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  • Treasury of Scripture Knowledge -
    PSALMS 33

    << Psalms 32 - Psalms 34 >> - HELP - GR VIDEOS - GR YOUTUBE - TWITTER - SD1 YOUTUBE    

      1  God is to be praised for his goodness;
     6  for his power;
    12  and for his providence.
    20  Confidence is to be placed in God.
    VERSE 1
    - Rejoice.
       * Ps 32:11; 97:12 1Co 1:30,31 Php 4:4
    - ye righteous.
       * :15 118:15 Ro 3:10; 5:19
    - praise.
       * Ps 50:14-16; 78:36,37; 135:3; 147:1 Pr 15:8
    VERSE 2 
     - Praise.
       * :2 81:2,3 93 2:3 4 98:4,5 9 144:9 3 149:3 3 150:3-6 Ex 15:20 2Sa 6:5
       * 1Ch 15:16,28; 25:3,6 Re 5:8; 14:2
    - with the psaltery.
      {Benaivel ピor,} rather, "with the ten-stringed {nabla;}" see
      on 1 Ch 8 13:8.
    VERSE 3 
     - a new.
       * :1 96:1 91 8:1 9 144:9 1 149:1 Isa 42:10 Eph 5:19 Col 3:16 Re 5:9; 14:3
    - play.
       * 1Ch 13:8; 15:22; 25:7 2Ch 34:12
    VERSE 4 
     - the word.
       * Ps 12:6; 19:8; 119:75,128 Pr 30:5 Mic 2:7 Ro 7:12
    - all his.
       * Ps 25:10; 36:5,6; 85:10,11; 96:13 Ge 24:27 De 32:4 Da 4:37 Joh 14:6
       * Ro 15:8,9 Tit 1:2
    VERSE 5 
     - He.
       * Ps 11:7; 45:7; 99:4 Heb 1:9 Re 15:3,4
    - earth.
       * :24 104:24; 119:64; 145:15,16 Mt 5:45 Ac 14:17
    - goodness.  or, mercy.
    VERSE 6 
     - By the.
       * :9; 148:1-5 Ge 1:1; 6:7 Joh 1:1-3 Heb 11:3 2Pe 3:5
    - the host.
       * :2 148:2,3 Ge 2:1 De 4:19 Jer 8:2 Ro 1:25
    - breath.
       * :30 104:30 Ge 2:7 Job 26:13; 33:4 Joh 20:22
    VERSE 7 
     - He gathereth.
       * :6 104:6-9 Ge 1:9,10 Job 26:10; 38:8-11 Pr 8:29 Jer 5:22
    - heap.
       * Ex 15:8 Jos 3:13,16 Hab 3:15
    VERSE 8 
     - the earth.
       * Ps 22:27; 96:9,10 Jer 10:7-12 Da 6:25,26 Re 14:6,7; 15:4
    - stand.
       * :7 76:7 Heb 12:29
    VERSE 9 
     - For.
       * :6; 148:5,6 Ge 1:3 Heb 11:3
    - and it stood.
       * :5 93:5 119:90,91 Col 1:16,17 Heb 1:3 Re 4:11
    VERSE 10 
     - The Lord.
       * Ps 2:1-4; 9:15 Ex 1:10-12 2Sa 15:31,34; 17:14,23 Job 5:12,13
       * Pr 21:30 Isa 7:5-7; 8:9,10; 19:3,11-14; 44:23
    - bringeth.  Heb. maketh frustrate.
       * Isa 44:25
    - he maketh.
       * Ps 21:11; 140:8
    VERSE 11 
     - The counsel.
       * Job 23:13 Pr 19:21 Isa 14:24,27; 46:10 La 3:37 Eze 38:10-23
       * Da 4:37 Ac 4:27,28 Eph 1:11
    - thoughts.
       * :5 92:5 Isa 55:8,9 Jer 29:11 Mic 4:12
    - all generations.  Heb. generation and generation.
       * Ac 15:18
    VERSE 12 
     - Blessed.
       * :15 144:15; 147:19,20 Ex 19:5,6 De 33:29
    - people.
       * Ps 65:4; 135:4 De 7:6-8 Joh 15:16 Eph 1:4 1Pe 2:9
    - his own.
       * Ps 28:9 Jer 10:16 Tit 2:14
    VERSE 13 
     - looketh.
       * Ps 11:4; 14:2; 102:19 Ge 6:12 2Ch 16:9 Job 28:24 Pr 15:3 La 3:50
    - beholdeth.
       * Ps 53:2 Jer 23:23,24 Heb 4:13
    VERSE 14
        * :1 123:1 1Ki 8:27,30 Isa 57:15; 66:1 Lu 11:2 1Ti 6:16
    VERSE 15 
     - fashioneth.
       * Pr 22:2; 27:19 Ec 7:29 Isa 64:8 Ac 17:26
    - considereth.
       * Ps 44:21 Job 11:11; 34:21,22 Pr 24:12 Jer 32:19 Ho 7:2 1Co 4:5
    VERSE 16 
     - no king.
       * Ps 44:3,6,7 Ex 14:17,18,28 Jos 11:4-8 Jud 7:2,12-25 1Sa 14:8-16
       * 1Ki 20:10,27-29 2Ch 14:9-13; 20:12,23; 32:8,9,21
    - mighty.
       * Jos 14:12 1Sa 17:4,45-49 2Sa 21:16-22 Jer 9:23
    VERSE 17 
     - An horse.
       * Ps 20:7 Jud 4:15 2Ki 7:6,7 Pr 21:31 Ec 9:11 Isa 30:16 Ho 14:3
    - his great.
       * :10 147:10 Job 39:19-25
    VERSE 18 
     - the eye.
       * Ps 34:15-20; 147:11 Job 36:7 1Pe 3:12
    - hope.
       * Ps 13:5; 52:8 Ro 4:4-8 Heb 6:18
    VERSE 19 
     - To deliver.
       * :3 91:3-7,10 Joh 10:28,30
    - to keep.
       * Ps 37:3,19 Job 5:19-22 Pr 10:3 Isa 33:16 Mt 6:31-33
    VERSE 20 
     - soul.
       * Ps 27:14; 62:1,2,5,6; 130:5,6 Isa 40:31
    - he is.
       * :9 115:9-12; 144:1,2 1Ch 5:20
    VERSE 21 
     - For.
       * Ps 13:5; 28:7; 30:10-12; 32:10,11 Isa 25:9 Zec 10:7 Joh 16:22
    - his.
       * 1Ch 16:10,35 Lu 1:47-50 Re 4:8
    VERSE 22
        * Ps 5:11,12; 13:5; 32:10; 119:49,76 Mt 9:29

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