-A Jewish captive in Persia
ES 2:5,6
-Foster father of Esther
ES 2:7
-Informs Ahasuerus of a conspiracy against his life and is
ES 2:21-23; 6:1-11
-Promoted in Haman's place
ES 8:1,2,15; 10:1-3
-Intercedes with Ahasuerus for the Jews; establishes the
festival of Purim in commemoration of their deliverance
ES 8; 9
- Flavius Book 11 Chapter 6
- Flavius Book 11 Chapter 8
- Flavius Book 11 Chapter 4
- Flavius Book 11 Chapter 3
- Edersheim The Temple 17
- Clarke's Commentary Esther 2
- Clarke's Commentary Esther 9
- Clarke's Commentary Esther 3
- Clarke's Commentary Esther 8
- Clarke's Commentary Esther 4
- Clarke's Commentary Esther 6
- Clarke's Commentary Esther 5
- Clarke's Commentary Psalms 124
- Clarke's Commentary Esther 7
- Clarke's Commentary Esther 10
- Clarke's Commentary Esther 1
- Clarke's Commentary Psalms 114
- Clarke's Commentary Psalms 106
- Clarke's Commentary Micah 5
- Clarke's Commentary Genesis 49
- Clarke's Commentary Ezekiel 29
- Clarke's Commentary 1 Corinthians 13
- Wesley's Notes Esther 5
- Wesley's Notes Esther 3
- Wesley's Notes Esther 9
- Wesley's Notes Esther 6
- Wesley's Notes Esther 2
- Wesley's Notes Proverbs 21
- Wesley's Notes Esther 8
- Wesley's Notes Esther 7
- Wesley's Notes Esther 4
- Wesley's Notes Esther 10
- Wesley's Sermons 84
- Lectures on Theology 4b
- Naves Topical Bible 86
- Naves Topical Bible 74
- Naves Topical Bible 68
- Naves Topical Bible 65
- Naves Topical Bible 64
- Naves Topical Bible 53
- Naves Topical Bible 41
- Naves Topical Bible 209
- Naves Topical Bible 192
- Naves Topical Bible 181
- Naves Topical Bible 151
- Naves Topical Bible 139
- Naves Topical Bible 135
- Naves Topical Bible 129
- Naves Topical Bible 128
- Naves Topical Bible 127
- Naves Topical Bible 122
- Naves Topical Bible 121
- Naves Topical Bible 11
- Torreys Topical Textbook 59
- Torreys Topical Textbook 27
- TSK Esther 4
- TSK Esther 2
- TSK Esther 10
- TSK Esther 3
- TSK Esther 9
- TSK Esther 8
- TSK Esther 6
- TSK Joshua 7
- TSK Esther 7
- TSK Esther 5
- Eastons Bible Dictionary 82
- Eastons Bible Dictionary 40
- Eastons Bible Dictionary 96
- Eastons Bible Dictionary 70
- Eastons Bible Dictionary 62
- Eastons Bible Dictionary 52
- Eastons Bible Dictionary 41
- Eastons Bible Dictionary 4
- Eastons Bible Dictionary 2
- Eastons Bible Dictionary 17
- Eastons Bible Dictionary 122
- Eastons Bible Dictionary 115
- Hitchcock Bible Names Dictionary 25