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Treasury of Scripture Knowledge - ISAIAH 6
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1 Isaiah, in a vision of the Lord in his glory,
5 being terrified, has apprehensions removed.
8 He offers himself, and is sent to shew the obstinacy of
the people unto their desolation.
13 A remnant shall be saved.
- A.M. 3245. B.C. 759. the year.
* 2Ki 15:7
- Azariah.
* 2Ch 26:22,23
- I saw also.
* Ex 24:10,11 Nu 12:8 Eze 1:1,25-28 Joh 1:18; 12:41 1Ti 6:16
- sitting.
* Isa 66:1 1Ki 22:19 Eze 10:1 Da 7:9 Mt 25:31 Re 3:21; 4:2,10; 5:1,7
* Re 6:16; 7:15-17
- high.
* Isa 12:4; 57:15 Ps 46:10; 108:5; 113:5 Eph 1:20,21
- his train. or, the skirts thereof. filled.
* 1Ki 8:10,11 Re 15:8
- stood.
* 1Ki 22:19 Job 1:6 Da 7:10 Zec 3:4 Lu 1:10 Re 7:11
- seraphims.
* Ps 104:4 Eze 1:4 Heb 1:7
- wings.
* Ex 25:20; 37:9 1Ki 6:24,27; 8:7 Eze 1:6,9,24; 10:21 Re 4:8
- covered his face.
* Ge 17:3 Ex 3:6 1Ki 19:13 Ps 89:7
- his feet.
* Job 4:18; 15:15 Eze 1:11
- did fly.
* :6 Ps 18:10; 103:20 Eze 10:16 Da 9:21 Re 8:13; 14:6
- one cried unto another. Heb. this cried to this.
* Ex 15:20,21 Ezr 3:11 Ps 24:7-10
- Holy.
* Ex 15:11 Re 4:8,9; 15:3,4
- the whole earth, etc. Heb. his glory is the fulness of the
whole earth.
* Isa 11:9,10; 24:16; 40:5 Nu 14:21 Ps 19:1-3; 57:11; 72:19 Hab 2:14
* Zec 14:9 Eph 1:18
- posts.
* Eze 1:24; 10:5 Am 9:1
- door. Heb. thresholds. the house.
* Ex 40:34 1Ki 8:10-12 2Ch 5:13,14; 6:1 Ps 18:8 Re 11:19; 15:8
- said I.
* Ex 33:20 Jud 6:22; 13:22 Job 42:5,6 Da 10:6-8 Hab 3:16
* Lu 5:8,9 Re 1:16,17
- undone. Heb. cut off. a man.
* Ex 4:10; 6:12,30 Jer 1:6 Zec 3:1-7 Mt 12:34-37 Jas 3:1,2
- I dwell.
* Isa 29:13 Jer 9:3-8 Eze 2:6-8; 33:31 Jas 3:6-10
- mine eyes.
* Isa 33:17 Re 1:5-7
- flew.
* :2 Da 9:21-23 Heb 1:7,14
- having, etc. Heb. and in his hand a live coal.
* Eze 10:2 Mt 3:11 Ac 2:3 Re 8:3-5
- which.
* Le 16:12 Heb 9:22-26; 13:10 Re 8:3-5
- he laid it upon. Heb. caused it to touch.
* Jer 1:9 Da 10:16
- thine iniquity.
* Isa 43:25; 53:5,10 Mt 9:2 Heb 9:13,14 1Jo 1:7; 2:1,2
- I heard.
* Ge 3:8-10 De 4:33-36 Eze 1:24; 10:5 Ac 28:25-28
- Whom.
* Ex 4:10-13 1Ki 22:20 Ac 22:21; 26:16,17
- us.
* Ge 1:26; 3:22; 11:7
- Then.
* Mt 4:20-22 Ac 20:24 Eph 3:8
- Here am I. Heb. Behold me.
* Isa 65:1
- Go.
* Isa 29:13; 30:8-11 Ex 32:7-10 Jer 15:1,2 Ho 1:9
- Hear ye.
* Isa 43:8; 44:18-20 Mt 13:14,15 Mr 4:12 Lu 8:10 Joh 12:40
* Ac 28:26,27 Ro 11:8
- indeed. or, without ceasing. Heb. in hearing. indeed.
Heb. in seeing.
- the heart.
* Isa 29:10; 63:17 Ex 7:3; 10:27; 11:10; 14:17 De 2:30 Eze 3:6-11
* 2Co 2:16
- fat.
* De 32:15 Ps 17:10
- ears heavy.
* Jer 6:10 Zec 7:11
- lest.
* Jer 5:21 Joh 3:19,20 Ac 3:19; 28:27
- convert.
* Isa 19:22 Mt 13:15
- Lord.
* Ps 74:10; 90:13; 94:3
- Until the.
* Isa 1:7; 3:26; 24:1-12
- utterly desolate. Heb. desolate with desolation.
- the Lord.
* Isa 26:15 2Ki 25:11,21 Jer 15:4; 52:28-30
- a great.
* Jer 4:29; 12:7 La 5:20 Ro 11:1,2,15
- But yet.
* Isa 1:9; 4:3; 10:20-22 Mt 24:22 Mr 13:20 Ro 11:5,6,16-29
- and it shall return, etc. or, when it is returned, and hath
been broused. teil-tree.
The teil-tree is the linden or lime-tree, a species very
common in Palestine; the leaf of which resembles that of the
laurel, and its flower that of the olive. But the original
{ailah,} which our translators render the oak, (but here
distinguished from {allon,} the oak,) and Bp. Lowth the
{ilex,} in ch. 29 1:29, 30, probably denotes, as Celsius
contends, the {terebinth.} It is an evergreen of moderate
size, but having the top and branches large in proportion to
the trunk; leaves, like those of the olive, but green
intermixed with red and purple; flowers, like those of the
vine, growing in bunches, and purple; fruit, of a ruddy
purple, the size of a juniper berry, hanging in clusters,
very juicy, and containing a single seed of the size of a
grape stone; wood, hard and fibrous, from which a resin
distils; with an excresence scattered among the leaves, of
the size of a chestnut, of a purple color, variegated with
green and white.
- substance. or, stock, or stem.
* Job 14:7-9
- so the holy.
* Isa 65:8,9 Ge 22:18 Ezr 9:2 Mal 2:15 Joh 15:1-3 Ro 9:5; 11:5,24
* Ga 3:16-19,28,29