PS 17 David appealing to God for his integrity, begs for defense against his enemies, ver. 1-9. Describes their wickedness, ver. 10- 12. Prays for deliverance from them, and rests in hope, ver. 13-15. A prayer of David.
Verse 1. The right - Regard my righteous cause.
Verse 2. Sentence - Judgment on my behalf. Come - From thy tribunal.
Verse 3. Proved - Or, searched or tried it, by many temptations and afflictions. Night - When mens minds being freed from the distraction of business, and from the society of men, they act more vigourously and freely, according to their several inclinations. Tried - As gold-smiths do metals. Nothing - Nothing of unrighteousness. Purposed - I have resolved, upon deliberation, as the word implies. Mouth - I am so far from practicing against Saul's life, as they charge me, that I will not wrong him so much as in a word.
Verse 4. Concerning - Observing the works of the men of this age, how wicked they are, I was resolved to take more care in ordering my own actions. By - By the help of thy blessed word. Paths - The customs and practices. Destroyer - Or, of the violent man: such as Saul, and his courtiers and soldiers.
Verse 7. By - By thy great power.
Verse 10. They - They live in splendour and prosperity.
Verse 11. Steps - In all our ways. We go from place to place, to rocks, and caves, and woods; but wheresoever we go they are at hand, and ready to surround us. Eyes - They keep their eyes fixed upon us. Bowing - Couching down upon the earth, that they may watch the fittest opportunity to surprize us.
Verse 13. Sword - Thy instrument to execute vengeance upon thine enemies. Do not punish me with this rod: let me fall into thy hands, and not into the hands of men.
Verse 14. Thy hand - Wherewith thou dost correct me. World - Who set their hearts upon this world, and neither have, nor desire any other portion. Belly - Mind or appetite, as that word is used, Job xx, 20. Prov. xx, 30. Treasure - With extraordinary wealth and glory. Children - When many of thy faithful servants are barren, these are blessed with a numerous posterity.