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  • Treasury of Scripture Knowledge -
    AMOS 9

    << Amos 8 - Obadiah 1 >> - HELP - GR VIDEOS - GR YOUTUBE - TWITTER - SD1 YOUTUBE    

      1  The certainty of the desolation.
    11  The restoring of the tabernacle of David.
    VERSE 1
    - I saw.
       * 2Ch 18:18 Isa 6:1 Eze 1:28 Joh 1:18,32 Ac 26:13 Re 1:17
    - upon.
       * Am 3:14 Eze 9:2; 10:4
    - Smite.
       * Isa 6:3,4 Zec 11:1,2
    - lintel.  or, chapiter, or knop.  cut them.  or, wound them.
      in the head.
       * Ps 68:21 Hab 3:13
    - shall not flee.
       * Am 2:14,15 Isa 24:17,18; 30:16 Jer 48:44
    VERSE 2 
     - Though.
      All these energetic expressions were intended to shew the
      utter impossibility of escape.
    - dig.
       * Job 26:6 Ps 139:7-10 Isa 2:19
    - climb.
       * Job 20:6 Isa 14:13-16 Jer 49:16; 51:53 Eze 28:13-16 Ob 1:4
       * Lu 10:18
    VERSE 3 
     - hide.
       * Job 34:22 Jer 23:23,24
    - hid.
       * Ps 139:9-11 Jer 16:16
    - the serpent.
       * Isa 27:1
    VERSE 4 
     - go.
       * Le 26:33,36-39 De 28:64,65 Eze 5:2,12 Zec 13:8,9
    - set.
       * Le 17:10 De 28:63 2Ch 16:9 Ps 34:15,16 Jer 24:6; 44:11
    VERSE 5 
     - toucheth.
       * Ps 46:6; 144:5 Isa 64:1 Mic 1:3 Na 1:6 Hab 3:10 Re 20:11
    - and all.
       * Am 8:8 Jer 12:4 Ho 4:3
    - shall rise.
       * Ps 32:6; 93:3,4 Isa 8:7,8 Mt 7:27
    VERSE 6 
     - buildeth.
       * Ps 104:3,13
    - stories.  or, spheres.  Heb. ascensions.
      {Mсloth,} "upper chambers," which in eastern houses are the
      principal apartments.  Perhaps there is a reference here to
      the various systems which God has created in illimitable
      space, transcending each other as the planets do in our
    - troop.  or, bundle.
       * Ge 2:1
      {Aguddah} probably is the same as the Arabic {ijad,} "an arch,
      vault," and may here denote the vault of heaven, or
      atmosphere, which God "hath founded, or established, upon, or
      over, {ネ,} the earth," and into which "he calleth the waters
      of the sea, and poureth them out upon the face of the earth."
    - calleth.
       * Am 5:8 Ge 7:11-19 Jer 5:22
    - The Lord.
       * Am 4:13 Ex 3:14,15
    VERSE 7 
     - ye not.
       * Jer 9:25,26; 13:23
    - Have not.
       * Am 2:10 Ex 12:51 Ho 12:13
    - the Philistines.
       * De 2:23 Jer 47:4
    - the Syrians.
       * Am 1:5 2Ki 16:9
    VERSE 8 
     - the eyes.
       * :4 Ps 11:4-6 Pr 5:21; 15:3 Jer 44:27
    - and I.
       * Ge 6:7; 7:4 De 6:15 1Ki 13:34 Ho 1:6; 9:11-17; 13:15,16
    - savings.
       * De 4:31 Isa 27:7,8 Jer 5:10; 30:11; 31:35,36; 33:24-26 Joe 2:32
       * Ob 1:16,17 Ro 11:1-7,28,29
    VERSE 9 
     - and I.
       * Le 26:33 De 28:64
    - sift.  Heb. cause to move.  grain.  Heb. stone.
    VERSE 10 
     - the sinners.
       * Isa 33:14 Eze 20:38; 34:16,17 Zep 3:11-13 Zec 13:8,9 Mal 3:2-5
       * Mal 4:1 Mt 3:10-12; 13:41,42,49,50
    - The evil.
       * Am 6:1,3 Ps 10:11 Ec 8:11 Isa 5:19; 28:14,15; 56:12 Jer 18:18
       * Mal 3:15
    VERSE 11 
     - that day.
       * Ac 15:15-17
    - raise.
       * Isa 9:6,7; 11:1-10 Jer 23:5,6; 30:9; 33:14-16,20-26 Eze 17:24
       * Eze 34:23,24; 37:24,25 Ho 3:5 Mic 5:2 Lu 1:31-33,69,70
       * Ac 2:30-36
    - the tabernacle.
       * Isa 16:5 Eze 21:25-27
    - close.  Heb. hedge, or wall.
       * Job 1:10 Ps 80:12; 89:40 Isa 5:5
    - as in.
       * Ps 143:5 Isa 63:11 Jer 46:26 La 5:21 Eze 36:11 Mic 7:14
    VERSE 12 
     - possess.
       * Isa 11:14; 14:1,2 Joe 3:8 Ob 1:18-21
    - Edom.
       * Ge 27:29,37 Nu 24:17 Ps 60:8 Mal 1:4
    - which are called by my name.  Heb. upon whom my name is
       * Isa 43:7; 63:19; 65:1 Jer 14:9; 15:16 Da 9:18,19
    VERSE 13 
     - plowman.
       * Le 26:5 Eze 36:35 Ho 2:21-23 Joh 4:35
    - soweth.  Heb. draweth forth.  the mountains.
       * Isa 35:1,2; 55:13 Joe 3:18,20
    - sweet wine.  or, new wine.  the hills.
       * :5 Jud 5:5 Ps 97:5
    VERSE 14 
     - I will bring.
       * Ps 53:6 Jer 30:3,18; 31:23 Eze 16:53; 39:25 Joe 3:1,2
    - build.
       * Isa 61:4; 65:21 Jer 30:18; 31:38-40 Eze 36:33-36; 37:25-28
    - plant.
       * Am 5:11 Isa 62:8,9 Eze 28:26 Zep 1:13
    VERSE 15 
     - they shall.
      As the Jews, after their return from Babylon, were driven from
      their land by the Romans, this can only refer to their future
      conversion and restoration, and to the security and peace of
      the church.
       * Isa 60:21 Jer 24:6; 32:41 Eze 34:28; 37:25 Joe 3:20 Mic 4:4

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