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  • Treasury of Scripture Knowledge -
    PSALMS 104

    << Psalms 103 - Psalms 105 >> - HELP - GR VIDEOS - GR YOUTUBE - TWITTER - SD1 YOUTUBE    

      1  A meditation upon the mighty power,
     7  and wonderful providence of God.
    31  God's glory is eternal.
    33  The prophet vows perpetually to praise God.
    VERSE 1
    - Bless.
      This sublime poem on the works of God in creation and
      providence, is ascribed to David in the LXX., Vulgate,
      Ethiopic, Syriac, and Arabic; and as it opens and closes with
      the same words as the preceding psalm, it is probable that it
      was composed on the same occasion; and it is written as part
      of it in nine MSS.
       * :35; 103:1,2,22
    - O Lord.
       * Ps 7:1 Da 9:4 Hab 1:12
    - art very great.
       * :3 145:3 Jer 23:24; 32:17-19 Re 1:13-20
    - clothed.
       * :1 93:1 Isa 59:17 Da 7:9
    - honor.
       * Ps 29:1-4; 96:6
    VERSE 2 
     - with light.
       * Da 7:9 Mt 17:2 1Ti 6:16 1Jo 1:5
    - stretchest.
       * Isa 40:22; 45:12 Zec 12:1 Heb 1:10-12
    VERSE 3 
     - Who layeth.
       * Ps 18:10,11 Am 9:6
    - maketh.
       * Isa 19:1 Mt 26:64 Re 1:7
    - walketh.
       * Ps 18:10; 139:9 2Sa 22:11 Na 1:3
    VERSE 4 
     - Who maketh.
       * Ac 23:8 Heb 1:7,14
    - ministers.
       * 2Ki 2:11; 6:17 Eze 1:13
    VERSE 5 
     - Who laid the foundations of the earth.  Heb. He hath founded
      the earth upon her bases.
       * Ps 24:2; 33:9; 136:6 Job 26:7; 38:4-7
    - that it.
       * :1 93:1 910 6:10 Ec 1:4 2Pe 3:10 Re 6:14; 20:11
    VERSE 6
        * Ge 1:2-10; 7:19 2Pe 3:5
    VERSE 7 
     - At thy.
       * Ge 8:1 Pr 8:28 Mr 4:39
    - they fled.
       * :3 114:3-7
    VERSE 8 
     - They go up, etc.  or, The mountains ascend, the valleys
       * Ge 8:5
    VERSE 9 
     - hast set.
       * Ps 33:7 Ge 9:11-15 Job 26:10; 38:10,11 Isa 54:9 Jer 5:22
    VERSE 10 
     - He sendeth.  Heb. Who sendeth.
       * :35 107:35
      The waters of the sea are not only prevented from destroying
      the earth, but, by the providence of God, are rendered the
      means of preserving every living thing; partly ascending from
      the great deep through the strata of the earth, partly exhaled
      in vapour from the surface of the ocean, and thence falling in
      rain, especially on the tops and sides of mountains, they
      break forth into fresh springs, and form streams and rivers.
       * De 8:7 Isa 35:7; 41:18
    - run.  Heb. walk.
    VERSE 11 
     - They give.
       * :16 145:16
    - the wild.
       * Job 39:5-8
    - quench.  Heb. break.
    VERSE 12 
     - the fowls.
       * :16,17; 50:11; 84:3; 148:10 Mt 6:26
    - sing.  Heb. give a voice.
       * :9 147:9
    VERSE 13 
     - watereth.
       * :8 147:8 De 11:11 Job 38:25-28,37 Jer 10:13; 14:22 Mt 5:45
       * Ac 14:17
    - his chambers.
       * :3 Am 9:6
    - the earth.
       * Ps 65:9-13
    VERSE 14 
     - causeth.
       * :15 145:15,16; 147:8,9 Ge 1:11,12,29; 2:5 1Ki 18:5 Jer 14:5,6
       * Joe 2:22
    - herb.
       * Ge 1:29; 2:9; 3:18; 9:3
    - that he.
       * :25 136:25 Ge 4:12 Job 28:5 1Co 3:7
    VERSE 15 
     - wine.
       * Ps 23:5 Jud 9:13 Pr 31:6 Ec 10:19 Jer 31:12 Zec 9:15-17 Mr 14:23
       * Eph 5:18
    - oil to make his, etc.  Heb. to make his face shine with oil,
      or, more than oil.
       * :10 92:10 De 28:40 Jud 9:9 Ec 8:1; 9:7 So 1:2-4 Heb 1:9 1Jo 2:20
    - bread.
       * :16 105:16 Le 26:26 De 8:3 Isa 3:1 Eze 4:16; 5:16; 14:13
    VERSE 16
        * Ps 29:5; 92:2 Nu 24:6 Eze 17:23
    VERSE 17 
     - the birds.
       * :12 Jer 22:23 Eze 31:6 Da 4:21 Ob 1:4 Mt 13:32
    - as for.
       * Le 11:19 Jer 8:7
    - the stork.
      The stork is a species of the ardea or heron genus, about the
      size of a goose in its body, but when erect, about three or
      four feet high; its general color is white; extremity of the
      wings, and small part of the head, black; legs, very long,
      red, and naked a great way up; the toes four, long and
      connected, with flat nails like those of a man; beak long,
      jagged, red, and somewhat compressed; the upper and under
      chaps both of a length, with a furrow from the nostrils:  it
      feeds on serpents, frogs, and insects, on which account it
      might be deemed unclean; lays four eggs, and sits thirty days;
      migrates about August, and returns in spring; and is
      remarkable for its love to its parents, whom it never
      forsakes, but feeds and cherishes when old; whence it had the
      name {chaseedah,} which denotes kindness or piety, and stork,
      from the Greek [             ,] natural affection.
    VERSE 18 
     - the wild goats.
      The {yсl,} is the ibex, or rock goat, so called from {ネah,}
      to ascend, because it is famous for mounting to the tops of
      the highest rocks.  Its general appearance is that of the tame
      goat, of a dusky brown color; but the male is larger, with
      long horns, bending backwards.
       * 1Sa 24:2 Job 39:1
    - the conies.
       * De 14:7 Pr 30:26
    VERSE 19
        * Ps 8:3; 136:7-9 Ge 1:14-18 De 4:19 Job 31:26-28; 38:12 Jer 31:35
    VERSE 20 
     - makest.
       * :16 74:16; 1310 9:10-12 Ge 1:4,5; 8:22 Isa 45:7 Am 1:13
    - of the forest do creep forth.  Heb. thereof do trample on the
    VERSE 21 
     - The young.
       * Ps 34:10 Job 38:39 Isa 31:4 Eze 19:2-14 Am 3:4
    - seek.
       * :9 147:9 Job 38:41 Joe 1:18,20; 2:22
    VERSE 22
        * Job 24:13-17 Na 3:17 Joh 3:20
    VERSE 23
        * Ge 3:19 Jud 19:16 Ec 5:12 Eph 4:28 2Th 3:8-12
    VERSE 24 
     - how.
       * Ps 8:3; 40:5; 107:31 Ne 9:6 Job 5:9
    - in wisdom.
       * :5 136:5 Ge 1:31 Pr 3:19,20; 8:22-36 Jer 10:12 Ro 11:33 Eph 1:8
       * Eph 3:10
    - the earth.
       * Ps 24:1; 50:10-12; 65:11 Ge 1:11,12,24,25 1Ti 6:17
    VERSE 25 
     - this great.
       * :4 95:4,5 Ge 1:20-22,28 De 33:14-16,19
    - beasts.
       * Ge 3:1 Ac 28:5
    VERSE 26 
     - There go.
       * :23 107:23 Ge 49:13
    - leviathan.
       * :14 74:14 Job 3:8 *marg:
       * Job 41:1-34 Isa 27:1
    - made.  Heb. formed.  to play.
       * Job 41:5,29
    VERSE 27
        * Ps 36:6; 136:25; 145:15,16; 147:9 Job 38:41 Lu 12:24-28
    VERSE 28 
     - gather.
       * Ex 16:4,18,22 Nu 11:8
    - openest.
       * Ps 38:13; 39:9; 49:9; 51:15
    - thine hand.
       * Ps 37:24 Ru 1:13
    - filled.
       * :13
    - with good.
       * :9 145:9 2Ki 6:33 Jer 29:11 Jas 17 1:17
    VERSE 29 
     - hidest.
       * Ps 30:7 Job 13:24; 34:29 Ro 8:20-22
    - thou takest.
       * :4 146:4 Job 34:14,15 Ec 12:7 Ac 17:25
    - return.
       * :3 90:3 Ge 3:19
    VERSE 30 
     - sendest.
       * Ps 33:6 Job 26:13; 33:4 Isa 32:14,15 Eze 37:9 Eph 2:1,4,5
       * Tit 3:5
    - renewest.
       * Isa 65:17; 66:22 Re 21:5
    VERSE 31 
     - The glory.
       * :16 102:16 Ro 11:36 Ga 1:5 Eph 3:21 2Ti 4:18 Heb 13:21 1Pe 5:11
       * 2Pe 3:18 Re 5:12,13
    - endure.  Heb. be.  rejoice.
       * Ge 1:31 Ex 31:17 Isa 62:5; 65:18,19 Jer 32:41 Zep 3:17
       * Lu 15:5,6,22-24
    VERSE 32 
     - looketh.
       * :16 77:16; 97:4,5 17 14:7 Isa 64:2 Jer 4:23-26; 5:22 Am 8:8 Na 1:5,6
       * Hab 3:5,6,10 Re 20:11
    - he toucheth.
       * Ps 50:3; 144:5 Ex 19:18 Isa 64:1,2 Re 19:3
    VERSE 33
        * Ps 63:4; 145:1,2; 146:2
    VERSE 34 
     - meditation.
       * Ps 1:2; 63:5,6; 77:12; 119:15,16,111,127,128,167; 139:17,18
       * Pr 24:14
    - I will be.
       * Ps 32:11 Hab 3:17,18 Lu 1:47 Php 4:4
    VERSE 35 
     - sinners.
       * Ps 1:4; 37:38; 59:13; 68:1,2; 73:27; 101:8 Jud 5:31 Pr 2:22 Re 19:1,2
    - Bless.
       * :1; 103:1,2,22

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