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     Scorpion, The 
     - Armed with a sharp sting in its tail
         #RE 9:10
     - Sting of, venomous and caused torment
         #RE 9:5
     - Abounded in the great desert
         #DE 8:15
     - Unfit for food
         #LU 11:12
       . Wicked men
           #EZE 2:6
       . Ministers of Antichrist
           #RE 9:3,5,10
       . Severe scourges
           #1KI 12:11
     - Christ gave his disciples power over
         #LU 10:19
     - Antiquity of
         #JUD 5:14
     - Wore an inkhorn at their girdles
         #EZE 9:2,3
       . Kenites
           #1CH 2:55
       . Zebulun
           #JUD 5:14
       . Levi
           #1CH 24:6; 2CH 34:13
     - Generally men of great wisdom
         #1CH 27:32
     - Often learned in the law
         #EZR 7:6
     - Were ready writers
         #PS 45:1
     - ACTED AS
       . Secretaries to kings
           #2SA 8:17; 20:25; 2KI 12:10; ES 3:12
       . Secretaries to prophets
           #JER 36:5,26
       . Notaries in courts of justice
           #JER 32:11,12
       . Religious teachers
           #NE 8:2-6
       . Writers of public documents
           #1CH 24:6
       . Keepers of the muster-rolls of the host
           #2KI 25:19; 2CH 26:11; JER 52:25
     - MODERN
       . Were doctors of the law
           #MR 12:28; MT 22:35
       . Wore long robes and loved pre-eminence
           #MR 12:38,39
       . Sat in Moses' seat
           #MT 23:2
       . Were frequently Pharisees
           #AC 23:9
       . Esteemed wise and learned
           #1CO 1:20
       . Regarded as interpreters of Scripture
           #MT 2:4; 17:10; MR 12:35
       . Their manner of teaching contrasting with that of Christ
           #MT 7:29; MR 1:22
       . Condemned by Christ for hypocrisy
           #MT 23:15
       . Often offended at out Lord's conduct and teaching
           #MT 21:15; MR 2:6,7,16; 3:22
       . Tempted our Lord
           #JOH 8:3
       . Active in procuring our Lord's death
           #MT 26:3; LU 23:10
       . Persecuted the Christians
           #AC 4:5; 18:21; 6:12
     - Illustrated of well instructed ministers of the gospel
         #MT 13:52
     Scriptures, The 
     - Given by inspiration of God
         #2TI 3:16
     - Given by inspiration of the Holy Spirit
         #AC 1:16; HEB 3:7; 2PE 1:21
     - Christ sanctioned, by appealing to them
         #MT 4:4; MR 12:10; JOH 7:42
     - Christ taught out of
         #LU 24:27
       . Word
           #JAS 21 1:21-23; 1PE 2:2
       . Word of God
           #LU 11:28; HEB 4:12
       . Word of Christ
           #COL 3:16
       . Word of truth
           #JAS 1:18
       . Holy Scriptures
           #RO 1:2; 2TI 3:15
       . Scripture of truth
           #DA 10:21
       . Book
           #PS 40:7; RE 22:19
       . Book of the Lord
           #ISA 34:16
       . Book of the law
           #NE 8:3; GA 3:10
       . Law of the Lord
           #PS 1:2; ISA 30:9
       . Sword of the Spirit
           #EPH 6:17
       . Oracles of God
           #RO 3:2; 1PE 4:11
     - Contain the promises of the gospel
         #RO 1:2
     - Reveal the laws, statutes, and judgments of God
         #DE 4:5,14; EX 24:3,4
     - Record divine prophecies
         #2PE 1:19-21
     - Testify of Christ
         #JOH 5:39; AC 10:43; 18:28; 1CO 15:3
     - Are full and sufficient
         #LU 16:29,31
     - Are an unerring guide
         #PR 6:23; 2PE 1:19
     - Are able to make wise to salvation through faith in Christ
         #2TI 3:15
     - Are profitable both for doctrine and practice
         #2TI 3:16,17
       . Pure
           #PS 12:6; 119:140; PR 30:5
       . True
           #PS 160 119:160; JOH 17:17
       . Perfect
           #PS 19:7
       . Precious
           #PS 19:10
       . Quick and powerful
           #HEB 4:12
     - Written for our instruction
         #RO 15:4
     - Intended for the use of all men
         #RO 16:26
     - Nothing to be taken from, or added to
         #DE 4:2; 12:32
     - One portion of, to be compared with another
         #1CO 2:13
       . Regenerating
           #JAS 1:18; 1PE 1:23
       . Quickening
           #PS 119:50,93
       . Illuminating
           #PS 130 119:130
       . Converting the soul
           #PS 19:7
       . Making wise the simple
           #PS 19:7
       . Sanctifying
           #JOH 17:17; EPH 5:26
       . Producing faith
           #JOH 20:31
       . Producing hope
           #PS 119:49; RO 15:4
       . Producing obedience
           #DE 17:19,20
       . Cleansing the heart
           #JOH 15:3; EPH 5:26
       . Cleansing the ways
           #PS 119:9
       . Keeping from destructive paths
           #PS 17:4
       . Supporting life
           #DE 8:3; MT 4:4
       . Promoting growth in grace
           #1PE 2:2
       . Building up in the faith
           #AC 20:32
       . Admonishing
           #PS 19:11; 1CO 10:11
       . Comforting
           #PS 119:82; RO 15:4
       . Rejoicing the heart
           #PS 19:8; 119:111
     - Work effectually in them that believe
         #1TH 2:13
     - The letter of, without the spirit, killeth
         #JOH 6:63; 2CO 3:6
     - Ignorance of, a source of error
         #MT 22:29; AC 13:27
     - Christ enables us to understand
         #LU 24:45
     - The Holy Spirit enable us to understand
         #JOH 16:13; 1CO 2:10-14
     - No prophecy of, is of any private interpretation
         #2PE 1:20
     - Everything should be tried by
         #ISA 8:20; AC 17:11
     - SHOULD BE
       . The standard of teaching
           #1PE 4:11
       . Believed
           #JOH 2:22
       . Appealed to
           #1CO 1:31; 1PE 1:16
       . Read
           #DE 17:19; ISA 34:16
       . Read publicly to ALL
           #DE 31:11-13; NE 8:3; JER 36:6; AC 13:15
       . Known
           #2TI 3:15
       . Received, not as the word of men, but as the word of God
           #1TH 2:13
       . Received with meekness
           #JAS 21 1:21
       . Searched
           #JOH 5:39; 7:52
       . Searched daily
           #AC 17:11
       . Laid up in the heart
           #DE 6:6; 11:18
       . Taught to children
           #DE 6:7; 11:19; 2TI 3:15
       . Taught to ALL
           #2CH 17:7-9; NE 8:7,8
       . Talked of continually
           #DE 6:7
       . Not handled deceitfully
           #2CO 4:2
       . Not only heard, but obeyed
           #MT 7:24; LU 11:28; JAS 1:22
       . Used against our spiritual enemies
           #MT 4:4,7,10; EPH 6:11,17
     - All should desire to hear
         #NE 8:1
     - Mere hearers of, deceive themselves
         #JAS 1:22
     - Advantage of possessing
         #RO 3:2
     - SAINTS
       . Love exceedingly
           #PS 97 119:97,113,159,167
       . Delight in
           #PS 1:2
       . Regard, as sweet
           #PS 103 119:103
       . Esteem, above all things
           #Job 12 23:12
       . Long after
           #PS 119:82
       . Stand in awe of
           #PS 161 119:161; ISA 66:2
       . Keep, in remembrance
           #PS 119:16
       . Grieve when men disobey
           #PS 158 119:158
       . Hide, in their hearts
           #PS 119:11
       . Hope in
           #PS 119:74,81,147
       . Meditate in
           #PS 1:2; 119:99,148
       . Rejoice in
           #PS 162 119:162; JER 15:16
       . Trust in
           #PS 119:42
       . Obey
           #PS 119:67; LU 8:21; JOH 17:6
       . Speak of
           #PS 172 119:172
       . Esteem, as a light
           #PS 105 119:105
       . Pray to be taught
           #PS 119:12,13,33,66
       . Pray to be conformed to
           #PS 133 119:133
       . Plead the promises of, in prayer
           #PS 119:25,28,41,76,169
     - They who search, are truly noble
         #AC 17:11
     - Blessedness of hearing and obeying
         #LU 11:28; JAS 25 1:25
     - Let them dwell richly in you
         #COL 3:16
       . Corrupt
           #2CO 2:17
       . Make, of none effect through their traditions
           #MR 7:9-13
       . Reject
           #JER 8:9
       . Stumble at
           #1PE 2:8
       . Obey not
           #PS 158 119:158
       . Frequently wrest, to their own destruction
           #2PE 3:16
     - Denunciations against those who add to, or take from
         #RE 22:18,19
     - Destruction of, punished
         #JER 36:29-31
     Sea, The 
     - The gathering together of the waters originally called
         #GE 1:10
     - Great rivers often called
         #ISA 11:15; JER 51:36
     - Lakes often called
         #DE 3:17; MT 8:24,27,32
     - God
       . Created
           #EX 20:11; PS 95:5; AC 14:15
       . Made the birds and fished out of
           #GE 1:20-22
       . Founded the earth upon
           #PS 24:2
       . Set bounds to, by a perpetual decree
           #Job 10 26:10; 38:8,10,11; PR 8:27,29
       . Measures the waters of
           #ISA 40:12
       . Does what he pleases in
           #PS 135:6
       . Dries up, by his rebuke
           #ISA 50:2; NA 1:4
       . Shakes, by his word
           #HAG 2:6
       . Stills, by his power
           #PS 65:7; 89:9; 107:29
     - Of immense extent
         #Job 9 11:9; PS 104:25
     - Of great depth
         #PS 68:22
     - Rivers supplied by exhalations from
         #EC 1:7
     - Replenished by rivers
         #EC 1:7; EZE 47:8
       . Deep
           #Job 31 41:31; PS 107:24; 2CO 11:25
       . Great waters
           #PS 77:19
       . Great and wide sea
           #PS 104:25
     - The clouds the garment of
         #Job 9 38:9
     - Darkness the swaddling band of
         #Job 9 38:9
     - Sand the barrier of
         #JER 5:22
     - Inhabited by innumerable creatures great and small
         #PS 104:25,26
     - The wonders of God seen in
         #PS 107:24
     - Made to glorify God
         #PS 69:34; 148:7
       . The Adriatic or sea of Adria
           #AC 27:27
       . Mediterranean or great sea
           #NU 34:6; DE 11:24; 34:2; Z8 EC 14:8
       . Red Sea
           #EX 10:19; 13:18; 23:31
       . Sea of Joppa or sea of the Philistines
           #EZR 3:7; EX 23:21
       . Salt of Dead Sea
           #GE 14:3; NU 34:12
       . Sea of Galilee
           #MT 4:18; 8:32; JOH 6:1
       . Sea of Jazer
           #JER 48:32
     - Raised by the wind
         #PS 107:25,26; JON 1:4
     - Caused to foam by Leviathan
         #Job 31 41:31,32
       . Raised upon high
           #PS 93:3; 107:25
       . Tossed to and fro
           #JER 5:22
       . Multitudinous
           #JER 51:42
       . Mighty
           #PS 93:4; AC 27:41
       . Tumultuous
           #LU 21:25; Jude 13 1:13
     - The shore of, covered with sand
         #GE 22:17; 1KI 4:29; Job 3 6:3; PS 78:27
     - Numerous islands in
         #EZE 26:18
     - Passed over in ships
         #PS 104:26; 107:23
     - Sailing on, dangerous
         #AC 27:9,20; 2CO 11:26
       . Often built cities on the borders of
           #GE 49:13; EZE 27:3; NA 3:8
       . Derived great wealth from
           #DE 33:19
     - Shall give up its dead at the last day
         #RE 20:13
     - The renewed earth shall be without
         #RE 21:1
       . Of heavy afflictions
           #ISA 43:2; LA 2:13
       . (Trouble,) of the wicked
           #ISA 57:20
       . (Roaring,) of hostile armies
           #ISA 5:30; JER 6:23
       . (Waves of,) of righteousness
           #ISA 48:18
       . (Waves of,) of devastating armies
           #EZE 26:3,4
       . (Waves of,) of the unsteady
           #JAS 1:6
       . (Covered with waters,) of the diffusion of spiritual
         knowledge over the earth in the latter days
           #ISA 11:9; HAB 2:14
       . (Smooth as glass,) of the peace of heaven
           #RE 4:6; 15:2
     Sealing of the Holy Spirit 
     - Christ received
         #JOH 6:27
     - Saints receive
         #2CO 1:22; EPH 1:13
     - Is to the day of redemption
         #EPH 4:30
     - The wicked do not receive
         #RE 9:4
     - Judgment suspended until all saints receive
         #RE 7:3
     - Typified
         #RO 4:11

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