Verse 128. All thy precepts concerning all things to be right - There are too many supplied words here to leave the text unsuspected. All the ancient versions, except the Chaldee, seem to have omitted the second lk col, ALL and read the text thus: "Therefore I have walked straight in all thy precepts." I go straight on in all thy precepts, hating every false way.
I neither turn to the right hand nor to the left; the false ways are crooked; thy way is straight. I am going to heaven, and that way lies straight before me. To walk in the way of falsity I cannot, because I hate it; and I hate such ways because God hates them.
ANALYSIS OF LETTER AIN. - SIXTEENTH DIVISION In this part the psalmist, I. Makes a profession of his integrity.
II. Prays for protection against his enemies.
III. Resolves to walk in the right way.
I. He makes a profession of his integrity: - 1. "I have done judgment and justice." 2. Though he had done so, yet he was not free from calumny and oppression. He commends, therefore, his righteous cause to God: "Leave me not to mine oppressors." 3. "Be surety for thy servant:" give me an assurance that thou wilt stand by me.
4. "Let not the proud oppress me." For miserable are the destitute when they fall into such hands.
II. He shows us how he had prayed against his enemies, and for God's salvation.
"Mine eyes fail." My faith is almost gone, and the eye of my mind become dim.
2. It was the salvation of God he had in view: "For thy salvation." 3. The ground on which he prayed was the word of God's righteousness.
He proceeds in his prayer; and begs God to deal with him as a needy servant, and also an ignorant scholar.
1. "Deal with thy servant." I am ready to do thy will; but treat me in thy mercy.
2. "Teach me thy statutes." I wish to learn what thy will is; and when I know it, faithfully to do it.
He urges the same request, with nearly the same reasons for it: "I am thy servant." I am no stranger to thee. I have frequently come to thee to get grace to enable me to serve thee. I am one of thy domestics, a member of thy Church.
He comes now with his complaint.
1. "It is time for thee to work." Thy enemies are strong and thy people weak.
2. "They have made void thy law." They have entirely trampled it under foot.
III. The zeal of the psalmist increased as the love of many waxed cold.
1. "Therefore," because they despise thy word, ordinances, and people.
2. "I love thy commandments." As they hate, so I love. When we love God's commandments, it is a sign that we have not received the grace of God in vain.
3. To show the greatness of his love, he says, I love thy commandments "above gold; yea, above fine gold." My love is greater to thy law, than that of the miser is to his bags.
4. He received all God's precepts to be right; and he takes not some, but the whole of them.
5. Whatever gain idolatry and time-serving might hold out to him, he abominated it, because he hated every false way. His love of God, his law, and holiness, was greater than his love of life.
Verse 129. "Thy testimonies are wonderful " - There is a height, length, depth, and breadth in thy word and testimonies that are truly astonishing; and on this account my soul loves them, and I deeply study them. The more I study, the more light and salvation I obtain.
Verse 130. "The entrance of thy words giveth light " - jtp pethach, the opening of it: when I open my Bible to read, light springs up in my mind.
Every sermon, every prayer, every act of faith, is an opening by which light is let into the seeking soul.