LETTERS OF C. H. SPURGEONPREVIOUS CHAPTER - NEXT CHAPTER - HELP - GR VIDEOS - GR YOUTUBE - TWITTER - SD1 YOUTUBE ![]() TO REV. T. W. MEDHURST BOROUGH, July 14, 1854. DEAR SIR, — I am glad that you have been able to write to me and state your feelings. Though my hands are always full, it will ever give me joy to receive such notes as yours. You ask me a very important question, “Are you one of God’s elect?” Now, this is a question neither you nor I can answer at present, and therefore let it drop. I will ask you an easier one, “Are you a sinner?” Can you say “YES”? All say, “YES”; but then they do not know what the word “sinner” means. A sinner is a creature who has broken all his Maker’s commands, despised His Name, and run into rebellion against the Most High. A sinner deserves hell, yea, the hottest place in hell; and if he be saved, it must be entirely by unmerited mercy. Now, if you are such a sinner, I am glad to be able to tell you the only way of salvation, “Believe on the Lord Jesus.” I think you have not yet really understood what believing means. You are, I trust, really awakened, but you do not see the door yet. I advise you seriously to be much alone, I mean as much as you can; let your groans go up if you cannot pray, attend as many services as possible; and if you go with an earnest desire for a blessing, it will come very soon. But why not believe now? You have only ‘to believe that Jesus is able and willing to save, and then trust yourself to Him. Harbor not that dark suggestion to forsake the house of God; remember you turn your back on Heaven, and your face to hell, the moment you do that. I pray God that He will keep you. If the Lord had meant to destroy you, He would not have showed you such things as these. If you are but as smoking flax, there is hope. Touch the hem of His garment; look to the brazen serpent. My dear fellow-sinner, slight not this season of awakening. Up, and be in earnest. It is your soul, yourOWN soul, your eternal welfare, your Heaven or your hell, that is at stake. There is the cross, and a bleeding God-man upon it; look to Him, and be saved! There is the Holy Spirit able to give you every grace. Look, in prayer, to the Sacred Three-one-God, and then you will be delivered. I am, Your anxious friend, C. H. SPURGEON. 75,DOVER ROAD, August 7, 1854. MY DEAR SIR,— Your letters have given me great joy. I trust I see in you the marks of a son of God, and I earnestly pray that you may have the evidence within that you are born of God. There is no reason why you should not be baptized. “If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest.” Think very seriously of it, for it is a solemn matter. Count the cost. You are now about to be buried to the world, and you may well say, “What manner of persons ought we to be in all holy conversation and godliness.” The friends who were with you in the days of your carnal pleasure will strive to entice you from Christ; but I pray that the grace of God may be mightily manifest in you, keeping you steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord. I should like to see you on Thursday evening, after six o’clock, in the vestry. I am, Yours faithfully, C. H. SPURGEON. LONDON, September 22, 1855. MY DEAR BROTHER, — Since your departure, I have been meditating upon the pleasure of being the means of sending you to so excellent a scene of preparation for the ministry, and in prayer to God I have sought every blessing upon you, for I love you very much. Oh, how I desire to see you a holy and successful minister of Jesus! I need not bid you work at your studies; I am sure you will; but be sure to live near to God, and hold very much intercourse with Jesus. I have been thinking that, when you are gone out into the vineyard I must find another to be my dearly-beloved Timothy, just as you are. Now I find it no easy task to get money, and I have been thinking I must get friends to give me a good set of books, which I shall not give you, but keep for those who may come after; so that, by degrees, I shall get together a good Theological Library for young students in years to come. If I were rich, I would give you all; but, as I have to bear all the brunt of the battle, and am alone responsible, I think I must get the books to be always used in future. Those you will purchase to-day are yours to keep; Mr. Bagster’s books must be mine; and I have just written to a friend to buy me Matthew Henry, which shall soon be at your disposal, and be mine in the same way. You see, I am looking forward. Believe me, Ever your very loving friend, C. H. SPURGEON. GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - SPURGEON'S WORKS INDEX & SEARCH
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