1. This Epistle is the last testament and swan-like death song of
Paul [BENGEL].
according to the promise of life . . . in
Christ--Paul's apostleship is in order to carry into
effect this promise. Compare "according to the faith
. . . in hope of eternal life . . . promise," &c.
(Tit 1:1, 2).
This "promise of life in Christ" (compare
2Ti 1:10;
2Ti 2:8)
was needed to nerve Timothy to fortitude amidst trials, and to boldness
in undertaking the journey to Rome, which would be attended with much
(2Ti 1:8).
2. my dearly beloved son--In
1Ti 1:2,
and Tit 1:4,
written at an earlier period than this Epistle, the expression used is
in the Greek, "my genuine son." ALFORD sees in the change of expression an intimation of
an altered tone as to Timothy, more of mere love, and less of
confidence, as though Paul saw m him a want of firmness, whence arose
the need of his stirring up afresh the faith and grace in Him
(2Ti 1:6).
But this seems to me not justified by the Greek word
agapetos, which implies the attachment of reasoning and
choice, on the ground of merit in the one "beloved," not
of merely instinctive love. See TRENCH
[Greek Synonyms of the New Testament].
3. I thank--Greek, "I feel gratitude to God."
whom I serve from my forefathers--whom I serve
(Ro 1:9)
as did my forefathers. He does not mean to put on the same
footing the Jewish and Christian service of God; but simply to assert
his own conscientious service of God as he had received it from his
progenitors (not Abraham, Isaac, &c., whom he calls "the
fathers," not "progenitors" as the Greek is here;
Ro 9:5).
The memory of those who had gone before to whom he is about to be
gathered, is now, on the eve of death, pleasant to him; hence also, he
calls to mind the faith of the mother and grandmother of Timothy; as he
walks in the faith of his forefathers
(Ac 23:1; 24:14; 26:6, 7; 28:20),
so Timothy should persevere firmly in the faith of his parent and
grandparent. Not only Paul, but the Jews who reject Christ, forsake the
faith of their forefathers, who looked for Christ; when they accept
Him, the hearts of the children shall only be returning to the faith of
their forefathers
(Mal 4:6;
Lu 1:17;
Ro 11:23, 24, 28).
Probably Paul had, in his recent defense, dwelt on this topic, namely,
that he was, in being a Christian, only following his hereditary
that . . . I have remembrance of thee--"how
unceasing I make my mention concerning thee" (compare
Phm 4).
The cause of Paul's feeling thankful is, not that he remembers Timothy
unceasingly in his prayers, but for what Timothy is in faith
(2Ti 1:5)
and graces; compare
Ro 1:8, 9,
from which supply the elliptical sentence thus, "I thank God (for thee,
for God is my witness) whom I serve . . . that (or
how) without ceasing I have remembrance (or make mention)
of thee," &c.
night and day--(See on
1Ti 5:5).
4. desiring--Greek, "with yearning as for one much
mindful of thy tears--not only at our parting
(Ac 20:37),
but also often when under pious feelings.
that I may be filled with joy--to be joined with "desiring to
see thee"
(Ro 1:11, 12; 15:32).
5. When I call to remembrance--This increased his "desire to
see" Timothy. The oldest manuscripts read, "When I called to
remembrance"; implying that some recent incident (perhaps the
contrasted cowardice of the hypocrite Demas, who forsook him) had
reminded him of the sincerity of Timothy's faith.
faith that is in thee--ALFORD translates,
"that was in thee." He remembers Timothy's faith in the
past as a fact; its present existence in him is only
matter of his confident persuasion or hope.
which--Greek, "such as."
dwelt--"made its dwelling" or abode
(Joh 14:23).
The past tense implies they were now dead.
first--before it dwelt in thee. She was the furthest back of the
progenitors of Timothy whom Paul knew.
mother Eunice--a believing Jewess; but his father was a Greek,
that is, a heathen
(Ac 16:1).
The faith of the one parent sanctified the child
(2Ti 3:15;
1Co 7:14).
She was probably converted at Paul's first visit to Lystra
(Ac 14:6).
It is an undesigned coincidence, and so a mark of truth, that in
Ac 16:1
the belief of the mother alone is mentioned, just as here praise
is bestowed on the faith of the mother, while no notice is taken of the
father [PALEY, Horæ Paulinæ].
and--Greek, "but," that is, notwithstanding appearances
persuaded that--it dwells, or it shall dwell "in
thee also." The mention of the faith of his mother and grandmother is
designed as an incentive to stir up his faith.
6. Wherefore--Greek, "For which cause," namely, because
thou hast inherited, didst once possess, and I trust ("am persuaded")
still dost possess, such unfeigned faith [ALFORD].
stir up--literally, "rekindle," "revive the spark of"; the
opposite of "quench" or "extinguish"
(1Th 5:19).
Paul does not doubt the existence of real faith in Timothy, but he
desires it to be put into active exercise. Timothy seems to have become
somewhat remiss from being so long without Paul
(2Ti 2:22).
gift of God--the spiritual grace received for his ministerial
office, either at his original ordination, or at his consecration to
the particular office of superintending the Ephesian Church (see on
1Ti 4:14),
imparting fearlessness, power, love, and a sound mind
(2Ti 1:7).
by the putting on of my hands--In
1Ti 4:14,
it is "with [not by] the laying on of the hands of the
presbytery." The apostle was chief in the ordination, and to him
"BY" is applied. The presbytery were his
assistants; so "with," implying merely accompaniment, is said of
them. Paul was the instrument in Timothy's ordination and reception of
the grace then conferred; the presbyters were the concurrent
participants in the act of ordination; so the Greek,
"dia" and "meta." So in ordinations by a bishop in our
days, he does the principal act; they join in laying on hands
with him.
7. For, &c.--implying that Timothy needed the exhortation "to
stir up the gift of God in him," being constitutionally "timid": "For
God did not give us (so the Greek, namely, at our
ordination or consecration) the spirit of fear." The spirit
which He gave us, was not the spirit of timidity (literally,
"cowardice," which is weakness), but of "power" (exhibited in a
fearless "testimony" for Christ,
2Ti 1:8).
"Power is the invariable accompaniment of the gift of the Holy
Lu 24:49;
Ac 1:8;
Ac 6:6,
"full of faith and of the Holy Ghost," with
2Ti 1:8,
"full of faith and power." Fear is the result of "the spirit of
(Ro 8:15).
Fear within exaggerates the causes of fear without. "The
spirit of power" is the spirit of man dwelt in by the Spirit of God
imparting power; this power "casteth out fear" from ourselves,
and stimulates us to try to cast it out of others
(1Jo 4:18).
love--which moves the believer while "speaking the truth" with
power, when giving his testimony for Christ
(2Ti 1:8),
at the same time to do so "in love"
(Eph 4:15).
a sound mind--The Greek, is rather, "the bringing of men
to a sound mind" [WAHL].
BENGEL supports English Version, "a sound
mind," or "sober-mindedness"; a duty to which a young man like Timothy
especially needed to be exhorted
(2Ti 2:22;
1Ti 4:12;
Tit 2:4, 6).
So Paul urges him, in
2Ti 2:4,
to give up worldly entanglements, which as thorns
(Lu 8:14)
choke the word. These three gifts are preferable to any miraculous
powers whatever.
8. therefore--seeing that God hath given us such a spirit, not
that of fear.
Be not thou . . . ashamed--I agree with
ELLICOTT, in opposition to
ALFORD, that the Greek subjunctive here,
with the negative, implies action completed at one time, not
continued action, which the present imperative would express;
thus implying that Timothy had not decidedly yet evinced
such feeling of shame; though I think, Paul, amidst the
desertion of others who once promised fair, and from being aware of
Timothy's constitutional timidity (see on
2Ti 1:7),
felt it necessary to stir him up and guard him against the possibility
of unchristian dereliction of duty as to bold confession of Christ.
(2Ti 1:8)
is the companion of fear
(2Ti 1:7);
if fear be overcome, false shame flees [BENGEL].
Paul himself
(2Ti 1:12),
and Onesiphorus
(2Ti 1:16),
were instances of fearless profession removing false shame. He presents
in contrast sad instances of fear and shame
(2Ti 1:15).
of the testimony of our Lord--of the testimony which thou
art bound to give in the cause of our Lord; he says "our," to
connect Timothy and himself together in the testimony which both should
give for their common Lord. The testimony which Christ gave before
(1Ti 6:12, 13),
is an incentive to the believer that he should, after His Lord's
example, witness a good testimony or confession.
nor of me his prisoner--The cause of God's servants is the cause
of God Himself
(Eph 4:1).
Timothy might easily be tempted to be ashamed of one in prison,
especially as not only worldly shame, but great risk, attended any
recognition of Paul the prisoner.
be thou partaker--with me.
of the gospel--rather, as Greek, "for the Gospel,"
that is, suffered for the Gospel
(2Ti 2:3-5;
Phm 13).
according to the power of God--exhibited in having saved
and called us
(2Ti 1:9).
God who has done the greater act of power (that is, saved us), will
surely do the less (carry us safe through afflictions borne
for the Gospel). "Think not that thou hast to bear these
afflictions by thine own power; nay, it is by the power of God. It was
a greater exercise of power than His making the heaven, His persuading
the world to embrace salvation" [CHRYSOSTOM].