-Made of wood
SO 3:7-9
-Made of iron
DE 3:11
-Made of ivory
AM 6:4
-Made of gold and silver
ES 1:6
-Used at meals
AM 6:4
-Exempt from execution for debt
PR 22:27
PR 7:17
- Book of Martyrs Ch. 16d
- Flavius Book 4 Chapter 8
- Flavius Book 4 Chapter 8b
- Flavius Vs. Apion 6
- Flavius Book 19 Chapter 1
- Flavius Book 12 Chapter 2
- Clarke's Commentary 1 Corinthians 15
- Clarke's Commentary Psalms 119
- Clarke's Commentary Matthew 5
- Clarke's Commentary Matthew 6
- Clarke's Commentary Exodus 12
- Clarke's Commentary Luke 1
- Clarke's Commentary Hebrews 11
- Clarke's Commentary Matthew 26
- Clarke's Commentary Romans 8
- Clarke's Commentary 1 Corinthians 7
- Clarke's Commentary Romans 9
- Clarke's Commentary 1 Corinthians 13
- Clarke's Commentary John 1
- Clarke's Commentary Genesis 1
- Clarke's Commentary Genesis 3
- Clarke's Commentary 1 Timothy 3
- Clarke's Commentary Hebrews 1
- Clarke's Commentary Hebrews 13
- Clarke's Commentary Romans 1
- Clarke's Commentary Revelations 13
- Clarke's Commentary 2 Thessalonians 2
- Clarke's Commentary John 5
- Clarke's Commentary Matthew 10
- Clarke's Commentary Romans 11
- Clarke's Commentary Matthew 24
- Clarke's Commentary 1 Corinthians 16
- Clarke's Commentary Isaiah 7
- Clarke's Commentary Acts 13
- Clarke's Commentary Romans 7
- Clarke's Commentary Luke 2
- Clarke's Commentary James 5
- Clarke's Commentary Acts 1
- Clarke's Commentary Psalms 89
- Clarke's Commentary Ephesians 5
- Clarke's Commentary Romans 13
- Clarke's Commentary Hebrews 3
- Clarke's Commentary Acts 2
- Clarke's Commentary Colossians 1
- Clarke's Commentary Matthew 25
- Clarke's Commentary John 6
- Clarke's Commentary Galatians 6
- Clarke's Commentary Colossians 4
- Clarke's Commentary Ephesians 3
- Clarke's Commentary Genesis 17
- Clarke's Commentary Matthew 27
- Clarke's Commentary 1 John 5
- Clarke's Commentary 1 Timothy 5
- Clarke's Commentary Psalms 37
- Clarke's Commentary Ephesians 4
- Clarke's Commentary 1 Thessalonians 5
- Clarke's Commentary Matthew 9
- Clarke's Commentary Psalms 110
- Clarke's Commentary Numbers 5
- Clarke's Commentary James 1
- Wesley's Sermons 15
- Wesley's Sermons 28
- Wesley's Sermons 40
- Wesley's Sermons 137
- Wesley's Sermons 118
- Wesley's Sermons 26
- Wesley's Sermons 22
- Wesley's Sermons 81
- Wesley's Sermons 45
- Finney's Sermons 11
- Finney's Sermons 10c
- Arminius' Works 17b
- Lectures on Theology 16
- Lectures on Theology 19b
- Lectures on Theology 16b
- Lectures on Theology 13b
- Lectures on Theology 19