Do you use resources from GodRules.NET when studying scripture? Would you like to see our website expanded to offer even more free resources? If you have answered yes to either of these questions, we need your help! To expand and improve GodRules.NET, it requires a great deal of time and energy. So, I have decided to put myself full time into working on this ministry. And with your financial support, I can expand Godrules.NET to include even more biblical resources and materials for you and others around the world to use. Testimony Thank you for supplying these resources, brothers. The treasures of the kingdom of God are common to the world, but blessed to us!
Thank you, and God bless! -Harley Schwartz
For the past 12 years, I have been working on Godrules.NET part time consistently (with a bit of help from a few Christian friends). However, with some of my current plans for expansion, it would take atleast another 12 years part time just to complete these critical additions. Honestly, these revolutionary additions, should have already been online and available 10 years ago. Unfortunately, not one Christian website on the internet has been able to accomplish the task of creating serious Bible study tools in the top ten languages of the world. At most, they often include a Bible only in the respective foreign language. Imagine, if you went online and all you could find in english is the Bible and a couple scattered books and articles on it. Wouldn't that be shocking? But, that is how it is for almost all of the other languages of the world. We need serious bible study tools in all the major languages of the world, that truly take advantage of modern technology. I have created two recent versions of such Bible study tools in English here:
- Parallel Bible - Matthew 5:10
- Early Christian Bible - Genesis 1:1
Such works as these required an immense amount of work and were very complex and difficult to create. They are the super carriers of Bible study in size and value. Literally, my old computer just could not handle creating even one of these works above. As they both took about 20 to 40 GIG of textual data and 3 months each just to create, along with millions of search/replace operations to finish.
Right now, I am working on a third one and this one is in Russian! Such a Bible study tool has never been created in Russian, much less any other language other than English! My goal is to provide serious Bible study tools in the top ten most spoken languages of the world. In addition to the Russian Parallel Bible, I am also currently working on some Arabic and English bible study tools as well.
So, I need your support, to accomplish this monumental task. The more I can create, the more the Word of God, commentary, lexicons and other Bible study tools are freely available to anyone in the world. Other than by internet, I will be supplying books that can be saved and printed from one's computer, as the internet is the most free of the informational mediums throughout the world.
I am taking what Jesus said to His disciples to heart, ".. freely ye have received, freely give. " - Matthew 10:8 . So, I have decided to work and give where my talent is greatest. The distribution of biblical information via internet and other media forms (software, printible files, potentially radio, etc) is where I am able to give most.
Your support will be greatly appreciated. Consider the millions who will be touched around the world, who may not even have a printed Bible, but are able to not only read the Bible on my website in their language (Arabic, German, Russian, Hindi, Japanese, etc), but also are able to utilize advanced resources, providing commentary, cross-references, lexicons and more! You will be giving them something they could not easily obtain otherwise and it is truly priceless, as you are shaping lives into the image of Christ. Testimony Hi, great website, only just discovered it.
-Wilfred McGregor
In a given month, approximately 200,000 people browse GodRules.NET and generate about 8 million hits! Yet, this is only the beginning, as I am seeking to reach new heights with Godrules.NET! My goal is to reach 2 million people a month, which would be approximately 10 times the current traffic. With my 10 years of online SEO/marketing experience, I will be implementing this strategy:
- Unique Linking Stategy - I will be contacting many of the top Christian sites online, personally, and setting up linking campaigns with them. I will be putting together various proposals, which will offer something of value in turn for more presence on their website. I believe this is far better than PPC (pay per click) or any other paid form of advertising (including Google Adwords, which I have a lot of experience with).
- Viral Design Alterations - To promote backlinks, viral emails and more, I will be adding various promotional tools to many of my 500,000 pages on Design has a huge impact on increasing traffic, so I will be doing a lot of research and design alterations to make this reality.
- Quality Improvements and Page Additions - Increasing the size of by fourfold will have the effect of adding four times as many pages to Google's search results, along with the other top search engines. Also, improving the overall quality of current pages and all new additions will generate more pull and create a form of synergy with the www search engines.
Now, lets imagine that you and I want to enlarge GodRules.NET by 400% of its current size and increase its popularity by more than 10 times. Any help you and others can give will definitely make it an easier task! Here are just a few ways you can help:
- By sponsoring GodRules.NET.
- By praying for our ministry.
- By offering your web development talent.
We are looking for both individuals and companies who will sponsor GodRules.NET prayerfully and financially. A great deal of man hours will be required to improve and expand GodRules.NET. On top of this, server rent will likely increase as our website gains more popularity. For over the last several years, I have supported the labor and costs associated with GodRules.NET, but now I have come to a point where I need your help. Your financial support will greatly help to educate Christians around the world and to also win the lost to Christ. For individuals, you will be able to support the cause of Christ online and also receive a free copy of Verse Master if you give $50 or more. For businesses, you will also advance the Word of God online and receive advertising for your business. Our hope is that we can find individuals and companies that line up with our vision of spreading the Word of God throughout the internet world. If interested in supporting GodRules.NET, please click on one of the support links below. It will take you to a secure online transaction form, where you can sponsor GodRules.NET. Your prayers and support are greatly appreciated!
(allow giver to change amount? or give more than one amount option?)
Our goal as a Christian ministry is to proclaim the good news and teach the Word of God. To obtain a larger sphere of influence in cyberspace, we will need to expand and revise GodRules.NET. Here are some of our revision ideas:
- Foreign Bible Study Tools - The addition of Russian, German, Chinese and other foreign language Bible study tools. We will be one of the first websites on the Internet to include more than just Bibles in foreign languages.
- Bible, Commentary, Dictionary, Lexicon & More All Connected - For each major language of the world (Arabic, English, Chinese, Hindi, Russian, Spanish, German, Japanese, etc) I will scour the internet, contact publishers, etc to get my hands on reliable bible commentary, lexicon, dictionary and more to create intricate and well connected Bible study tools. There is not one Christian website on the entire internet that has accomplished such a feet. Many have done it for English and a few other websites dedicated to one foreign language have done so, but no one has put altogether on one website, on a comprehensive level. When searching the internet, I found only two websites in Arabic which had created comprehensive Arabic Bible study tools. However, often, they will only have partial commentaries, or partial lexicons, etc. Same is the case with the Russian language. With other languages, it was even more sparse (except with maybe European languages, such as German). This is why it is so relevant in this day and age to have such a comprehensive international Bible study website!
- World News Updates - I will be adding both Christian and world news on current events updating in real time for most language sections of Godrules.NET.
- Discussion Forums - A section dedicated to various apologetic and biblical study will be added to GodRules.NET. I will need to research the best way to integrate such forums into Godrules.NET's structure. I will also seek out any new tools, which will benefit Christians in their studies, such as tools to allow a person to make notes while they are studying the Bible.
- Hymn Text and Music Section - A section dedicated Christian hymns & music in text and audio format will be added.
- Online Game Expansion - The online game section of GodRules.NET will be greatly expanded and revised. Many more games will be added and there will be a ratings section for the most popular games. This section will also be graphically enhanced.
- Theme Oriented Sections - I we will be adding various themed sections like apologetics, archaeology, creation science, history, biblical articles, and more! Testimony DEAR SIRS, GREAT INFO ON YOUR TEACHINGS AVAILABLE FOR STUDY.
-William Poznaniak
Wouldn't you like to see scripture, commentary and Bible study tools in every language of the world? Wouldn't it be a great accomplishment for the cause of Christ to add as many bible study resources in foreign languages as possible?! At GodRules.NET, this is EXACTLY what we want to do! Sadly, some Christian companies are not interested in doing such a task, because it would not generate a solid profit. However, we know there are many Christians out there and Christian Businesses that want to see a real change in this world! Lets take this task before the Throne of God prayerfully, with fear and reverence.
Do you feel led to pray for our ministry? Maybe God has put on your heart to pray for the internet as a whole. We need your help!! Prayer is a powerful weapon and we definitely need all we can get. We have so many large goals for the cause of Christ and we hope that God brings them all to pass.
Kids are very impressionable. This is why the devil uses music, video games, etc. to get is satanic message ingrained in their minds. Go to a store like Best Buy and take a look around. You will see many video games and music titles with satanic symbols right on the cover. Read the game names and you will see titles as blatant as "Sin" or "Diablo" or "Devil Inside". We are not joking around when we say the Devil truly has control of the entertainment in today's culture. It is amazing how far some of these kids will go to justify the blatantly evil games. They will say that it doesn't effect them, that they are numb to the violence within the games, and that it is "just" a game.
My original intent in creating GodRules.NET was to provide an almost endless resource of Christian teaching and thought, where you could find an answer for almost anything you could imagine, and simultaneously reach out effectively to all people in the internet world. I believe that we are part way there, but I think it can be improved a significant amount. To improve the Bible study experience doesn't necessarily mean creating a bigger website. Some ideas for improvement, will improve functionality or provide another dynamic attribute without adding any new materials! My goal is to create such a vast and valuable resource to which people can find not only the answers to life, but also those deep hidden truths of God. I can see within GodRules.NET potential for this, but I am not sure of all that is needed to bring something like this to pass. Maybe you have a suggestion that would take us one step closer to reaching this goal. Also, we want to effectively reach out to the lost. We know that video games and music are two keys for the younger generation. Do you have any other suggestions?