PREVIOUS CHAPTER - NEXT CHAPTER - HELP - GR VIDEOS - GR YOUTUBE - TWITTER - SD1 YOUTUBE ![]() CHAPTER 1 ANEW AGE FROM THE NORTH The Revolution of the Fifth Century, - The World in a Dead- lock, - The World’s one Work and its Three Workers, - The Jew, The Greek, the Roman unable to advance, - The Jew could not have discovered Christianity, - Nor the Greek the Baconian Philosophy, - Nor the Roman, Constitutional Government, - A fresh Race needed to give the World a Second Start, - A New Race arrives for the North, . CHAPTER 2 THE SERVICES OF THE SCOTS TO CHRISTIANITY IN THE MIDDLE AGES. The Scoti the first of the Northern Nations to appear in Southern Europe, - Their Name missing from the Roll of Scythian Invaders, - Why have Historians overlooked them? - They are earliest on the Scene, - A considerable Interval elapsed betwixt their Appearance and that of Tribes that followed, - They were comparatively few, - Portents which Rome’s Statesmen could not read, - The Work of the Huns, Vandales, etc., to destroy, - The Mission of the Scoti to rebuild, - Bird’s- eye view of the Scottish Missions in the early centuries, - Rome’s Claim to have preserved Letters, Arts, and Christianity examined and rejected, - . CHAPTER 3 ASECOND MORNING IN SCOTLAND Destruction of the Ancient World by the Gothic Nation, - The share each had in rebuilding , - The Frank, the Lambard, the Ostrogoth give a little help, - The Saracens give more, - Chief burden of restoring the World assigned to the Scots, - Location outside the Roman Empire, - Shut out from Rome and shut in with the Bible, - Other Causes of Isolation, - The Head- quarters of the Scottish Church at Iona, - The Bible the Foundation of its Theology and of its Government, - The Scottish Church FreeBorn, CHAPTER 4 . NINIAN Breath of a new Life, - Three great Individualities, - Ninian- Parentage and Education, - His Native Landscape, - Calamities of his Times and Country, - His Conversion, - Ebb of Christianity and revival of Paganism in Galloway, - He resolves to Evangelize in Galloway, - Numerous Miracles attributed to him, - The real Ninian simply a Home Missionary, - Ninian converts not by Miracles but by the Truth, . CHAPTER 5 NINIAN VISITS ROME. Motives assigned for his Journey by Ailred, - His true Motives, - His Road tracked through England, - Through Frances, - Lyons and Irenaeus, - Ninian crosses the Alps, - Ninian enters Rome, - Pagan Rome changing into Christian Rome, - Rome in Ninian’s day, - Election of Damasus as Pope, - Splendor and Avariciousness of the Clergy, - Jerome lashes Greed of Clergy, - Imperial Edicts restraining it, - Citizens of Rome, - A Black Cloud in the North, . CHAPTER 6 NINIAN RETURNS HOME Visits Martin of Tours on his way back, - Martin a great Patron of Monachism, - He transplants it into the West, - Ninian resolves to work on these lines, - Martin’s Masons follow him into Galloway, - Build him a Church at Whithorn, -CANDIDA CASA, - Basis of his Missionary Labors, and adaptedness of Site, - Landscape as seen from Candida Casa, - Had Rome given Ninian clearer Views of the Gospel? . CHAPTER 7 NINIAN’ S LAST LABORS AND DEATH Description of Eastern Monachism, - It becomes Fashionable at Rome, - Monachism a selfish and self- righteous thing, - The Monachism introduced into Galloway by Ninian active and aggressive, - His Monastery a College for training Missionaries, - Picture of Ninian’s School and Pupils, - Arrangements of Daily Work, - Plan and Subjects of Study, - Theology of Candida Casa, -” Pillars of Salt” on the High- road if Ecclesiastical History, - Ninian not the first Planter of Christianity among the Southern Picts, - He Reforms the already Christianized Picts, - Ninian’s Posthumous Individuality, - His Death and Burial, - Three Mighties, . CHAPTER 8 PALLADIUS A shadowy Personage, - Conflict of Old Systems with Christianity, - Rise of Pelagianism, - A Denial of the Fall, and by consequence, of the Atonement, - Its Authors, Morgan and Kelly, - Coelestius (Kelly) Opposed and Defeated by Augustine, - Palagius (Morgan) Condemned and Acquitted by turns at Rome, - Pelagianism enters Britain, - Palladius sent to check it, - Appointed “First Bishop of the Scots,” - Palladius sent to the Scots in Ireland, - Historic Proofs, - Rejected by the Scots, - Leaves Ireland, - Appears among the Picts, - Dies at Fordun in the Mearns, - Memorials of him at Fordun, . CHAPTER 9 PATRICK With Patrick comes a second commencement of Scotland’s History, - The Patrick of the Monkish Chroniclers, - The real Patrick, - His Birth place, - His Parentage, - His Boyhood and its Pleasures, - His Conscience asleep, - A terrible Calamity befalls him, - Carried captive to Ireland, - Sold for a Slave, . CHAPTER 10 PATRICK IN IRELAND A veiled Actor, - Unpitied Anguish, - The timing of Patrick’s Calamity, - Patrick in Adversity’s School, - The son of Calpurnius a Swine- herd, - He sees himself, - His past Life seen by him a thing of Guilt and Horror, - An Ulcer in the Soul, - The Tempest within makes him insensible to the Tempest without, - Terror of God, - His Cry for Pardon, - End gained by his prolonged Distess, . CHAPTER 11 PATRICK FINDS PEACE A Hand put forth to Heal, - An old Truth with a new Meaning, - Patrick enters into a new Life, - His Joy, - His preparation for his life- work thorough, - He begins to have Dreams of Deliverance from Captivity, - He Flees, - Finds a Ship and is taken on Board, - Returns Home, . CHAPTER 12 PATRICK AGAIN AT HOME Spiritual Greatness through Agony, - Illustrative Examples, - Luther, etc,. - Patrick at his Father’s Door, - Again amid the Scenes of his Youth, - His old Companions come around him, - Ireland the land of his second and better Birth, - Hears Voices in his Sleep calling him to return to it, - Resolves to give himself to the Conversion of Ireland, - His purpose opposed by Parents and Presbyters, - Patrick’s Preparations and Equipments as a Missionary, - His Anointing not of Man, . CHAPTER 13 PATRICK’ S MINISTRY IN IRELAND Patrick’s Barn, - Monish Caricature of Patrick, - The “Confessio” the one true Portrait, - Tours in rural Villages, - His Sermons, - Visits the Towns, - A better Sacrifice than that of the Druid, - Change on his Converts, - His Labors and Perils, - Patrick’s real Miracles, - Efforts in behalf of Slaves, - Was Patrick ever at Rome? - His Anointing by the Pope a Fable, . CHAPTER 16 DAY OF TARA Patrick and Luther, Columba and Calvin, - Patrick’s first Congregations, - Extension of His Mission, - Rumors of a Great Advent, - Festival at Tara, - Patrick goes thither, - His Fire on Hill of Slane, - Brought into Presence of King, - His Address to King Logaire, - Converts of High Rank, - Patrick enters Meath, - The Games interrupted, - Goes westward, - Arrives at Wood of Focloid, - Evangelizes in Leinster and Munster. - Ireland Christianized, . CHAPTER 17 THREE HUNDRED AND SIXTY-FIVE CHURCHES Sum of Patrick’s Labors in Ireland, - Three hundred and sixty- five Bishops, - Were these Diocesan or Congregational Bishops? - Picture of Roman Church in Third Century, as drawn by Hippolytus, - In Third Century a Congregation, a Pastor, and Elders formed a complete Church, - Elders a Teaching and Ruling Body, - How the Cardinalate arose, - After Concil of Nice great Changes, - Picture of Cyprianic Church in Africa, - Down to Middle of Third Century Bishop and Pastor were designation of the same Church- Officer, - Patrick’s Bishops not Diocesan but Village Bishops, - His Monasteries and first Churches, - His Death, . CHAPTER 18 SCHOOLS OF EARLY IRELAND Glory of times succeeding Patrick, - Ireland a Land of Scholars and Pastors, - Historic Testimonies of this Fact, - Its Schools richly Endowed, - Malachy the first to introduce Monks and Monkery into Ireland, - Number of Students in Irish Schools, - Resorted to by Foreign Youth, - A Church and School in every Tribe, - Send Forth Band after Band of Pastors and Missionaries, - Vast Physical and Moral Changes on Ireland, - Seven Centuries of Peace. . CHAPTER 20 COLUMBA Light carried back to Scotland, - Arrival of thirteen Strangers, - Birth and Parentage of Columba, - Endowments of Mind and Body, - His Education, - His Schoolmasters, - Irish Monasteries, - Monasteries Founded by Columba, - Battle of Cooldrevny, Christianity Stationary, Christian Character Progressive, . CHAPTER 21 VOYAGE TO SCOTLAND Columba’s Complications, - Leaves Ireland, - Voyage across Channel, - Touch at Oronsay, - Arrive at Iona, - Iona, - Physical Properties, - Mission Adaptabilities, - Zion and Iona, - - The “Church” falls and Christianity rises, - Christianity finds a new Foothold, - Rome in the South, Iona in the North, . CHAPTER 22 ORGANISATION OF IONA Neutral position of Iona, - First Columban Hamlet, - Dress and Diet of Fathers, - The form of their Tonsure, - A supposed Traveller, - Iona and Rome, a Contrast, - Spiritual Mechanism of Iona, - At the Centre the Bible, - Columban Transcribers, - Iona a Protest for Independence, - A Fight for Freedom of Conscience, - Government of Iona by an Abbot, - Obedience of the Brethern, - Points of Difference betwixt the Monks of Iona and the Monks of Asia and of Mediaeval Europe, - No Vow of Celibacy, or of Poverty, or Passive Obedience taken by Iona Presbyters, - Iona a Missionary Institute, - No Bishop at Iona, - Ordination performed by Presbyters, - Knox and Presbysters, - Knox and Presbyterian Polity, CHAPTER 23 AGRICULTURE,SCIENCE,AND THEOLOGY OF IONA Seedtime and harvest restored to Caledonia, - Iona a Model Farm, - First Book on Holy Land issues from Iona, - The Healing Art Studied, - Astronomy and Theology, - Holy Scripture the only Rule of Iona, - Testimony of bede, - Testimony of Columbanus, - The Reformation in Iona before it was in Wittenberg, - Gallus and Sedulius on Election, - Sedulius and Claudius Scotus on Free Will, - On the Function of the Law, - On the New Birth, - Sedulius, etc., on Faith as the Instrument of Justification, - Sedulius on Faith and Good Works, - Unchangeableness of Christianity, - Meteors and Stars, CHAPTER 24 COLUMBAN PLAN OF EVAGELIZATION Columba Visits King Brude, - Journey and Interview, - Through the King Pioneers his way to the Nation, - Columban, evangelization proceeds on the Tribal Organisation, - A Columban Mission planted in each Clan, - Iona the Model of the Branch Institutes, - These latter set down on a Strategic Principle, - Spread of Columban Institutes over Scotland, - The Caledonian a new man, - All Institutes ruled from Iona, - Columba’s watchful Oversight, - A Presbyter ruling Bishops, - Culdee Transcribers, - Culdee Preachers, . CHAPTER 25 COLUMBA’ S LAST DAYS Critical Position of the Scots, - Columba Negotiates theINDEPENDENCE of the Scottish Throne, - Crowns the First really Independent Scottish King, - Parliament of Drumceat, - Changes in Caledonia, - Columbia’s Last Days, - His Last Visits and Sayings, - He Dies, - A Tomb of the Whitest Marble, . CHAPTER 26 THE CELTIC EVANGELIZATION No Pause, - Flight of “Doves of Iona” to Northumbia, - Bede’s Testimony to the Men and their Labors, - They Christianize England, - The Culdees enter France, - Fridolt, - He Evangelizes at Poitier and in the Rine Valley, - Succeeded by Disibod, - A Half- Century’s Culdee Evangelization, - Columbanus, - Appears as Columba dies, - A Prophet to the Nations, - Crosses to France, - Evangelizes in the Vosges, - Plants Churches and Schools, - Missionaries from Iona join the Evangelization, - Columbanus driven from the Vosges, - Goes to Switzerland, - Evangelizes at Constance and Zurich, - Again driven out, - Goes to Italy, - Gentleness of the Culdees, . CHAPTER 27 THE PROTEST OF COULBANUS Columbanus in Italy, - His Mission in Italy, - Phocas and Boniface, - Controversy of the Three Chapters, - Independence of Culdee Church, - Testimony of Baronius, - Letter of Columbanus to Pope Boniface IV., - Pope bidden “Cleanse his Chair,” - Told he is Fallen, - Significance of Letter as a Protest against the Supremacy of Rome, - Columbanus dies, . CHAPTER 28 SPREAD OF CULDEAN CHURCH The Culdees in France, - France strewed with Culdee Institutions, - Culdees in Rhineland, - They Christianize Germany, - Willibrod in Germany, - Killean, - Culdees in Iceland, - Bird’s -eye view of Culdee Church in Europe, - Story of its Overthrow, - Winfrid, alias Boniface, sent as a Spy from Rome, - Creeps into the Confidence of the Culdee Leader, - After three years, goes back to Rome, - Returns to Germany as Papal Legate, - Obtains the Help of the Carlovingian Kings, - Puts down the Culdee Institutes, and replaces them with Bendictine Monasteries- Papal Sees Planted, - The Culdee Evangelization trodden out, - The Dark Ages follow, . GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - PROTESTANTISM INDEX & SEARCH
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