PREVIOUS CHAPTER - NEXT CHAPTER - HELP - GR VIDEOS - GR YOUTUBE - TWITTER - SD1 YOUTUBE ![]() OF VOLUME Preface to the First Edition Preface to the Fifth Edition Chronological Tables to Vol. I Introduction CHAPTER - A VIEW OF THE RISE AND PROGRESS OF CHRISTIANITY FROM THE BIRTH OF CHRIST TO THE END OF THE FIRST CENTURY. SECT. 1 . From the birth to the death of Christ SECT. 2 . From Christ’s resurrection to the promulgation of the Gospel among the Gentiles SECT. 3 . From the first preaching of the Gospel among the Gentiles to the return of Paul and Barnabas from their first journey SECT. 4 . The subject continued — Paul’s second and third journies SECT. 5 . From Paul’s arrival at Jerusalem with the contributions from Asia, to the period of his death SECT. 6 . From the time of Paul’s decease, A.D. 66, to the end of the first century CHAPTER - HISTORY OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH FROM THE END OF THE FIRST CENTURY TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF CHRISTIANITY UNDER CONSTANTINE THE GREAT, A.D. 98—306. SECT.1 . The slate of the Christian Profession under the reign of the emperor Trajan, A.D. 98—117 SECT. 2 . The Christian Church under the reigns of Adrian and the Antonines, A.D. 117—180 SECT. 3 . From the Death of Marcus Aurelius to the days of Constantine, A.D. 180—306 SECT. 4 . Reflections on the History of the Christian Church during the first three centuries, with a View of the Rise of Antichrist CHAPTER - THE STATE OF CHRISTIANITY FROM THE ACCESSION OF CONSTANTINE TO THE RISE OF THE WALDENSES, A.D. 306—800. SECT. 1. A View of the reign of Constantine the Great, and the establishment of Christianity, A.D. 306—337 SECT. 2 . From the death of Constantine to the end of the fourth century, A.D. 337—400 SECT. 3 . From the beginning of the fifth century, to the establishment of the dominion of thePopes, A.D. 401—606 SECT. 4. The subject continued—the Gothic invasion—the sacking of Rome—settlement of theBarbarians in Europe APPENDIX to ch.3 sect. SECT. 5 . From the establishment of the dominion of the Popes to the rise of the Waldenses—Sketch of Mahometanism—Sect of the Paulicians, etc. A.D. 606—800 CHAPTER - A VIEW OF THE STATE OF THE CHRISTIAN PROFESSION FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE NINTH TO THE END OF THE TWELFTH CENTURY, A.D. 800—1200. SECT. 1 . Description of the Vallies of Piedmont, and of the Pyrenees, with some account of Claude of Turin SECT. 2 . View of lhe Catholic church from the ninth to the twelfth century, A.D. 800—1200 SECT. 3. Sketch of the state of Christianity from the death of Claude of Turin, to the days of Peter Waldo—Cathari in Germany—Waldenses in England—Arnold of Brescia—Paterines in Milan,etc. A.D. 840— SECT. 4. History of the Crusades for the recovery of the Holy Land and of the city of Jerusa-1096-1270 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE OF SOVEREIGN PRINCES TO ILLUSTRATE THE FIRST VOL. OF THIS WORK N.B. The dates in the first column denote the year in which the person died, or resigned the office. Roman Emporers Bishops of Rome 1st CENTURY A.D. 1st CENTURY A.D. Augustus 14 Linus Chronologists Tiberius 87 Anaclitus differ about Caligula 41 Clement the dates of Claudius 54 Evaristus their deaths. Nero 68 Alexander Galba Otho Vitellius Vespasian Titus Domitian Nerva Roman Emperors Bishops of Rome 2nd CENTURY A.D. 2nd CENTURY A.D. Trajan 117 Xystus or Sixtus Adrian 138 Tellesphorus Antoninus Pius 161 Hyginus Marcus Antoninus 180 Pius I Lucius Verus Commodus 192 Anicetus Pertinax 193 Soter Did. Julianus 193 Eleutherus Niger 194 Victor Albinus 197 Roman Emperors Bishops of Rome 3rd CENTURY A.D. 3rd CENTURY A.D. Severus 211 Zepherinus Caracalla 217 Callistus Macrinus 218 Urban Heliogabalus 229 Pontianus Severus Alexander 235 Anterns Maximin 237 Fabianus Gordian I. II. 237 Cornelius Bubianus and Balbinus 238 Lucius Gordian III 244 Stephen Philip the Arabian 250 Sixtus II Decius 252 Dionysius Gallus and Volusianus 253 Eutychianus Aemilianus 253 Caius Marcellinus Valerian Gallienus Claudius II Quintillius Aurelian Tacitus Florianus Probus Carus Numerianus 284 Roman Emperors Bishops of Rome 4th CENTURY A.D. 4th CENTURY A.D. Dioclesian and Maximin 305 Marcellinus Constantius 306 Marcellus Galerius 311 Eusebius Maximin and Licinius 312 Melchiades CONSTANTINE theGREAT 337 Sylvester Constantine II 338 Mark Constans 350 Julius Constantius 361 Liberius Julian the Apostate 363 Damasus Jovian 364 Syricius Valentinian Valens Gratian Valentinian II THEODOSIUS theGREAT 395 N.B. THE ROMAN EMPIRE AT THIS TIME DIVIDED INTO EASTERN AND WESTERN. Emperors of the West Emperors of the East Bishops of Rome 5th CENTURY A.D. 5th CENTURY A.D. 5th CENTURY A.D. Honorius 423 Arcadius 408 Anastasius Valentian III 455 Theodosius II 450 Innocent Maximus 455 Marcianus 457 Zasinius Avitus 456 Leo I 474 Boniface I Majorianus 461 Leo II 474 Celestine I Severus 465 Zeno Isaurius 491 Sixtus III Anthemius 472 Leo the Great Glycerius 474 Hilarius Julius Nepos 475 Simplicius Augustulus 476 Felix III ODOACER 493 Galasius took the title of Anastasius II King of Italy, and put an end to the Western Empire until the reign of Charlemagne in 800 A.D. Emperors of the East Kings of Italy Lombard Kings Bishops of Rome 6th CENTURY A.D. 6th CENTURY A.D. 6th CENTURY A. D . 6th CENTURY A. D . Anastasius 518 Theodoric 526 Albinus 571 Symmachus I Justin I 527 Athalaric 584 Clephis 578 Hormisdas Justinian 565 Theodatus 536 Autharis 590 John I Justin II 578 Vitiges 540 Felix IV Tiberius II 586 Boniface II John II Agapetus I Sylverius Vigilius Pelagius I John III Benedict I Pelagius II 590 GREGORY THE GREAT, WHO IS PROPERLY TERMED THE POPE, OR UNIVERSAL BISHOP Emperors of the East Popes of Rome 7th CENTURY A.D. Popes after Gregory the Great A.D. Mauricius 602 Sabinianus Phocas 610 Boniface III Heraclius 641 Boniface IV Constantine III 641 Deodatus Heraclianus 642 Boniface V Constans II 668 Honorius I Constantine IV 685 Severinus I Leontius 698 John IV Tiberius III 703 Theodore I Martin I Eugenius I Vitalianus Adeodatus Domnus Agatho I Leo II Benedict II John V Conon 687 Emperors of the East Popes of Rome 8th CENTURY A.D. Popes after Gregory the Great A.D. Justinian II 711 Sergius I Anastasius II 714 John VI Theodosius III 716 John VII Leo Isaurius 741 Sisinnius Const. Copronymus 780 Constantine Porphyry 797 Gregory II Irene 802 Gregory III Zachary Stephen II Stephen IlI Paul Stephen IV Adrian 795 Emperors of the West, of the House of France Emperors of the East Popes of Rome 9th CENTURY A.D. 9th CENTURY A.D. 9th CENTURY A.D. Charlemagne 800 Nicephorus 802 Leo III Lewis the Debonnair 814 Stauracius 811 Stephen V Lotharius I 840 Michael Curopalates 811 Paschal I Lewis II 855 Leo V 818 Eugene II Charles II. or the Bald 875 Michael II. the Stammerer 820 Valentine Lewis III or the Stammerer 878 Theophilus 829 Gregory IV Charles III or the Fat 879 Michael III 842 Sergius II Arnold 887 Basil 866 Leo IV Lewis IV 899 Leo the Philosopher 886 Benedict III Nicholas I Adrian II John VIII Marinus II Adrian III Stephen VI Formosus Boniface VI Stephen VII 897 German Emperors Emperors of the East Popes of Rome 10th CENTURY A.D. 10th CENTURY A.D. 10th CENTURY A.D. Conrad I 912 Alexander 911 Theodore II Henry I. or the Fowler 919 Constantine Prophyrogenitus 912 John IX Otho I. or the Great 986 Romanus Lecapene 919 Benedict IV Otho II. or the Bloody 973 Christopher Constantine restored 944 Leo V Otho III 988 Stephen Romanus the Young 959 Christopher Basil and Constantine 963 Sergius III Nicephorus Phocas 963 Anastasius III John Zimisces 969 Landon Basil II. And Constantine the Young restored 974 John X Leo VI Stephen VIII John XI 951 Leo VII Stephen IX Marinus III Agapetus II John XII Leo VIII Benedict V John XIII Donanus II Benedict VI Boniface VII Benedict VII John XIV John XV John XVI John XVII Gregory V Silvester II 999 Emperors of the West Emperors of the East Popes of Rome 11th CENTURY A.D. 11th CENTURY A.D. 11th CENTURY A.D. St. Henry II. surnamed the Lame 1002 Romanus Argyropulus 1028 John XVIII Conrad II. the Salic 1024 Michael the Paphlagonian 1034 John XIX Henry III the Black 1089 Michael Calaphates 1041 Sergius IV Henry IV. the Old 1056 Zeo and Theodora 1042 Benedict VIII Rodolph I 1077 Constantine Monomachus 1042 John XX Theodora 1054 Benedict IX Michael the Warrior 1056 Gregory VI Isaac Comnenus 1057 Clement II Constantine Ducas 1059 Damasus II Romanus Diogenes 1068 St. Leo IX Michael Ducas 1071 Victor II Nicephorus Botoniates 1078 Stephen X Michael Ducas and Constantine Alexius Comnenus 1081 Nicholas II Alexander II Gregory VII Victor III Urban II Paschal II 1099 Emperors of the West Emperors of the East Popes of Rome 12th CENTURY A.D. 12th CENTURY A.D. 12th CENTURY A.D. Henry V 1106 Joanus Comnenus 1118 Gelasus II Lotharius II 1125 Manuel Comnenus 1143 Calixtus II Conrad III 1189 Alexius Comnenus the younger 1180 Honorius II Frederick I. Barbarossa 1150 Andronicus Comnenus 1188 Innocent II Henry VI 1193 Isaac Angelus 1185 Celestine II Philip 1199 Alexius Angelus, called the Tyrant 1195 Lucius II Eugenius III Anastasius IV Adrian IV Alexander III Lucius III Urban III Gregory VIII Clement III Celestine III Innocent III 1192 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - ANCIENT CHRISTIANS EMPIRE INDEX & SEARCH
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