|  |
- Enjoined
#2CO 13:5
- Necessary before the communion
#1CO 11:28
- Cause of difficulty in
#JER 17:9
. With holy awe
#PS 4:4
. With diligent search
#PS 77:6; LA 3:40
. With prayer for divine searching
#PS 26:2; 139:23,24
. With purpose of amendment
#PS 119:59; LA 3:40
- Advantages of
#1CO 11:31; GA 6:4; 1JO 3:20-22
- Contrary to the law of God
#LE 19:18; MT 22:39; JAS 8 2:8
- The example of Christ condemns
#JOH 4:34; RO 15:3; 2CO 8:9
- God hates
#MAL 1:10
. Being lovers of ourselves
#2TI 3:2
. Pleasing ourselves
#RO 15:1
. Seeking our own
#1CO 10:33; PHP 2:21
. Seeking after gain
#ISA 56:11
. Seeking undue precedence
#MT 20:21
. Living to ourselves
#2CO 5:15
. Neglect of the poor
#1JO 3:17
. Serving God for reward
#MAL 1:10
. Performing duty for reward
#MIC 3:11
- Inconsistent with Christian love
#1CO 13:5
- Inconsistent with communion of saints
#RO 12:4,5; 1CO 12:12-27
- Especially forbidden to saints
#1CO 10:24; PHP 2:4
- The love of Christ should constrain us to avoid
#2CO 5:14,15
- Ministers should be void of
#1CO 9:19-23; 10:33
- All men addicted to
#EPH 2:3; PHP 2:21
- Saints falsely accused of
#Job 9 1:9-11
- Characteristic of the last days
#2TI 3:1,2
- Exemplified
. Cain
#GE 4:9
. Nabal
#1SA 25:3,11
. Haman
#ES 6:6
. Priests
#ISA 56:11
. Jews
#Z6 EC 7:6
. James and John
#MR 10:37
. Multitude
#JOH 6:26
- Man is prone to
#PR 20:6; 30:12
- Hateful to God
#LU 16:15
. But external
#MT 23:25-28; LU 11:39-44
. But partial
#MT 23:25; LU 11:44
. No better than filthy rags
#ISA 64:6
. Ineffectual for salvation
#Job 30 9:30,31; MT 5:20; RO 3:20
. Unprofitable
#ISA 57:12
- Is boastful
#MT 23:30
. Audaciously approach God
#LU 18:11
. Seek to justify themselves
#LU 10:29
. Seek to justify themselves before men
#LU 16:15
. Reject the righteousness of God
#RO 10:3
. Condemn others
#MT 9:11-13; LU 7:39
. Consider their own way right
#PR 21:2
. Despise others
#ISA 65:5; LU 18:9
. Proclaim their own goodness
#PR 20:6
. Are pure in their own eyes
#PR 30:12
. Are abominable before God
#ISA 65:5
- Folly of
#Job 20 9:20
- Saints renounce
#PHP 3:7-10
- Warning against
#DE 9:4
- Denunciation against
#MT 23:27,28
- Illustrated
#LU 18:10-12
- Exemplified
. Saul
#1SA 15:13
. Young man
#MT 19:20
. Lawyer
#LU 10:25,29
. Pharisees
#LU 11:39; JOH 8:33; 9:28
. Israel
#RO 10:3
. Church of Laodicea
#RE 3:17
Self-will and Stubbornness
- Forbidden
#2CH 30:8; PS 75:5; 95:8
. Unbelief
#2KI 17:14
. Pride
#NE 9:16,29
. An evil heart
#JER 7:24
- God knows
#ISA 48:4
. Refusing to hearken to God
#PR 1:24
. Refusing to hearken to the messengers of God
#1SA 8:19; JER 44:16; Z11 EC 7:11
. Refusing to walk in the ways of God
#NE 9:17; PS 78:10; ISA 42:24; JER 6:16
. Refusing to hearken to parents
#DE 21:18,19
. Refusing to receive correction
#DE 21:18; JER 5:3; 7:28
. Rebelling against God
#DE 31:27; PS 78:8
. Resisting the Holy Spirit
#AC 7:51
. Walking in the counsels of an evil heart
#JER 7:24; 23:17
. Hardening the neck
#NE 9:16
. Hardening the heart
#2CH 36:13
. Going backward and not forward
#JER 7:24
- Heinousness of
#1SA 15:23
. Be without
#TIT 1:7
. Warn their people against
#HEB 3:7-12
. Pray that their people may be forgiven for
#EX 34:9; DE 9:27
- Characteristic of the wicked
#PR 7:11; 2PE 2:10
- The wicked cease not from
#JUD 2:19
- Punishment for
#DE 21:21; PR 29:1
- Illustrated
#PS 32:9; JER 31:18
- Exemplified
. Simeon and Levi
#GE 49:6
. Israelites
#EX 32:9; DE 9:6,13
. Saul
#1SA 15:19-23
. David
#2SA 24:4
. Josiah
#2CH 35:22
. Zedekiah
#2CH 36:13
- Created by God
#Job 13 26:13
- Characterised as subtle
#GE 3:1; MT 10:16
- Called crooked
#Job 13 26:13; ISA 27:1
- Unclean and unfit for food
#MT 7:10
. Hedges
#EC 10:8
. Holes in walls
#AM 5:19
. Deserts
#DE 8:15
- Produced from eggs
#ISA 59:5
- Cursed above all creatures
#GE 3:14
- Doomed to creep on their belly
#GE 3:14
- Doomed to eat their food mingled with dust
#GE 3:14; ISA 65:25; MIC 7:17
- Many kinds of poisonous
#DE 32:24; PS 58:4
- All kinds of, can be tamed
#JAS 7 3:7
- Were often enchanted or fascinated
#EC 10:11
- Dangerous to travellers
#GE 49:17
- Man's aversion and hatred to
#GE 3:15
- Often sent as a punishment
#NU 21:6; DE 32:24; 1CO 10:9
. Moses' rod turned into
#EX 4:3; 7:9,15
. Israelites cured by looking at one of brass
#NU 21:8,9; JOH 3:14,15
. Power over, given to the disciples
#MR 16:18; LU 10:19
. Of the devil
#GE 3:1; 2CO 11:3; RE 12:9; 20:2
. Of hypocrites
#MT 23:33
. Of the tribe of Dan
#GE 49:17
. Of enemies who harass and destroy
#ISA 14:29; JER 8:17
. (Sharp tongue of,) of malice of the wicked
#PS 140:3
. (Poisonous bite of,) of baneful effects of wine
#PR 23:21,32
- Early mention of
#GE 9:25,26
. Male
#GE 24:34; 32:5
. Female
#GE 16:6; 32:5
. Bond
#GE 43:18; LE 25:46
. Hired
#MR 1:20; LU 15:17
- Persons devoted to the service of another so called
#PS 119:49; ISA 56:6
- The subjects of a prince or king so called
#EX 9:20; 11:8
- Persons of low condition so called
#EC 10:7
- Persons devoted to God so called
#PS 119:49; ISA 56:6; RO 1:1
- The term often used to express humility
#GE 18:3; 33:5; 1SA 20:7; 1KI 20:32
. Called hireling
#Job 1 7:1; JOH 10:12,13
. Engaged by the year
#LE 25:53; ISA 16:14
. Engaged by the day
#MT 20:2
. Not to be oppressed
#DE 24:14
. To be paid without delay at the expiration of their service
#LE 19:13; DE 24:15
. To be esteemed worthy of their hire
#LU 10:7
. To partake of the produce of the land in the sabbatical
#LE 25:6
. If foreigners not allowed to partake of the passover or
holy things
#EX 12:45; LE 22:10
. Anxiety of, for the end of their daily toil, alluded to
#Job 2 7:2
. Hebrew slaves serving their brethren to be treated as
#LE 25:39,40
. Hebrew slaves serving strangers to be treated as
#LE 25:47,53
. Often stood in the market place waiting for employment
#MT 20:1-3
. Often will fed and taken care of
#LU 15:17
. Often oppressed and their wages kept back
#MAL 3:5; JAS 4 5:4
. Called bondmen
#GE 43:18; 44:9
. By birth
#GE 14:14; PS 116:16; JER 2:14
. By purchase
#GE 17:27; 37:36
. Captives taken in war often kept as
#DE 20:14; 2KI 5:2
. Strangers sojourning in Israel might be purchased as
#LE 25:45
. Persons belonging to other nations might be purchased as
#LE 25:44
. Persons unable to pay their debts liable to be sold as
#2KI 4:1; NE 5:4,5; MT 18:25
. Thieves unable to make restitution were sold as
#EX 22:3
. More valuable than hired servants
#DE 15:18
. When Israelites not to be treated with rigour
#LE 25:39,40,46
. When Israelites to have their liberty after six years
#EX 21:2; DE 15:12
. Israelites sold as, refusing their liberty, to have their
ears bored to the door
#EX 21:5,6; DE 15:16,17
. Israelites sold to strangers as, might be redeemed by their
nearest of kin
#LE 25:47-55
. All Israelites sold as, to be free at the jubilee
#LE 25:10,40,41,54
. Could not when set free demand wives or children procured
during servitude
#EX 21:3,4
. To be furnished liberally, when their servitude expired
#DE 15:13,14
. When foreigners to be circumcised
#GE 17:13,27; EX 12:44
. To be allowed to rest on the Sabbath
#EX 20:10
. To participate in all national rejoicings
#DE 12:18; 16:11,14
. Persons of distinction had many
#GE 14:14; EC 2:7
. Engaged in the most menial offices
#1SA 25:41; JOH 13:4,5
. Maimed of injured by masters to have their freedom
#EX 21:26,27
. Masters to be recompensed for injury done to
#EX 21:32
. Laws respecting the killing of
#EX 21:20,21
. Of others not to be coveted or enticed away
#EX 20:17; DE 5:21
. Seeking protection not to be delivered up to masters
#DE 23:15
. Custom of branding, alluded to
#GA 6:17
. Sometimes rose to rank and station
#EC 10:7
. Sometimes intermarried with their master's family
#1CH 2:34,35
. Laws respecting marriage with female
#EX 21:7-11
. Seizing and stealing of men for, condemned and punished by
the law
#EX 21:16; DE 24:7; 1TI 1:10
. Laws respecting, often violated
#JER 34:8-16
. Of Christ
#PS 40:6; HEB 10:5; PHP 2:7,8
. Of saints
#1CO 6:20; 7:23
. Of the wicked
#2PE 2:19; RO 6:16,19
- Christ condescended to the office of
#MT 20:28; LU 22:27; JOH 13:5; PHP 2:7
- Are inferior to their masters
#LU 22:27
- Should follow Christ's example
#1PE 2:21
. To pray for them
#GE 24:12
. To honor them
#MAL 1:6; 1TI 6:1
. To revere them the more, when they are believers
#1TI 6:2
. To be subject to them
#1PE 2:18
. To obey them
#EPH 6:5; TIT 2:9
. To attend to their call
#PS 123:2
. To please them well in all things
#TIT 2:9
. To sympathise with them
#2SA 12:18
. To prefer their business to their own necessary food
#GE 24:33
. To bless God for mercies shown to them
#GE 24:27,48
. To be faithful to them
#LU 16:10-12; 1CO 4:2; TIT 2:10
. To be profitable to them
#LU 19:15,16,18; PHM 11 1:11
. To be anxious for their welfare
#1SA 25:14-17; 2KI 5:2,3
. To be earnest in transacting their business
#GE 24:54-56
. To be prudent in the management of their affairs
#GE 24:34-49
. To be industrious in laboring for them
#NE 4:16,23
. To be kind and attentive to their guests
#GE 43:23,24
. To be submissive even to the froward
#GE 16:6,9; 1PE 2:18
. Not to answer them rudely
#TIT 2:9
. Not to serve them with eye-service, as men-pleasers
#EPH 6:6; COL 3:22
. Not to defraud them
#TIT 2:10
- Should be contented in their situation
#1CO 7:20,21
- Should be compassionate to their fellows
#MT 18:33
. For conscience towards God
#1PE 2:19
. In the fear of God
#EPH 6:5; COL 3:22
. As the servants of Christ
#EPH 6:5,6
. Heartily, as to the Lord, and not to men
#EPH 6:7; COL 3:23
. As doing the will of God from the heart
#EPH 6:6
. In singleness of heart
#EPH 6:5; COL 3:22
. With good will
#EPH 6:7
- When patient under injury are acceptable to God
#1PE 2:19,20
- When Good
. Are the servants of Christ
#COL 3:24
. Are brethren beloved in the Lord
#PHM 16 1:16
. Are the Lord's freemen
#1CO 7:22
. Are partakers of gospel privileges
#1CO 12:13; GA 3:28; EPH 6:8; COL 3:11
. Deserve the confidence of their masters
#GE 24:2,4,10; 39:4
. Often exalted
#GE 41:40; PR 17:2
. Often advanced by master
#GE 39:4,5
. To be honored
#GE 24:31; PR 27:18
. Bring God's blessing upon their masters
#GE 30:27,30; 39:3
. Adorn the doctrine of God their Savior in all things
#TIT 2:10
. Have God with them
#GE 31:42; 39:21; AC 7:9,10
. Are prospered by God
#GE 39:3
. Are protected by God
#GE 31:7
. Are guided by God
#GE 24:7,27
. Are blessed by God
#MT 24:46
. Are mourned over after death
#GE 35:8
. Shall be rewarded
#EPH 6:8; COL 3:24
- The property of masters increased by faithful
#GE 30:29,30
. Eye-service
#EPH 6:6; COL 3:22
. Men-pleasers
#EPH 6:6; COL 3:22
. Deceit
#2SA 19:26; PS 101:6,7
. Quarrelsomeness
#GE 13:7; 26:20
. Covetousness
#2KI 5:20
. Lying
#2KI 5:22,24
. Stealing
#TIT 2:10
. Gluttony
#MT 24:49
. Unmerciful to their fellows
#MT 18:30
. Will not submit to correction
#PR 29:19
. Do not bear to be exalted
#PR 30:21,22; ISA 3:5
. Shall be punished
#MT 24:50
- Good-Exemplified
. Eliezer
#GE 24:1-67
. Deborah
#GE 24:59; 35:8
. Jacob
#GE 31:36-40
. Joseph
#GE 39:3; AC 7:10
. Servants of Boaz
#RU 2:4
. Jonathan's armor bearer
#1SA 14:6,7
. David's servants
#2SA 12:18
. Captive maid
#2KI 5:2-4
. Servants of Naaman
#2KI 5:13
. Servants of Centurion
#MT 8:9
. Servants of Cornelius
#AC 10:7
. Onesimus after his conversion
#PHM 11 1:11
- Bad-Exemplified
. Servants of Abraham and Lot
#GE 13:7
. Servants of Abimelech
#GE 21:25
. Absalom's servants [Absalom's servants obeyed a bad master;
they were bad men rather than bad servants]
#2SA 13:28,29; 14:30
. Ziba
#2SA 16:1-4
. Servants of Shimei
#1KI 2:39
. Jeroboam
#1KI 11:26
. Zimri
#1KI 16:9
. Gehazi
#2KI 5:20
. Servants of Amon
#2KI 21:23
. Job's servants
#Job 16 19:16
. Servants of the High Priest
#MR 14:65
. Onesimus before his conversion
#PHM 11 1:11