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    BIBLE: -1. Oldest son of Cain GE 4:17,18 -2. A city built by Cain GE 4:17 -3. Father of Methuselah. Transporting of GE 5:18-24; LU 3:37; HEB 11:5; Jude 14 1:14 .Called HENOCH 1CH 1:3


    1. Flavius Book 1 Chapter 3
    2. Flavius Book 1 Chapter 2
    3. Flavius Book 1 Chapter 22
    4. Flavius Book 9 Chapter 2
    1. Edersheim Book 1 Chapter 4
    2. Edersheim Book 1 Chapter 5
    3. Sketches of Jewish Life 5b
    4. Sketches of Jewish Life 5
    5. Sketches of Jewish Life 10c
    6. Edersheim Book 6 Chapter 7
    7. Edersheim Book 1 Chapter 2


    1. Clarke's Commentary Genesis 5
    2. Clarke's Commentary Judges e1
    3. Clarke's Commentary Genesis 4
    4. Clarke's Commentary Hebrews 11
    5. Clarke's Commentary James 3
    6. Clarke's Commentary Hebrews 9
    7. Clarke's Commentary Genesis 7
    8. Clarke's Commentary Genesis 6
    9. Clarke's Commentary Genesis 25
    10. Clarke's Commentary Genesis 20
    11. Clarke's Commentary Acts 3
    12. Clarke's Commentary 2 Peter 3
    13. Clarke's Commentary 2 Kings 2
    14. Clarke's Commentary 1 Corinthians 15
    1. Wesley's Notes Judges e1
    2. Wesley's Notes Genesis 5
    3. Wesley's Notes Revelation 19
    4. Wesley's Notes Hebrews 11
    5. Wesley's Notes Hebrews 1
    6. Wesley's Notes Genesis 6
    7. Wesley's Notes Genesis 4


    1. Wesley's Sermons 57
    2. Wesley's Sermons 34
    3. Wesley's Sermons 76
    4. Wesley's Sermons 7
    5. Wesley's Sermons 62
    6. Wesley's Sermons 22
    7. Wesley's Sermons 133



    1. Naves Topical Bible 64
    2. Naves Topical Bible 87
    3. Naves Topical Bible 80
    4. Naves Topical Bible 55
    5. Naves Topical Bible 53
    6. Naves Topical Bible 52
    7. Naves Topical Bible 43
    8. Naves Topical Bible 204
    9. Naves Topical Bible 198
    10. Naves Topical Bible 134
    11. Naves Topical Bible 127
    12. Naves Topical Bible 12
    13. Naves Topical Bible 100
    1. Torreys Topical Textbook 66
    2. Torreys Topical Textbook 35
    3. Torreys Topical Textbook 26
    4. Torreys Topical Textbook 18
    5. Torreys Topical Textbook 15
    1. TSK Genesis 5
    2. TSK Judges e1
    3. TSK Genesis 4
    4. TSK 1 Chronicles 1
    5. TSK Hebrews 11


    1. Eastons Bible Dictionary 39
    2. Eastons Bible Dictionary 55
    3. Eastons Bible Dictionary 96
    4. Eastons Bible Dictionary 80
    5. Eastons Bible Dictionary 62
    6. Eastons Bible Dictionary 25
    7. Eastons Bible Dictionary 20
    1. Hitchcock Bible Names Dictionary 11
    2. Hitchcock Bible Names Dictionary 16
    1. NT Word Pictures Judges e1
    2. NT Word Pictures 2 Corinthians 6
    3. NT Word Pictures Acts 15
    4. NT Word Pictures 2 Corinthians 4
    5. NT Word Pictures Revelation 8
    6. NT Word Pictures Mark 3
    7. NT Word Pictures James 2
    8. NT Word Pictures Hebrews 12
    9. NT Word Pictures 2 Peter 2
    10. NT Word Pictures1 Peter 3
    11. NT Word Pictures Romans 2
    12. NT Word Pictures Revelation 5
    13. NT Word Pictures Revelation 3
    14. NT Word Pictures Matthew 7
    15. NT Word Pictures Matthew 26
    16. NT Word Pictures Matthew 13
    17. NT Word Pictures Luke 6
    18. NT Word Pictures John 1
    19. NT Word Pictures Hebrews 2
    20. NT Word Pictures Hebrews 11
    21. NT Word Pictures Acts 5
    22. NT Word Pictures 2 Corinthians 7
    23. NT Word Pictures 2 Corinthians 12
    24. NT Word Pictures 1 Corinthians 11

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