Essays, p. 31. 6 Chap. 25. 7 Works, vol. 15., p. 486, vol. 14., p.261-264. 8 Miller on Bap. 9 Theol., p. 319. 10 Thirty-Nine Art. 11 Discip. Art. Rel., 7. 12 Westmin. Confes., ch. 7. CHAPTER - 1 Hist. Inf. Bap., vol.2., p. 148. 2 Letters to Dr. Ward, p. 25. 3 Brief Method, etc. 4 Concil. Trid., Sess. 7, decret. Sacram., apud Moehler, p.279.’ 5 D’Aubigne’s Reformation. 6 Headley. 7 Cox’s Melancthon 8 West. Conf., ch. 2., sects. 1-2. 9 Aug. Conf., art. 10 Conf., ch. 28., sect. 11 Used in the technical sense of the Latin exhibere, to apply or convey 12 Conf., ch. 28., sect. 13 Thirty-Nine Art. 14 Discip., Art. of Relig., 17. 15 Symbolism, pp. 282-285. 16 Treat on Bapt. 17 Comm on Romans 6:8. 18 Letters to Dr Ward, Letter 161. 19 Expos Thirty-Nine Arts., pp. 395, 396. CHAPTER - 1 Baptists are not protestants. That you are aware of this is taken for granted. See the proof in my work on Communion. All protestants are pedobaptists. 2 Concil. Trid., Sess. 7, Can. 5. 3 Art. 10, sect. 1. 4 Conf., Art. 11. 5 Art. 9. 6 Art. 17. 7 Art. 28, sects. 1-6. 8 Sylloge Conf, p. 74, et seq. 9 Caldwell’s Conf., pp. 325-356. 10 Gorham Trial. 11 Works, N.Y. edit., vol. 1, pp. 15-16. 12 Hanbury’s Histor. Memor., vol. 1, pp. 413-414. 13 Epist, ad Melanc. Op, vol. 9., Epist. 82. CHAPTER - 1 The Liturgy. 2 Discipline, ch. 3, sect. 2. 3 Larger Catechism, Quest. 165. 4 Consult Dr. Gill’s Inf. Bap. a Part and Pillar of Popery, ch. 2. 5 Predigten, Band 1, Section 25. 6 Vide Mather’s Magnalia, Book 5. 7 History of the Old South Church. 8 In his excellent chapter in Gill’s Part and Pillar, ch. 4, from which I have here drawn my statements regarding Episcopacy, Lutheranism, Calvinism, and Puritanism CHAPTER - 1 Christian Rev., No. 22. 2 De Penitentia, sect. 5, p. 123. 3 There is great uncertainty whether Origen wrote what is attributed to him. His works have been wholly vitiated by interpolations. 4 eugenia. Vide Stovel on Discipleship. 5 Vide Neander’s Eecl. Hist. 6 Turney on Bapt., p. 138. 7 Anno Dom. 250. 8 A.D. 390. 9 A.D. 400. 10 Art. Sponsors. 11 Cone. Trid., Art. Bapt. 12 Hooker’s Works, vol 1, pp. 630-637. 13 Wall. Hist. Inf,.vol. 2., pp. 435-438. 14 Antiq. Chris. Church, vol. 3., p. 120. 15 Hinton’s Hist. Bapt., p. 39. 16 Bucer’s Notes of the Conf. in Goode on Bapt. 17 Agreement at Zurich, 1549. 18 Ut Supra. 19 Calvin’s Inst., xvi., 20 Institutes, 16, 20. Examine Bushel, p. 28; also p. 60. 21 Admonition to Parliament. 22 Hooker’s Works, vol. 1., pp. 633-637. 23 Church Catechism Explained, pp. 128-129. 24 And they say truly, and reason conclusively. 25 It is not at all surprising that this argument had no influence upon the hated Anabaptists. They would have been in a pitiable condition if they had had no more common sense on this subject than was shown by the Archbishop. 26 Richmond’s Fathers of the English Church, vol. 2, et seq. CHAPTER - 1 Richmond’s English Fathers vol. 2 etc. 2 Augsburg Confession, Art: 9. 3 Doctrinal Tracts7 p. 246. 4 Ib. p.251. 5 Westminster Confession, ch. 25, sec 2. 6 West. Conf., ch. 28, sects. 5-6. 7 Larger Cat., Quest. 165. CHAPTER - 1 Hist. Inf. Bap., vol. 2, pp. 321-322. CHAPTER - 1 True Union, June 12th, 1851. A correspondent writes as follows: — “A few months ago you published the statistics of the Baltimore S.S. Superintendents’ and Teachers’ Association, to disprove the oftrepeated fallacy that Baptists are cruel to leave their children without ‘the seal of the covenant,’ and thus exposed more than those who have enjoyed that ‘privilege’ to live and die without Christ. We then showed that in the Sabbath-schools of this city, the proportion of converts was more than twice as large among the Baptists as in any other school, and more than ten times as great as in some of them. The report for the present year is still more conclusive, and I humbly trust it will tend to dissipate the fears and silence the complaints of those who say our children are left ‘to the uncovenanted mercies of God. Would that all the children were taught as ours are, that they are by ‘nature children of wrath,’ needing the work of the Spirit and the application of the blood of Jesus to their hearts, before they are fit for a place in his holy church. Then we might see more than we do converted in their early days, and consecrating the bloom of their youth to God. To teach all unconverted person (man or child) that he is a member of the church, and embraced within the covenant, simply because a rite with which he had nothing to do, was performed upon him, can have no other effect than to lull his conscience to sleep, and to make him comparatively contented with his favorable position. God grant that the day may soon come when such dangerous and unscriptural teaching shall cease, and when the church shall be as she is described by inspiration, ‘a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation,’ ‘a peculiar people. 2 “:But to the Report: — School Number Attending Prof. Of Religion Proportion Protestant Episcopal 1161 28 1 in 41&1/2 Presbyterian, Old School 726 8 1 in 90&3/4 Do. New School 300 6 1 in English Lutheran 553 37 1 in Methodist Episcopal 4556 220 1 in 20&3/4 Baptist 761 143 1 in 5&1/3 “It will be seen by this table that the: Baptists have nearly three times as many professors of religion in their schools as any other denomination, and about seventeen times as many as are in the Old School Presbyterian church, one of the strongest advocates of infant baptism. These are eloquent facts, and we trust that their language may not be forgotten.” 3 Stovel’s Hereditary Claims, p. 24. 4 Jethro, p. 219. CHAPTER - 1 In Stovel’s Chr’n Discip. 2 Hinton’s Hist. of Bapt., p. 368. 3 Ch. Can., 4 Henry Denne 5 Union of Church and State, pp. 37-39. 6 Noel, Union of Church and State, pp. 37-39 7 Hist. of Bapt., p. 368. 8 Dr. Philip CHAPTER - 1 Hereticos et schismaticos pro posse persequar et impugnabo. 2 Hist. Ref., vol 3, p 305. 3 Life of Melancthon, p. 218. 4 He means that nothing but the immersion of believers upon a profession of their faith was by them allowed to be baptism. 5 Most true. 6 D’Aubigne’s Hist. Refor., vol. 3., pp. 306-319. 7 A.D. 1400. 8 See this whole matter in Neal’s Hist. Puritans, N.Y. ed., vol. 2., pp. 353- 380. 9 Hist. Ref, vol. 2., p. 110. 10 Sect. 1. 11 Sect. 3. 12 Sect. 6, act 2, part 1. 13 Sect. 17. 14 History, etc.vol. 1., p. 375. 15 Henry’s Life and Times of Calvin. 16 Struggles and Triumphs of Religious Freedom, pp. 6-7. 17 Struggles and Triumphs, etc., pp. 11-12. CHAPTER - 1 Semple’s Hist. of Virginia Baptists, p. 436. 2 This prediction, hazarded in the first edition, recent events have given us no ground to retract. CHAPTER - 1 Christian Disciple, pp. 17-20. 2 D’Aubigne, Hist. Ref, vol. 3, p. 306. 3 D’Aubigne, Hist. Rcf., vol. 3, p. 311. 4 Ide, in Gill’s Part and Pillar, etc., pp. 79-80. 5 Stennet’s Answer to Russen, p. 173, et sequitar. 6 Protestant Reconciler, p. 289. 7 Gill’s Part and Pillar, etc., ch. 2. CHAPTER - 1 Wayland. 2 See the conflicts between the American and American and Foreign Bible Societies. CHAPTER - 1 Gill’s Part and Pillar, p. 109. 2 Dr. Ide.
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