SEV Biblia, Chapter 13:13
Y él dijo a sus hijos: Ensilladme el asno. Y ellos le ensillaron el asno, y subió en él.
John Gill's Bible Commentary
Ver. 13. And he said unto his sons, saddle me the ass , etc.] Which he used to ride on; intimating he had a mind to ride after him, and overtake him, as he might reasonably think he might, since the man of God was on foot: so they saddled him the ass, and he rode thereon ; after the man of God, taking the way his sons directed.
Matthew Henry Commentary
Verses 11-22 - The old prophet's conduct proves that he was not really a godly man When the change took place under Jeroboam, he preferred his ease an interest to his religion. He took a very bad method to bring the goo prophet back. It was all a lie. Believers are most in danger of being drawn from their duty by plausible pretences of holiness. We may wonde that the wicked prophet went unpunished, while the holy man of God wa suddenly and severely punished. What shall we make of this? The judgments of God are beyond our power to fathom; and there is judgment to come. Nothing can excuse any act of wilful disobedience This shows what they must expect who hearken to the great deceiver They that yield to him as a tempter, will be terrified by him as tormentor. Those whom he now fawns upon, he will afterwards fly upon and whom he draws into sin, he will try to drive to despair.
Original Hebrew
ויאמר 559 אל 413 בניו 1121 חבשׁו 2280 לי החמור 2543 ויחבשׁו 2280 לו החמור 2543 וירכב 7392 עליו׃ 5921