PS 106 The foregoing psalm was an history of God's goodness to Israel; this is an history of their rebellion: against him; probably both were wrote by David at the same time, as we find the first verse and the two last in that psalm, which he delivered to Asaph, 1 Chron. xvi, 35, &c. Herein we have the preface, ver. 1-5. The narrative of all of the sins of Israel, aggravated by the great things God did for them; their provocations at the Red-sea, ver. 6-12. Lusting, ver. 13-15. Mutinying, ver. 16-18. Worshiping the golden calf, ver. 19-23. Murmuring, ver. 24-27. Worshiping Baal- peor, ver. 28-31. Quarreling with Moses, ver, 32, 33. Mixing with the nations of Canaan, ver. 34-39. God rebuked them, yet saved them from ruin, ver. 40-46. The conclusion, ver. 47, 48. It begins and ends with Hallelujah.
Verse 4. Me - He speaks here in the name, and on the behalf of the whole nation. With-With those favours which thou dost usually and peculiarly give to thy people.
Verse 5. See - Enjoy. Chosen - Of thy chosen people; such as are Israelites indeed. Gladness - Such joy as thou hast formerly afforded unto thy beloved nation. Glory - That we may have occasion to glory in God's goodness towards us. Inheritance - In the congregation of thy people.
Verse 6. Glory - As our fathers did.
Verse 7. At the sea - When those wonders were but newly done, and fresh in memory.
Verse 8. Saved them - That he may vindicate his name from the blasphemous reproaches, which would have been cast upon it, if they had been destroyed.
Verse 9. Led them - As securely as if they had walked upon the dry land.
Verse 13. Soon - Even within three days, Exod. xv, 22, 23. Waited not - They did not wait patiently upon God for supplies, in such manner and time as he thought fit.
Verse 14. Lusted - For flesh.
Verse 15. Souls - Into their bodies. So their inordinate desire of pampering their bodies, was the occasion of destroying them.
Verse 16. The saint - So called, because he was consecrated by God for that sacred office of the priesthood, in which respect all the priests are said to be holy, Lev. xxi, 6-8. Hereby he intimates, that their envy and rebellion was not only against Aaron, but against God himself.
Verse 19. A calf - When they were but just brought out of Egypt by such wonders, and had seen the plagues of God upon the Egyptian idolaters, and when the law of God was but newly delivered to them in such a tremendous manner.
Verse 20. Their glory - God, who was indeed their glory. Into - Into the golden image of an ox or calf, which is so far from feeding his people, as the true God did the Israelites, that he must be fed by them.
Verse 23. Breach - God had made a wall about them; but they had made a breach in it by their sins, at which the Lord, who was now justly become their enemy, might enter to destroy them; which he had certainly done, if Moses by his prevailing intercession had not hindered him.
Verse 24. Despised - Preferring Egypt, and their former bondage, before it, Num. xiv, 3, 4.
Verse 25. The voice - To God's command, that they should boldly enter into it.
Verse 26. Lifted up - He swear. Of this dreadful and irrevocable oath of God, see Num. xiv, 11, 12.
Verse 27. Overthrow - He swear also (tho' not at the same time) that he would punish their sins, not only in their persons, but in their posterity.
Verse 28. Joined - They had communion with him, as God's people have with God in acts of his worship.
Verse 31. And - It was accepted and rewarded of God as an act of justice and piety.
Verse 37. Devils - They did not worship God as they pretended, but devils in their idols; for those spirits, which were supposed by the Heathen idolaters to inhabit in their images, were not good spirits, but evil spirits, or devils.
Verse 43. Counsel - By forsaking God's way, and following their own inventions.