|  |
- The uppermost and chief member of the body
#ISA 1:6; 2KI 6:31
- All the other members necessary to
#1CO 12:21
- The body supported and supplied by
#EPH 4:16
- Put for the whole person
#GE 49:26; PR 10:6
- Put for the life
#DA 1:10; 1SA 28:2
. The skull
#2KI 9:35; MT 27:33
. The crown
#GE 49:26; ISA 3:17
. The forehead
#1SA 17:49; EZE 9:4
. The temples
#JUD 4:21,22; SO 4:3
. The face
#GE 48:12; 2KI 9:30
. The hair
#JUD 16:22; PS 40:12
. The scalp
#PS 68:21
- Often anointed
#EC 9:8; MT 6:17
. In worshipping God
#GE 24:26; EX 4:31
. As a token of respect
#GE 43:23
. Covered up
#2SA 15:30; ES 6:12
. Shorn
#Job 20 1:20
. Sprinkled with dust
#JOS 7:6; 2:12
. The hands placed on
#2SA 13:19; JER 2:37
- Priests forbidden to shave
#LE 21:5,10
- Nazarites forbidden to shave
#NU 6:5
- Derision expressed by shaking
#2KI 19:21; PS 22:7; 109:25; MT 27:39
- The Jews censured for swearing by
#MT 5:36
- When hoary with age to be respected
#LE 19:32
. Leprosy
#LE 13:42-44
. Scab
#ISA 3:17
. Internal disease
#2KI 4:19; ISA 1:5
. Baldness
#LE 13:40,41; ISA 15:2
- Of the leper always uncovered
#LE 13:45
- Of women generally covered in public
#GE 24:65; 1CO 11:5
- Of criminals often cut off
#MT 14:10
- Of enemies slain in war, often cut off
#JUD 5:26; 1SA 17:51,57; 31:9
. Of God
#1CO 11:3
. Of Christ
#1CO 11:3; EPH 1:22; COL 2:19
. Of rulers
#1SA 15:17; DA 2:38
. Of chief men
#ISA 9:14,15
. Of the chief city of a kingdom
#ISA 7:8
. (Covered,) of defence and protection
#PS 140:7
. (Covered,) of subjection
#1CO 11:5,10
. (Made bald,) of heavy judgments
#ISA 3:24; 15:2; 22:12; MIC 1:16
. (Lifted up,) of joy and confidence
#PS 3:3; LU 21:28
. (Lifted up,) of pride etc.
#PS 83:2
. (Lifted up,) of exaltation
#GE 40:13; PS 27:6
. (Anointed,) of joy and prosperity
#PS 23:5; 92:10
Heart, The
- Issues of life are out of
#PR 4:23
. Tries
#1CH 29:17; JER 12:3
. Knows
#PS 44:21; JER 20:12
. Searched
#1CH 28:9; JER 17:10
. Understands the thoughts of
#1CH 28:9; PS 139:2
. Ponders
#PR 21:2; 24:12
. Influences
#1SA 10:26; EZR 6:22; 7:27; PR 21:1; JER 20:9
. Creates a new
#PS 51:10; EZE 36:26
. Prepares
#1CH 29:18; PR 16:1
. Opens
#AC 16:14
. Enlightens
#2CO 4:6; EPH 1:18
. Strengthens
#PS 27:14
. Establishes
#PS 112:8; 1TH 3:13
. Prepared to God
#1SA 7:3
. Given to God
#PR 23:26
. Perfect with God
#1KI 8:61
. Applied to wisdom
#PS 90:12; PR 2:2
. Guided in the right
#PR 23:19
. Purified
#JAS 8 4:8
. Single
#EPH 6:5; COL 3:22
. Tender
#EPH 4:32
. Kept with diligence
#PR 4:23
. Believe with
#AC 8:37; RO 10:10
. Serve God with all
#DE 11:13
. Keep God's statutes with all
#DE 26:16
. Walk before God with all
#1KI 2:4
. Trust in God with all
#PR 3:5
. Love God with all
#MT 22:37
. Return to God with all
#DE 30:2
. Do the will of God from
#EPH 6:6
. Sanctify God in
#1PE 3:15
. Love one another with a pure
#1PE 1:22
- No man can cleanse
#PR 20:9
- Faith, the means of purifying
#AC 15:9
- Renewal of, promised under the gospel
#EZE 11:19; 36:26; HEB 3:10
- When broken and contrite, not despised by God
#PS 51:17
- The pure in, shall see God
#MT 5:8
. Cleansed
#PS 51:10
. Inclined to God's testimonies
#PS 119:36
. United to fear God
#PS 86:11
. Directed into the love of God
#2TH 3:5
- Harden not, against God
#PS 95:8; HEB 4:7
- Harden not against the poor
#DE 15:7
- Regard not iniquity in
#PS 66:18
- Take heed lest it to be deceived
#DE 11:16
- Know the plague of
#1KI 8:38
- He that trusts in, is a fool
#PR 28:26
Heart, Character of the Renewed
- Prepared to seek God
#2CH 19:3; EZR 7:10; PS 10:17
- Fixed on God
#PS 57:7; 112:7
- Joyful in God
#1SA 2:1; Z7 EC 10:7
- Perfect with God
#1KI 8:61; PS 101:2
- Upright
#PS 97:11; 125:4
- Clean
#PS 73:1
- Pure
#PS 24:4; MT 5:8
- Tender
#1SA 24:5; 2KI 22:19
- Single and sincere
#AC 2:46; HEB 10:22
- Honest and good
#LU 8:15
- Broken, contrite
#PS 34:18; 51:17
- Obedient
#PS 112 119:112; RO 6:17
- Filled with the law of God
#PS 40:8; 119:11
- Awed by the word of God
#PS 161 119:161
- Filled with the fear of God
#JER 32:40
- Meditative
#PS 4:4; 77:6
- Circumcised
#DE 30:6; RO 2:29
- Void of fear
#PS 27:3
- Desirous of God
#PS 84:2
- Enlarged
#PS 119:32; 2CO 6:11
- Faithful to God
#NE 9:8
- Confident in God
#PS 112:7
- Sympathising
#JER 4:19; LA 3:51
- Prayerful
#1SA 1:13; PS 27:8
- Inclined to obedience
#PS 112 119:112
- Wholly devoted to God
#PS 9:1; 119:10,69,145
- Zealous
#2CH 17:6; JER 20:9
- Wise
#PR 10:8; 14:33; 23:15
- A treasury of good
#MT 12:35
Heart, Character of the Unrenewed
- Hateful to God
#PR 6:16,18; 11:20
- Full of evil
#EC 9:3
- Full of evil imaginations
#GE 6:5; 8:21; PR 6:18
- Full of vain thoughts
#JER 4:14
- Fully set to do evil
#EC 8:11
- Desperately wicked
#JER 17:9
- Far from God
#ISA 29:13; MT 15:8
- Not perfect with God
#1KI 15:3; AC 8:21; PR 6:18
- Not prepared to seek God
#2CH 12:14
- A treasury of evil
#MT 12:35; MR 7:21
- Darkened
#RO 1:21
- Prone to error
#PS 95:10
- Prone to depart from God
#DE 29:18; JER 17:5
- Imrepentant
#RO 2:5
- Unbelieving
#HEB 3:12
- Blind
#EPH 4:18
- Uncircumcised
#LE 26:41; AC 7:51
- Of little worth
#PR 10:20
- Deceitful
#JER 17:9
- Deceived
#ISA 44:20; JAS 1:26
- Divided
#HO 10:2
- Double
#1CH 12:33; PS 12:2
- Hard
#EZE 3:7; MR 10:5; RO 2:5
- Haughty
#PR 18:12; JER 48:29
- Influenced by the devil
#JOH 13:2
- Carnal
#RO 8:7
- Covetous
#JER 22:17; 2PE 2:14
- Despiteful
#EZE 25:15
- Ensnaring
#EC 7:26
- Foolish
#PR 12:23; 22:15
- Froward
#PS 101:4; PR 6:14; 17:20
- Fretful against the Lord
#PR 19:3
- Idolatrous
#EZE 14:3,4
- Mad
#EC 9:3
- Mischievous
#PS 28:3; 140:2
- Proud
#PS 101:5; JER 49:16
- Rebellious
#JER 5:23
- Perverse
#PR 12:8
- Stiff
#EZE 2:4
- Stony
#EZE 11:19; 36:26
- Stout
#ISA 10:12; 46:12
- Elated by sensual indulgence
#HO 13:3
- Elated by prosperity
#2CH 26:16; DA 5:20
- Studies destruction
#PR 24:2
- Often judicially stupefied
#ISA 6:10; AC 28:26,27
- Often judicially hardened
#EX 4:21; JOS 11:20
Heathen, The
- Are without God and Christ
#EPH 2:12
. Ignorant
#1CO 1:21; EPH 4:18
. Idolatrous
#PS 135:15; RO 1:23,25
. Worshippers of the devil
#1CO 10:20
. Cruel
#PS 74:20; RO 1:31
. Filthy
#EZR 6:21; EPH 4:19; 5:12
. Persecuting
#PS 2:1,2; 2CO 11:26
. Scoffing at saints
#PS 79:10
. Strangers to the covenant of promise
#EPH 2:12
. Having no hope
#EPH 2:12
. Degradation of
#LE 25:44
. Evidence of the power of God
#RO 1:19,20; AC 17:27
. Evidence of the goodness of God
#AC 14:17
. The testimony of conscience
#RO 2:14,15
- Evil of imitating
#2KI 16:3; EZE 11:12
- Cautions against imitating
#JER 10:2; MT 6:7
- Danger of intercourse with
#PS 106:35
- Employed to chastise the Church
#LE 26:33; JER 49:14; LA 1:3; EZE 7:24; 25:7; DA 4:27; HAB
5 1:5-9
- The Church shall be avenged of
#PS 149:7; JER 10:25; OB 1:15
. Rules over
#2CH 20:6; PS 47:8
. Brings to nought the counsels of
#PS 33:10
. Will be exalted among
#PS 46:10; 102:15
. Punishes
#PS 44:2; JOE 3:11-13; MIC 5:15; HAB 3:12; Z18 EC 14:18
. Will finally judge
#RO 2:12-16
- Given to Christ
#PS 2:8; DA 7:14
- Salvation of, foretold
#GE 12:3; GA 3:8; ISA 2:2-4; 52:10; 60:1-8
- Salvation provided for
#AC 28:28; RO 15:9-12
- The glory of God to be declared among
#1CH 16:24; PS 96:3
- The gospel to be preached to
#MT 24:14; 28:19; RO 16:26; GA 1:16
- Necessity for preaching to
#RO 10:14
- The gospel received by
#AC 11:1; 13:48; 15:3,23
- Baptism to be administered to
#MT 28:19
- The Holy Spirit poured out upon
#AC 10:44,45; 15:8
- Praise God for success of the gospel among
#PS 98:1-3; AC 11:18
- Pray for
#PS 67:2-5
- Aid missions to
#2CO 11:9; 3JO 1:6,7
- Conversion of, acceptable to God
#AC 10:35; RO 15:16
- Created by God
#GE 1:1; RE 10:6
- Everlasting
#PS 89:29; 2CO 5:1
- Immeasurable
#JER 31:37
- High
#PS 103:11; ISA 57:15
- Holy
#DE 26:15; PS 20:6; ISA 57:15
- God's dwelling-place
#1KI 8:30; MT 6:9
- God's throne
#ISA 66:1; AC 7:49
. Is the Lord of
#DA 5:23; MT 11:25
. Reigns in
#PS 11:4; 135:6; DA 4:35
. Fills
#1KI 8:27; JER 23:24
. Answers his people from
#1CH 21:26; 2CH 7:14; NE 9:27; PS 20:6
. Sends his judgments from
#GE 19:24; 1SA 2:10; DA 4:13,14; RO 1:18
. As Mediator, entered into
#AC 3:21; HEB 6:20; 9:12,24
. Is all-powerful in
#MT 28:18; 1PE 3:22
- Angels are in
#MT 18:10; 24:36
- Names of saints are written
#LU 10:20; HEB 12:23
- Saints rewarded in
#MT 5:12; 1PE 1:4
- Repentance occasions joy in
#LU 15:7
- Lay up treasure in
#MT 6:20; LU 12:33
- Flesh and blood cannot inherit
#1CO 15:50
- Happiness of, described
#RE 7:16,17
. A garner
#MT 3:12
. The kingdom of Christ and of God
#EPH 5:5
. The Father's house
#JOH 14:2
. A heavenly country
#HEB 11:16
. A rest
#HEB 4:9
. Paradise
#2CO 12:2,4
- The wicked excluded from
#GA 5:21; EPH 5:5; RE 22:15
- Enoch and Elijah were translated into
#GE 5:24; HEB 11:5; 2KI 2:11
- To brought to God's house
#DE 12:6
. First fruits of bread
#NU 15:19-21
. Right shoulder of peace offerings
#LE 7:32
. Part of the meat offering of all peace offerings
#LE 7:14
. Shoulder of the priest's consecration-ram
#EX 29:27
. Tenth of all tithes
#NU 18:26
. Part of all gifts
#NU 18:29
. Part of spoil taken in war
#NU 31:26-47
- To be the best of their kind
#NU 18:29
- To be heaved up by the priest
#EX 29:27
- Sanctified the whole offering
#NU 18:27,30
- Given to the priests
#EX 29:28; LE 7:34
- To be eaten in a clean place
#LE 10:12-15