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    PSALMS 34

    << Psalms 33 - Psalms 35 >> - HELP - GR VIDEOS - GR YOUTUBE - TWITTER - SD1 YOUTUBE    

      1  David praises God, and exhorts others thereto by his
     8  They are blessed that trust in God.
    11  He exhorts to the fear of God.
    15  The privileges of the righteous.
    VERSE 1
    - A.M. 2942.  B.C. 1062.  (Title.)  Abimelech.  or, Achish.
      This is the second of the alphabetical Psalms (the first being
      Ps 25.); each verse beginning consecutively with a letter of
      the Hebrew alphabet.  The verse, however, which begins with
      [vÉv,] {wav,} and which should come in between the fifth and
      sixth, is totally wanting; but as the 22nd, which now begins
      with [pà,] {pay, podeh,} "redeemeth," is entirely out of the
      series, it is not improbable that it was originally written
      {oophodeh,} "and redeemeth" and occupied that situation, in
      which connection it reads admirably.
       * Ge 20:2; 26:1 1Sa 21:13-15 Pr 29:25
    - See on Ps.
       * :8 71:8,14,15 1 145:1,2 Isa 24:15,16 Ac 5:41; 16:25 Eph 5:20
       * Col 3:17 1Th 5:18 2Th 1:3; 2:13
    VERSE 2 
     - make.
       * Ps 44:8; 105:3 Isa 45:25 Jer 9:24 1Co 1:31 2Co 10:17
    - the humble.
       * Ps 22:22-24; 32:5,6; 119:74; 142:7 1Ti 1:15,16
    VERSE 3 
     - magnify.
       * Ps 35:27; 40:16; 69:30 Lu 1:46 Ac 19:17 Php 1:20
    - let us.
       * Ps 33:1,2; 66:8; 103:20-22; 148:1-14 1Ch 29:20 2Ch 29:30 Re 14:7
       * Re 19:5,6
    VERSE 4 
     - sought.
       * Ps 18:6; 22:24; 31:22; 77:1,2; 116:1-6 Jon 2:2 Mt 7:7 Lu 11:9
       * 2Co 12:8,9 Heb 5:7
    - from.
       * Ps 27:1,2; 46:2; 56:3 1Sa 27:1 Isa 12:2 2Co 7:5,6 2Ti 1:7
    VERSE 5 
     - They.
       * :1 123:1,2 Isa 45:22 Heb 12:2
    - and were.
       * Ps 13:3; 18:28; 97:11 Es 8:16
    - lightened.  or, flowed unto him.  their.
       * :16 83:16 2Sa 19:5
    VERSE 6 
     - This.
       * Ps 3:4; 10:17; 40:17; 66:16-20
    - saved.
       * :17-19 Ge 48:16 2Sa 22:1 Re 7:14-17
    VERSE 7 
     - The angel.
       * :11 91:11 2Ki 6:17; 19:35 Da 6:22 Mt 18:10 Lu 16:22 Heb 1:14
    - encampeth.
       * Ge 32:1,2 Zec 9:8
    VERSE 8 
     - taste.
       * Ps 63:5; 119:103 So 2:3; 5:1 Heb 6:4,5 1Pe 2:2,3 1Jo 1:1-3
    - Lord.
       * Ps 36:7,10; 52:1 Jer 31:14 Zec 9:17 1Jo 4:7-10
    - blessed.
       * Ps 2:12; 84:12
    VERSE 9 
     - fear.
       * Ps 22:23; 31:23; 89:7 Ge 22:12 Isa 8:13,14 Ho 3:5 Re 15:3,4
    - for.
       * Ps 23:1 Lu 12:30-32 Ro 8:32 1Co 3:22,23 Php 4:19
    VERSE 10 
     - lions.
       * :21 104:21 Job 4:10,11 Lu 1:51-53
    - but.
       * :11 84:11 Mt 6:32
    VERSE 11 
     - Come.
       * Pr 4:1; 7:24; 8:17,32; 22:6 Ec 11:9,10; 12:1 Isa 28:9 Mt 18:2-4
       * Mr 10:14-16 Joh 13:33 2Ti 3:15
    - I will.
       * Ps 32:8; 111:10 Pr 1:7; 2:1-9
    VERSE 12 
     - What.
       * Ps 21:4; 91:16 De 6:2; 30:20 1Pe 3:10,11
    - that he.
       * Ps 4:6 Job 7:7 Ec 2:3; 12:13
    VERSE 13 
     - Keep.
       * Ps 39:1 Pr 18:21 Mt 12:35-37 Jas 19 1:19,26; 3:2,5-10
    - speaking.
       * Ps 55:11 Pr 12:7,19,22; 19:9 Isa 63:8 Col 3:9 1Pe 2:1,22
       * Re 14:4,5
    VERSE 14 
     - Depart.
       * Ps 37:27 Job 28:28 Pr 3:7; 8:13; 13:14; 16:16,17 Isa 1:16,17
       * Ro 12:9 2Ti 2:19 1Pe 3:11
    - do.
       * Ac 10:38 Ga 6:10 Tit 2:14 Heb 13:16 3Jo 1:11
    - seek.
       * :7 120:7 Mt 5:9 Ro 12:18; 14:17 2Co 13:11 1Th 4:11 Heb 12:14
       * Jas 17 3:17,18
    VERSE 15 
     - The.
       * Ps 33:18 Job 36:7 1Pe 3:12
    - and.
       * :6,17; 130:2 2Ch 6:40 Isa 37:14-21 Da 9:17-23
    VERSE 16 
     - face.
       * Le 17:10; 26:17 Jer 44:11 Eze 14:7,8 Am 9:4
    - to cut.
       * Ps 10:16 Job 18:17 Pr 10:7 Ec 8:10 Jer 17:13
    VERSE 17 
     - The righteous.
      There is no word for the righteous in the present Hebrew text;
      but it is preserved in all the versions; and it was probably
      lost from its similitude to {tzÉÑkoo,} "they cry:"--{tzÉÑkoo
      tazddeekim,} "the righteous cry."
    - cry.
       * :6,15,19; 91:15; 145:18-20 2Ch 32:20,21,24 Isa 65:24 Ac 12:5-11
    VERSE 18 
     - is nigh.
       * :1 75:1 89 5:9 151 119:151 18 145:18 Isa 55:6
    - unto them, etc.  Heb. to the broken of heart.
       * Ps 51:17; 147:3 Isa 61:1 Lu 4:18
    - such as, etc.  Heb. the contrite of spirit.
       * 2Ki 22:19 Isa 57:15; 66:2 Eze 36:26,31
    VERSE 19 
     - Many.
       * :20 71:20 Job 5:19; 30:9-31; 42:12 Pr 24:16 Joh 16:33 Ac 14:22
       * 2Co 4:7-12,17; 11:23-27 1Th 3:3,4 2Ti 3:11,12 Heb 11:33-38
       * Jas 5:10,11 1Pe 4:12,13 Re 7:14-17
    - but.
       * :6,17
    VERSE 20
        * Ps 35:10; 91:12 Da 6:22-24 Joh 19:36
    VERSE 21 
     - Evil.
       * Ps 37:30-40; 94:23 Isa 3:11
    - they.
       * Ps 37:12-15; 40:15; 89:23 1Sa 19:4,5; 31:4 1Ki 22:8,37 Lu 19:14,27
       * Lu 19:41-44 Joh 7:7; 15:18-23 1Th 2:15,16 2Th 1:6,9
    - desolate.  or, guilty.
       * Ex 20:7
    VERSE 22 
     - redeemeth.
       * Ps 31:5; 71:23; 103:4; 130:8 Ge 48:16 2Sa 4:9 1Ki 1:29 La 3:58
       * 1Pe 1:18,19 Re 5:9
    - none.
       * Ps 9:9,10; 84:11,12 Joh 10:27-29 Ro 8:31-39 1Pe 1:5

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