VI A threatening of the destruction of Israel for their idolatry, ver. 1-7. A promise of the gracious return of a remnant, ver. 8-10. Directions to lament the sins and calamities of Israel, ver. 11-14.
Verse 2. The mountains - The inhabitants of the mountains, who were secure in their fastnesses.
Verse 3. Rivers - To those who dwell by river sides, or in the valleys. High places - The places of your idolatrous worship.
Verse 4. Cast down - Before the altars of your idols, which you fly to for refuge.
Verse 5. And - Thus the idols were upbraided with their inability to help their worshippers, and the idolaters, with the folly of trusting in them.
Verse 6. Your works - All your costly work for your idols.
Verse 8. Remnant - It is the Lord that preserves a remnant, the enemies rage would destroy all.
Verse 9. Shall remember - So as to turn unto me. Broken - I am much grieved. Whorish heart - Idolatrous hearts depart from God, as an adulterous wife departs from her husband. Loath - With a mixture of grief towards God, of indignation against themselves, and abhorrence of the offense.
Verse 10. In vain - Either without cause, the sufferers gave him just cause to pronounce that evil; or without effect. Their sins where the cause, and their destruction is the effect of their sufferings.
Verse 11. Smite - To shew thy wonder, indignation, sorrow, and pity, for their sins and sufferings.
Verse 12. Far off - Either by flight, or captivity. Shall fall - Who dwell near to Jerusalem, or would retire to it, when the Babylonians approach.