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  • Treasury of Scripture Knowledge -
    JOB 30

    << Job 29 - Job 31 >> - HELP - GR VIDEOS - GR YOUTUBE - TWITTER - SD1 YOUTUBE    

      1  Job's honor is turned into extreme contempt;
    15  and his prosperity into calamity.
    VERSE 1
    - they that are.
       * Job 19:13-19; 29:8-10 2Ki 2:23 Isa 3:5
    - younger than I.  Heb. of fewer days than I.  whose.
       * Ps 35:15,16; 69:12 Mr 14:65; 15:17-20 Lu 23:14,18,35,39 Ac 17:5
       * Tit 1:12
    VERSE 2 
     - strength of.
       * Isa 10:13
    - old age.
       * Job 5:26
    VERSE 3 
     - solitary.  or, dark as the night.
       * Job 24:13-16
    - fleeing into.
       * Job 24:5 Heb 11:38
    - in former time.  Heb. yesternight.
    VERSE 4 
     - mallows.
      The Hebrew {mallu刢h,} in Arabic, {malluch,} and in Syriac
      {mallucho,} is probably the [       or        ] of the Greeks,
      and {halimus} of the Romans, which Dioscorides describes as a
      kind of bramble, without thorns, the leaves of which are
      boiled and eaten.
    - juniper roots.
      The Hebrew {rothem,} in Arabic, {ratim,} and in Spanish,
      {retama,} most probably signifies the {genista} or broom,
      which is very abundant in the deserts of Arabia.
    - for their meat.
       * 2Ki 4:38,39 Am 7:14 Lu 15:16
    VERSE 5 
     - driven.
       * Ge 4:12-14 Ps 109:10 Da 4:25,32,33
    VERSE 6 
     - dwell.
       * Jud 6:2 1Sa 22:1,2 Isa 2:19 Re 6:15
    - caves.  Heb. holes.
    VERSE 7 
     - brayed.
       * Job 6:5; 11:12 Ge 16:12
    - the nettles.
      {Charul} probably denotes some kind of briar or bramble:  so
      Vulgate renders it by {spina} or {sentis,} (Pr 24:31.  Zep
      9 2:9.)  Celsius and Scheuchzer are inclined to think it the
      {paliurus,} a shrub growing sometimes to a considerable height
      in desert places.  "One of the inconveniences of the vegetable
      thickets of Egypt is," says Denon, "that it is difficult to
      remain in them, as nine tenths of the trees and plants are
      armed with inexorable thorns, which suffer only an unquiet
      enjoyment of the shadow which is so constantly desirable."
    VERSE 8 
     - children.
       * 2Ki 8:18,27 2Ch 22:3 Ps 49:10-13 Jer 7:18 Mr 6:24
    - fools.
       * Pr 1:7,22; 16:22
    - base men.  Heb. men of no name.  viler.
       * Job 40:4 Ps 15:4 Isa 32:6
    VERSE 9 
     - am I.
       * Job 17:6 Ps 35:15,16; 44:14; 69:12 La 3:14,63
    VERSE 10 
     - abhor me.
       * Job 19:19; 42:6 Ps 88:8 Zec 11:8
    - flee far.
       * Job 19:13,14 Ps 88:8 Pr 19:7 Mt 26:56
    - spare not to spit in my face.  Heb. withhold not spittle from
      my face.
       * Nu 12:14 De 25:9 Isa 50:6 Mt 26:67; 27:30
    VERSE 11 
     - loosed.
       * Job 12:18,21 2Sa 16:5-8
    - let loose.
       * Ps 35:21 Mt 26:67,68; 27:39-44 Jas 1:26
    VERSE 12 
     - rise.
       * Job 19:18 Isa 3:5
    - they raise up.
       * Job 19:12
    VERSE 13 
     - they set forward.
       * Ps 69:26 Zec 1:15
    VERSE 14 
     - as a wide.
       * Job 22:16 Ps 18:4; 69:14,15 Isa 8:7,8
    VERSE 15 
     - Terrors.
       * Job 6:4; 7:14; 9:27,28; 10:16 Ps 88:15
    - soul.  Heb. principal one.  as a cloud.
       * Isa 44:22 Ho 6:4; 13:3
    VERSE 16 
     - my soul.
       * Ps 22:14; 42:4 Isa 53:12
    - have taken hold.
       * Ps 40:12
    VERSE 17 
     - My bones.
       * Job 33:19-21 Ps 6:2-6; 38:2-8
    - in the night season.
       * Job 7:4 Ps 22:2 Isa 38:13
    VERSE 18 
     - By the great.
       * Job 2:7; 7:5; 19:20 Ps 38:5 Isa 1:5,6
    VERSE 19 
     - cast me.
       * Job 9:31 Ps 69:1,2 Jer 38:6
    - dust.
       * Job 2:8; 42:6 Ge 18:27
    VERSE 20 
     - I cry.
       * Job 19:7; 27:9 Ps 22:2; 80:4,5 La 3:8,44 Mt 15:23
    VERSE 21 
     - become cruel.  Heb. turned to be cruel.
       * Job 7:20,21; 10:14-17; 13:25-28; 16:9-14; 19:6-9 Ps 77:7-9 Jer 30:14
    - thy strong hand.  Heb. the strength of thy hand.
       * Job 6:9; 23:6 Ps 89:13 1Pe 5:6
    VERSE 22 
     - liftest me.
       * Job 21:18 Ps 1:4 Isa 17:13 Jer 4:11,12 Eze 5:2 Ho 4:19; 13:3
    - to ride.
       * Ps 18:10; 104:3
    - substance.  or, wisdom.
    VERSE 23 
     - the house.
       * Job 14:5; 21:33 Ge 3:19 2Sa 14:14 Ec 8:8; 9:5; 12:5-7 Heb 9:27
    VERSE 24 
     - grave.  Heb. heap.  they cry.
       * Jud 5:31 Ps 35:25 Mt 27:39-44
    VERSE 25 
     - Did not I.
       * Ps 35:13,14 Jer 13:17; 18:20 Lu 19:41 Joh 11:35 Ro 12:15
    - in trouble.  Heb. hard of day.  was.
       * Job 31:16-21 Ps 12:1 Pr 14:21,31; 17:5; 19:17; 28:8 Isa 58:7,8
       * Da 4:27 2Co 9:9
    VERSE 26 
     - When I looked.
       * Job 3:25,26; 29:18 Jer 8:15; 14:19; 15:18 Mic 1:12
    - light.
       * Job 18:6,18; 23:17 Ps 97:11 Isa 50:10
    VERSE 27
        * Ps 22:4 Jer 4:19; 31:20 La 1:20; 2:11
    VERSE 28
        * Ps 38:6; 42:9; 43:2 Isa 53:3,4 La 3:1-3
    VERSE 29 
     - a brother.
       * Job 17:14 Ps 102:6 Isa 13:21,22; 38:14 Mic 1:8 Mal 1:3
    - owls.  or, ostriches.
      {Benoth y剝nah,} in Arabic, {bintu n剝matin,} not owls, but
      ostriches, so called from their doleful and hideous noises.
      "I have often," says Dr. Shaw, "heard them groan as if they
      were in the greatest agonies."
    VERSE 30 
     - my skin.
       * Ps 119:83 La 3:4; 4:8; 5:10
    - my bones.
       * Ps 102:3
    VERSE 31
        * Ps 137:1-4 Ec 3:4 Isa 21:4; 22:12; 24:7-9 La 5:15 Da 6:18

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