Encyclopedia Vol. 3

The mongoose is a favorite family pet in Asia because it is
such an effective snake killer. About 3 feet [9 dm] long, the mongoose
weighs about 10 pounds [4.5 kg]. It has short legs, yet is a fast runner
and quick in movement. This little creature is gentle around people, and
was clearly designed to protect them from poisonous snakes. Even if a
cobra bites a baby mongoose, the venom will not bother it. Venom
antibodies are in mongoose body, blood, and nerve cells. Although it may
never have seen a dangerous snake until fully grown, yet a mongoose will
instantly know to attack and kill that snake, and how to do it.
CATS' EYES-The eyes of a cat, and many other animals,
are able to see well when it is too dark for humans to see hardly
anything. One reason is the reflective layer of cells, just below the
light receptors in the retina. As it enters the eye, if a particle of
tight (called a photon) misses a light receptor, ft is reflected
back-from the back side through the light receptor cells for a second
chance to be seem The eyes of animals, with such a reflective layer,
shine in the dark when a flashlight is turned toward them. Most of these
are animals which are nocturnal; that is, they prefer to be active at
BATS-Bats are classified as mammals and are the only
flying mammals in existence. They sleep during the day in caves and come
out at night to hunt for food.
Specialized features enable the bat to fly, yet all
those features had to be placed there together in the beginning. Its
pelvic girdle is rotated 180° to that of other mammals. That means it
is backwards to yours and mine. The knees bend opposite to ours also.
This is ideal for bats, but an impossible situation for evolutionary
theory to explain. The pelvis, legs, knees, and feet of a bat are
structured so that they can sleep, while hanging upside down at night
from rocks and trees.
Young bats have special infantile teeth with inside
tooth hooks on them. These allow the immature bats to hold onto the
thick hair on their mother's shoulders. Without those juvenile teeth,
few bats would survive to adulthood. It would be equally hazardous to
the bat race if the babies lacked the instinct to grip the fur with
their teeth.
The sonar abilities of bats surpasses man's copy of
ft. In a darkened room with fine wires strung across it, bats fly about
and never touch them. Their supersonic sound signals bounce off the
wires and return to the bats, who then make use of echolocation to avoid
(There is a true bird, the oilbird, which flies in
and out of dark caves using similar echolation structures. Using sonar,
porpoises and whales do the same thing in the water.)
Bats have complicated flaps of skin around their
nostrils, and special structures in their ears, which they use to emit
and receive high-frequency sound waves. The bat emits bursts of sound of
frequencies up to 32,000 per second. Yet we cannot hear these sounds, or
anything else above 12,000 waves per second. We can be thankful that we
cannot hear those sounds, for it would make a terrible racket all night
This sonar system of the bats is more efficient and
sensitive, ounce for ounce, watt for watt, than man-made radar and
Using their echo location method, bats easily find
flying insects in the dark, and thousands are caught every nights A bat
will catch hundreds of soft-bodied, silent-flying moths, gnats, and
other insects in a single hour.
The bat, Nlctophllus geoffroyl, can detect
fruit flies 100 feet [304 dm] away by echo location. It will catch as
many as five in one seconds
Another species of bat, the horseshoe bat of Europe,
has elaborate "leaves" on its nose, which act as a horn to
focus its orientation sounds in a narrow beam. Turning its head from
side to side, the beam sweeps out, scanning the area before ft.
Incredibly, another species of bat uses its
sonar to
locate fish underwater) This type of bat only eats fish and can locate
them below the surface of the water with its sonar!
There is a problem of physics here: Although this bat
has a well-developed system of frequency-modulated ("FM")
sonar, sound loses much of its energy in passing from air into water,
and from water into air. The high-pitched sounds must go from the air
into water, echo off the fish, return through the water, then into the
air and back to the bat. How can these bats locate underwater fish using
this system? Apparently they succeed by flying close to the water as
they emit their bursts of sound.
The bat is able to hear sound frequencies of 150,000
cycles per second, whereas man can only hear 15,000 cycles per second.
The bat emits sounds of 70,000 cycles per second, at a rate of
10 impulses per second while at rest, and up to 100 impulses per second
when in flight.
High-frequency waves are transmitted through the
mouth (or nostrils in some bats) from a specialized larynx, and the
echoes are picked up by large and specialized ears.
A special, small muscle is in each outer ear. These
muscles contract-and automatically shut the ears just before ft emits a
sound, and then open them to receive the echo! That is high-tech!
Imagine trying to coordinate those ear muscles with 100 squeaks per
second made by the mouth!
The randomness of harmful mutations is
supposed to have made all that?
This sonar has marvelous discriminatory capacities,
but why this is so is not understood by researchers. In a bat swarm,
cave, or out in the night air, a bat can identify its own sound-from
among thousands of sounds emitted by other moving bats! It has the
ability to detect its own signals even though they may be 2,000 times
fainter than background noises!
Before leaving the bat, consider the arctiid moths.
This small moth avoids being caught by bats by producing sounds which
are believed to confuse the echos which return to the bats!
POLAR BEAR-The polar bear has special coarse pads
of fur on its feet to keep them from freezing as it walks on the ice.
They also enable it not to slip. Nine feet [29 km] tall and weighing
1,000 pounds [454 kg], it can easily run 18 miles per hour on ice.
Diving into the ocean, R swims in water that is
extremely frigid. Because it contains salt, ocean water does not
solidify into ice until it is 26°F [2°C]. So it is very cold water!
Yet the bear has no difficulty maintaining a body temperature of 99°F
[37°C]. In addition to excellent fur, he has an inner 3 inch [7.62 cm]
layer of fat. This fat not only keeps him warm, but helps him keep his
1,000 pounds [454 kg] afloat.
GIRAFFE-Charles Darwin wrote in his Origin of the Species,
that the giraffe was just a regular animal that grew a long neck to
reach the higher branches. Poor Charlie did not know much about
giraffes! There is far more to a giraffe than merely "a long
The giraffe has the most powerful heart in the animal
kingdom. This is due to the fact that it has double the normal blood
pressure. This high blood pressure is required to pump blood all the way
up to its brain.
The giraffe's blood pressure is two or three times
that of a healthy man, and probably is the highest in the world. Because
the giraffe has such a long neck (10-12 feet (30-37 dm] in length), its
heart must exert an immense force to pump blood through the carotid
artery to the brain. The giraffe's heart is huge; it weighs 25 pounds
[11 kg], is 2 feet [61 cm] long, and has walls up to 3 inches [7.62 cm]
In contrast, the brain of any animal is a very
delicate structure and is not able to stand high blood pressure. What
happens when the giraffe bends over to take a drink from a pond?
Obviously, we hate here an impossible situation. High pressure is needed
to get blood to the brain, yet that very pressure should destroy the
brain when it lowers its head to the ground.
Four carefully thought-out design factors nicely
solve this problem: (1) The giraffe has in his jugular veins a series of
one-way check valves. These immediately close as soon as the head is
lowered! But there is still a large amount of blood in the carotid
artery; too much. (2) That extra blood Is immediately shunted to a
special spongy tissue, located near the brain and filled with small
blood vessels, which absorbs it. In addition, (3) the cerebrospinal
fluid, which bathes the brain and spinal column itself, produces a
counter-pressure to prevent rupture or capillary leakage. Last but not
least, (4) the walls of the giraffe's arteries are thicker than those of
any other mammal.
The theory Of evolution is based on the idea that, in any given
environment, only a certain organism will succeed and all others will
fail and die out.
The monkey is said to have developed a tail so it can
climb trees better, but the gibbon, manx cat and bear climb trees and
they have no tails. The domestic cat climbs trees and has a tail, but
does not use n for that purpose.
The horse has uncrowned teeth, long legs, and a bushy
tail so it will be "fit for survival." The cow grazes in the
same field and has crowned teeth, shorter legs, and a tail with a tuft
on the end, and does just as well.
Why does the female duke of burgundy butterfly walk
on six legs, while its mate only walks on four?
Evolutionists say that plants evolved berries to aid
seed distribution by animals. Why then are some berries poisonous?
The queen ant produces worker ants which are sterile
and thus unable to pass on improvements to offspring-nor receive them
from their ancestors) How then could the worker bee evolve? The queen
produces all the bees. (More on this in chapter 40.)
Cats descend trees tail first, but leopards survive
just as well as the only member of the cat family that descends head
first. Why then did the others "evolve" the pattern of going
down tail first?
Evolutionists maintain that feathers evolved for the
purpose of flight. Why then do such birds as ostriches and penguins not
fly? How can bats fly, when they have no feathers?
Why do insects and birds which are in identical
environments-have different colors?
BEAVER-The American beaver dams up the water to form
artificial ponds, and prepares fortresses in them in which it can
overwinter with its family.
These dams are not essential to the beaver's
existence, for there are beavers in Europe which do not go through all
the complicated procedures required to make dams; they just do not make
them at all.
Cutting down trees, the beaver limbs them and uses
them to build a dam. In order to get trees from a farther distance, it
builds canals to float the timber down to the pond it is making.
Sometimes large stones are placed as part of the foundation of the dam.
In the course of time, the dam may stretch to as much as 300 feet [914
dm] in width, and be from 6 to 8 feet [18-24 dm] in height.
The weight of water in these dams can be
considerable, so the beaver will, when it thinks it necessary, prepare
an upper and lower dam to take pressure off the main one. In this way,
if too much rain falls, the main dam is more likely to be protested. The
lower dam catches the overflow and covers the base of the larger dam,
and thus partially counterbalances the water pressure in it.
The upper dam is higher up in the valley above the
main pond. The beaver senses when there is likelihood of flood problems,
and it is then that this earnest worker constructs the higher one. The
upper dam will always be constructed oversize, in order to hold an extra
amount of water; more than would normally flow into it.
The beaver's lodge is made in the main pond and is
placed half in and half out of it, with two entrance holes, leading into
tunnels usually 7-10 feet [21-30 dm], which open under water. The lodge
has a low dome on it, with walls 4-5 feet [1215 dm] thick, made of
earth, mud and sticks. The dimensions inside it is about 7 foot by 8
feet [21x24 dmj by 1 foot, 4 inches high [40.64 cm]. -Just the right
size to keep the beavers warm in wintertime.
BLUE WHALE-The largest creature which has ever
lived on our planet-is still alive: the blue whale. It can reach a
length of 100 feet [30 m] and weigh up to 170 tons [154 mt]. That is
340,000 pounds [154,224 kg], or the weight of 2,267 people weighing
about 150 pounds [68 kg] each. This fantastic creature has seven
stomachs and eats a million calories a day. Its tongue, alone, weighs
more than an elephant! It has eight tons [7 mt] of blood and a
1,000-pound [453 kg] heart to pump it. Lastly, the blue whale is one of
the longest-living animals, for it can live 120 years.
KANGAROO -The marsupials are the pouched mammals.
Two of the best-known of these is the American opossum (the only
marsupial in North America) and the Australian kangaroo.
An egg develops inside the mother marsupial, and when
it is born it is no larger than a bean! R is blind, deaf, hairless, and
looks somewhat like a tiny worm. A newborn opossum is smaller than a
honey bee, and six will fit in a spoon. There are 12-15 in each litter.
Emerging from the birth canal, this baby ought to
drop onto the ground and die right there. But
no, it holds tightly to the fur of its mother, and
slowly crawls a sizable distance over to the pouch. We are told that the
mother often does not even know when her baby is born, so she does
nothing to help It in its journey.
Moving slowly, it makes the trip with difficulty, but
eventually it arrives and crawls into the pouch. Why does it know to
hang onto the mother and crawl to the pouch? How does it succeed in
doing it? How can a worm successfully accomplish the task?
Down into the pouch it goes, and there it fastens
onto a nipple. Having done so, the nipple enlarges, locking the little
creature tightly to it. There it remains for many months in its warm,
safe home as it eats and grows. A wombat will remain thus attached to
its mother for half a year until it grows to the size of a mouse.
The red kangaroo (Megalela rufa) can make two kinds
of milk simultaneously: milk suitable for the new-born young in one
gland and, in the other gland, milk for a young kangaroo that is already
out hopping along beside it much of the time! The two kinds of milk
differ considerably in nutritional proportions.
Earth Wolf-This is the South African
"earth wolf." It looks like a regular wolf, but only eats
insects! It loves termites and will eat 200,000 of them in one night!
With its long tongue, it can lick above its eye or
under its chin. A sticky saliva is on this tongue, and the wolf uses it
to catch the insects-and clean its face afterward. At night when the
termites come out of their rest, the wolf catches and eats them, and
claws into the nest as well. Its teeth and fangs are used only to
protect itself against other animals which might try to attack ft.
Otherwise, it does not use its teeth for any foods
Oryx-The oryx is an antelope which lives in
the hot deserts of Africa and Arabia. It has long curved antlers and
travels in herds of 6 to 12 animals. But when it is time to bear young,
several herds will unite for greater protection, with about 60 animals
in each herd. The oryx has its young only during the rainy season. If it
did not do this, it would not have enough water to nurse its babies
It lives in the desert where the heat can rise to 110°F
[43.3°C]. A thermostat is in its nose and as the temperature rises, the
oryx gets hotter and it begins breathing more heavily to cool its blood.
That nasal thermostat is used to increase blood how to many small nasal
veins where the blood is air-cooled before going to the brain. Most
animals only have one artery to the brain, but the oryx has several.
CAMEL-The camel was designed to live where
there is little food and less water. It has one of the most efficient
water conservation systems of any animal. The camel can go two weeks
without water. Both the large bowel and the kidneys conserve water in
the body.

The camel's digestive system extracts 40 times as
much water as does the digestive tract of a cow. Its kidneys are far
more efficient in water removal than are other animal kidneys. Even its
nose is designed to catch and condense water in air about to be exhaled.
When food is scarce, the camel can change part of its wastes back into
usable protein! Last, but not least, the camel can readjust its body
temperature by a full 12°F! Few animals could survive such a
temperature change inside their bodies.
LEMMINGS-These look like short-tailed
relatives of the field mice. They live on the bare tops of mountains in
northern Europe and also on the Arctic tundra.
Every so many years, their numbers grow to such an
extent that there is not enough food for them all. When this happens,
suddenly they will march to the sea. Hordes of them will swim across
rivers, travel across plains, and climb over mountains. On they go until
they reach the ocean. Plunging in, they begin swimming, and soon drown.
This is an emergency means of keeping down the
population. It is necessary to protect the environment from
contamination from dying mice..
PROPORTIONAL FACTS-An animal's proportions
required advance planning, for its structure and shape has to match its
size and weight. If a fly was the size of a dog, its legs would be
crushed. If a dog was the size of a fly, it could not maintain body
heat. No insect the size of a man could, in earth's gravitational field,
walk, fly, run, or even crawl an inch.
All things being even, a small animal must have a
faster metabolism than a large animal. Otherwise it will not be able to
replace all the energy it is so quickly using up. A shrew or hummingbird
must constantly be eating or either will die of starvation within a
short time, while a large animal could go without food for longer
WONDER NET-Many creatures have the
"wonder net." This is a special arrangement of blood vessels
that some animals use to conserve heat.
A man standing with his bare feet in cold water would
not survive long, but a wading bird can stand in cold water all day, and
the whale and seal swim in the arctic with naked fins and flippers,
continually bathing them in freezing water.
All such warm-blooded creatures have to maintain a
steady body temperature. Yet how do they avoid becoming sick when the
cold continually presses against their thinly-insulated extremities?
They use what scientists call the
"countercurrent exchange." It is a method of heat exchange
used in industry. In animals it is called rate Irablle, or "wonder
net." The blood in one vessel flows in the opposite direction to
that of an adjacent vessel, and in this way warm blood passes on its
heat to the colder blood. It is similar to a double layer of circulating
SLOTH-The sloth has no soles on its feet, for it does
not need them; it hardly ever stands on the ground. Spending most of its
life in the trees, it likes to hang upside down from the branches! In
order to rest, move, and sleep suspended from trees, several factors in
a sloth need to be different than other mammals. Yet, because it has
them, it is obvious that the sloth can only be happy_ when hanging
upside down from trees.
Here is another example of careful design: All other
mammals have fur which hangs downward from the top, but the hair of the
sloth has a part running along his bottom sides, thus causing the hair
to hang opposite to the other mammals. In this way, rain runs right off
this upside-down creature.
FEET, SMELL, AND TEETH-The horse has a
single hard hoof so it can run on the hard ground of the plains. The cow
has a split goof, so it can walk on much softer ground without inking
in. Its two hoofs spread and give better support. The caribou's hoof is
even wider, so it will not sink into the snow. But during the winter,
the inner part of the hoof shrinks; leaving a sharp outer edge which
prevents slippage on the ice.
Night animals will not be able to see as well, so
they have a better sense of smell than most of the animals roaming about
in the daytime.
When a squirrel, rat, or beaver wishes to cut
something with its chisellike front teeth, the lower jaw is slid
forward. In this position, its grinding teeth will not meet. In order to
grind up what it has cut off, it slides its jaw backward again. In this
position, the cutting teeth fit into a vacant space behind the upper
incisors, and the grinding teeth match each other.
POLAR BEAR-The polar bear has a head
shaped in such a way that its eyes, ears, and nose remain above water as
it swims. The feet are much larger than those of other bears, so it can
walk on snow. There is webbing between those large feet, so it can swim.
The soles of the feet are covered with hair, which prevents slippage on
the ice.
RAT-The rat has 16 teeth; 12 molars to grind and 4
front incisors to bite food, crack hard corn, and chew through wood. the
top two front incisors go behind the bottom front teeth. The very hard
outer tooth coating, called enamel, is found only on the front of the
incisors. Therefore the back sides of them are ground down by the top
teeth to a razor-sharp edge.
Engineers at General Electric Corporation wanted to
design self-sharpening saw blades. So they studied a rat's front teeth
in order to figure out how to do it in the very best way. Then, on a
metal lathe, they copied the design and prepared a saw blade that has
the same angle in relation to the metal it is cutting. As it slices
through the metal, small pieces of the blade are cut away by the metal,
thus always keeping the blade sharp. That self-sharpening blade lasts
six times longer than any other blade they had previously been able to
make.All because researchers studied the front teeth of a rat.
RIBLETS-You do not know what a riblet is? It
is not an animal. Airlines in the United States are saving $300,000 a
year because of riblets. Here is the story behind them:
Scientists at NASA tried to figure out how certain
water creatures could swim so rapidly. They studied porpoises and sharks
for months. The friction of the porpoise's body as it moves through the
water ought to be great enough to slow it quite a bit. Yet the amount of
drag that should be present-simply was not there! Given the drag of the
water and the amount of flipper motion, something was enabling the
porpoise to swim much faster through the water than it ought to be able
to swim.
Then the experts figured it out: riblets. These are
small triangular-shaped groves on the outer surface of the porpoise's
skin. They are also found on fast-swimming sharks, but never on the slow
ones. These grooves run from front to back. As the water touches the
body, it is carried along in those riblets, and this reduces the amount
of frictional drag as the large creature swims rapidly through the
NASA's Langley Research Center developed the riblets
and tested them in wind tunnels. They then asked 3M Company to
manufacture riblets in large, flat vinyl sheets. When these sheets were
placed on the outside of large airplanes, the resulting savings were
immense. It now costs airline companies a lot less in fuel to fly a jet
liner a given distance.
MOLE-The mole is. not blind, but has good eyes
although often hidden by fur. It may not run very well, but it surely
can digl A mole's front feet are small spades, with well-designed claws
on the ends. Its nose and tail have special nerve endings which can
strongly sense vibrations. These vibration sensors obviously were
carefully designed, for they have thousands of parts. With them, a mole
can actually hear worms and grubs crawling several feet away in solid
dirt. The mole is not mining the ground, but is eating the grubs which
destroy the plants.
HYENA-When they are not running from lions, packs of
spotted hyenas in Africa spend their time watching vultures! They in
turn watch the hyena packs. When either finds a dead animal, all gather
and eat it together without disturbing one another.
The hyena has a strong stomach acid that is able to
digest the most rotten meat, without becoming sick. Yet that strong acid
never injures the wall of its stomach.
WEIGHT LIFTERS-A female chimpanzee can lift 1,260
pounds [571.5 kg] with one arm, whereas a man of the same size could
only lift about 1/6th as much.
The hero shrew of Uganda, Africa, measures only six
inches [15 an], yet it can support a 160pound [72.5 kg] man on its back.
No human could survive under a proportionate load.
MANATEE-When Columbus came to America on
his second trip (in 1493), he saw mermaids and said they looked ugly.
What he saw were manatees. These are the large "sea cows"
which feed on vegetation in rivers not far from the ocean. This giant
mammal stands on its tail in the water and walks aroundl Seven feet (21
dm] tall, it weighs 1,400 pounds [635 kg], and balances on its tail.
LIGHT SLEEPERS -The giraffe only sleeps half
an hour every 24-hour day. The tiny shrew (the smallest mammal in North
America) does the same. All other mammals and most other animal life
need much more sleep.
OXPECKER-The oxpecker bird lives in Africa
and lands on the necks of various grazing animals and drills out
burrowing insects and cleans wounds. When it lands on the neck of the
giraffe it has a field day. The animals welcome the oxpecker bird for he
helps safeguard their health.
PRONGHORN ANTELOPE-The pronghorn antelope
in western U.S.A., can run 50 miles [80 km] an hour. It lives where
there are hot summers and cold winters, so it has short fur and long
guard hairs. In the summer the guard hairs stand up, and in the winter
they lay down flat and seal over the fur beneath, keeping it warmer.
The pronghorn has a special signal system that can be
seen by other antelope two miles away. A special muscle in its rump
pulls white hair over brown hair; a raised, shows brown hair. At a
distance, the sudden change to white hair and then back to brown looks
like a flashing mirror. This warns other antelope of danger; coyote
packs are approaching! One antelope signals and others signal; then all
run. As they run the signal keeps flashing on and off for a short time.
HIPPOPOTAMUS-The hippopotamus
is the
second largest land animal in the works (next to the elephant). It is 14
feet [43 dm] long, 41/2 feet [14 dm] tall, and weighs 4 ton [3,628 kg].
But in the water, it only weighs 116th as much: 1,200 pounds [544 kg].
During the day it sleeps in the river, or walks
around underwater, as fish clean ticks and bugs off its skin. At dusk it
comes up on land and nightly consumes 150 pounds [68 kg] of grass,
traveling as much as 20 miles [32 km] to do so.
SEA OTTER-The California sea otter is a playful
creature. It is also a tool user. When it finds a clam or abalone shell
for dinner, it picks up both the clam and a stone from the ocean bottom
and carries both to the surface. Then, leisurely, it floats on its
back and cracks the shell open, using its chest as an anvil. Placing the
clam on its strong tummy-the sea otter hits it with the stone, opening
The Springbok gazelle in the Kalahari Desert of Africa is
only 3 feet [9 dm] high, but every so often will spring 10-12 feet
(30-36.5 dm] straight up! It does this to look for enemies at a
distance. This would be equivalent to a 6-foot [18 dm] man jumping 24
feet [73 dm] high.
One guard will spring up periodically, looking for
lions and leopards, while others in the herd feed. A white patch on its
tail goes up when it spots enemies, and off it runs. Then all the others
speed away at 60 miles [96.5 km] per hour.
DESERT BURRO-The desert burro in the American
southwest lives in the heat all summer long. Four feet tall, it normally
weighs 300 pounds [136 kg], but can lose 75 pounds [34 kg] of water
before needing a drink.
Normal blood in mammals is 97 percent water. The
desert burro can lose 30 percent of the water in its blood without
hurting it. It has special blood cells and a strong heart. If a man lost
6 percent of the water in his blood, he would fall unconscious; 10
percent and he would have a heart attack and die.
MARMOT-The marmot is like a woodchuck, but instead is
a "rock chuck." It lives under boulders so bears will not get
it. When the time comes to dig its den for a long 9-month hibernation in
the cold country it lives in, the marmot must know the soil and terrain
well. If it makes its winter home in the wrong place, water, draining
in, may flood and drown the little creature in the spring before
hibernation is ended. The marmot's den is 20 feet [61 dm] below ground,
sometimes with a 300-foot [914 dm] tunnel leading to it. So it always
stays in high ground, and away from depressions or ravines when digging
its winter home.
evolutionist will explain that mammals descended from reptiles. Consider
some of the many differences:
1- The basic structure of mammals is quite different
than that of reptiles.
2 - Reptiles breathe in a totally different manner
than mammals, for reptiles lack a diaphragm.
3 - Mammals primarily excrete urea, whereas reptiles
excrete uric acid.
4 - Mammals have fur (although some, such as whales
and elephants have relatively little); reptiles have scales.
5 - Mammals have much larger brains than reptiles
6 - Mammals maintain a constant body temperature, but
reptiles do not.
7 - Mammals produce milk, but reptilian infants must
get their nourishment from the egg.
8 - There are important vertebral differences between
mammals and reptiles.
9 - Mammals have different blood. Theirs is nucleated
and markedly different in several ways. The blood of reptiles is
10 - Mammals have three ear bones, whereas reptiles
only have one. The inner ear of mammals is much more complex.
11 - Mammals have a palate separating the mouth from
the nose cavity; reptiles lack it.
12 - Mammals consistently have a single dorsal aorta
(their largest artery). Reptiles have two. How could one circulatory
system change into a different one?
13 - Mammals have a complex set of teeth, including
temporary infantile ("milk") teeth. Reptiles have single
COW-There are millions of milk glands in the udder of
a cow. Each day it drinks 25 gallons [94.6 liters] of water and produces
5 gallons [18.9 liters] of milk.
People have one chamber in their stomach; cows have
four chambers. Grass is ground up by the back grinder teeth and is then
swallowed. That grass enters the first chamber (the "rumin"),
which is 3/4's of the total stomach area. This holds lots of water. Food
churns and ferments at body temperature [102°F; 39°C]. The heat
multiplies bacteria which make B vitamins, which help the cow make milk.
There are also many protozoa in the stomach. They
were in the water and grass that was eaten. The protozoa are killed by
strong stomach acid in the fourth chamber-and become protein for the cow
and its milk.
The food now passes into the second chamber (the
"reticulum"), where a muscle pushes it back up the throat and
the cow, lying on the grass, chews on this "cud" with its
mouth. This breaks it up even better. Once again it is swallowed.
Now the cud is sent down to the third chamber (the
"omassium"), where moisture is squeezed out of ft. From there
it passes into the fourth chamber (the "abelmasson"), where
strong acids break the food down for digestion in the intestines.
Gallons of water are poured into this fourth chamber.
How could such a complicated stomach mechanism ever
POCKET GOPHER-This little fellow has big cheeks
with pouches in them, which extend from below its eyes down to its
shoulders. This is its grocery sack, in which it pokes carrots, potatoes
and other food which it finds. It will chew and swallow that food later.
The gopher digs long shallow tunnels, each of which
may extend 50 feet [152 dm] or so. When it goes down into its hole, it
seals the entrance to keep snakes out. With its long sharp claws, it can
dig rapidly. Because the wear on those claws is terrific, they need to
be fast-growing. So its front claws grow 20 inches [50.8 cm] a year.
Crawling around through the dirt is hard on eyes, but
the gopher has no problem. There is a gland near each eye which produces
jelly. This coats the eye, and when it blinks, the dirt falls off. Then
the eye is reooated by fresh jelly.
But the gopher does more than crawl,-it runs through
its tunnels. And it runs both forward and

backward! As it runs backwards through the dark,
curving tunnels, it raises its tail and feels the sides,-and never runs
into the wall!
The gopher can both bite and dig at the same
time,-and do it without getting dirt in its mouth! This is because its
lips are closed behind its teeth.
ELEPHANT- MUCH could be said about the elephant,
for it is a large subject-in more ways than one. Its fantastic trunk can
pick up an immense log, a tiny child, or a pin! It is also used to hose
itself down with water or dust, or scratch its back with a stick! The
elephant has a very slow metabolism and heart beat, yet can outrun a
man. Its cooling system is in its large ears! Each ear, weighing over
100 pounds [45 kg], are filled with many small blood vessels. To
conserve heat, the ears are held close to the body, and to cool off they
are held outward. On very hot days they are flapped.
KOALA-This is a 2-foot-tall [62 cm], 20 pound [9 kg]
marsupial, which is the Australian "teddy bear." It spends its
entire life in the tall eucalyptus trees, eating eucalyptus leaves.
As with other marsupials, baby koalas are born
looking like tiny worms, then crawl into the mother's pouch. Six months
later they emerge and are 8 inches [20.32 cm] long. At that time they
crawl out and onto their mother's backs and remain there for another six
All the food and water of this animal come from
eucalyptus leaves (the leaves are 65 percent water). No other animal
dares to eat those leaves, for they are poisonous if swallowed. But the
koala has a special stomach acid which neutralizes the strong chemicals
in eucalyptus oil.
The koala has a special intestine which is able to
digest the leaf cellulose. Tiny one-celled protozoa provide the needed
digestion. Passing into another chamber, strong acids digest and eat the
It is said that man is the ruler of the world
"because he has an opposable thumb." The little koala bear
laughs at that suggestion, for he has an opposable thumb on each
foot,-and two of them on each handl
With but two exceptions, the pouch of every marsupial
opens towards its head. The exceptions are the koala and the wombat,
which open to the rear.
RIVER OTTER- The otter may be slow on land, but is
one of the fastest mammals in the water. The otter has 36 special
whiskers attached to nerve pads in its cheeks. As it swims rapidly
through muddy water, it can sense the faint shock wave sent out by a
passing fish. From that sensation, the otter can tell what type of fish
it is and where it went!
Even if the fish is resting, it will emit electrical
currents which the otter can sense.
With its paws, the otter digs for crayfish, and
can locate them by sensing their body electricity. When the river is covered with ice, the otter will
go up beneath the ice and breathe out, and then take
the air back in and breathe out again. This keeps melting and weakening
the ice. Soon it can break through.
SLOTHS AND ALGAE- In the South American jungles
can be found the three-toed sloth and the two-toed sloth. A certain
green algae gets onto the coat of the three-toed sloth and lives there.
This is helpful to the sloth for it turns him green and hides him from
enemies. He looks like a clump of leaves.
In the same forests live the two-toed sloth. A brown
algae likes to make its home on him-and turns him the brown color of the
tree bark he lives on! He looks like a piece of tree hanging down from a
The difference lies in the structure of the hair on
the two sloths. The transverse cracks in the first type of hair seem to
attract green algae, whereas the longitudinal grooves in the second type
of hair are more favorable to brown algae.
ANTELOPE SQUIRREL- This little desert squirrel
lives in the Sonoran desert. When it is hot outside, the squirrel goes
down into its underground tunnels to cool off. It has special skin
inside its nose that senses moisture. As the little squirrel exhales
air, this nasal skin soaks up most of the moisture in that exhaled
air-and puts it back into its body! Certain other animals, such as the
camel, do this also.
STAR-NOSED MOLE- This little mole has a star the
size of a dime on its nose. With that star it is able to sense
vibrations in the ground or in the water. As it digs, this mole stops
and listens. It can hear the vibrations of an earthworm or similar
creature, and identify the direction it is coming from. The mole obtains
both its food and water from earthworms.
As with other moles, the star-nosed mole has sense
organs in its tail that enable it to run backwards through the curves
and sharp turns of tunnels, without colliding with the walls.
Also, as do other moles, the star-nosed mole has a
sonar similar to bats. Opening its mouth and emitting a high-pitched
squeak, as it runs forward through the tunnels, the returning echoes are
sent to its brain, where they are interpreted and tell it what is ahead
in the darkness.
KANGAROO RAT- The kangaroo rat (Dipodemys microps)
of the American southwest, is able to live on the leaves of the
saltbush, Atriplex, which most other creatures avoid. The outer layer of
these leaves is very salty in contrast with the tasty inside portion of
the leaf. The little rat has special teeth, with which it is able to
shave off the salty outside portion of the leaves before eating the
inside part.
WHALE-Evolutionists maintain that the whale is
descended from land animals. They say this because it is warm-blooded
and nurses its young with milk. But those are among the few things which
whales have in common with mammals on the land!
The whale has no neck to turn its head, and, because
its eyeball is fixed, the whale must move its entire body to shift its
line of sight. Its eyeball is ideal for seeing underwater, whereas land
animals generally cannot do so. A special sclerotic coat protects its
eye at great depths underwater.
Whales produce excellent sonar. They have the ability
to detect objects miles away through echolocation. Not only can they
locate distant objects, but they can tell if they are neutral, friend,
or enemy. According to the evolutionary theory of similarities,
creatures with sonar and radar are all related; in other words, one is
ancestral to another. So the whale, which according to the theory came
from a mammal that crawled into the water,-must have descended from the
The whale's nose and mouth are structured so that no
water enters the body under the pressure of fast swimming or depth
Its forelimbs are jointless paddles or flippers;
there is no fossil evidence that they evolved from animal arms.
Except around the nose, the whale lacks the hair and
fur that land animals have. Instead, it has thick layers of blubber to
keep it warm. It has no sweat glands.
The ears of a whale are designed remarkably
differently than land animals. Sound is carried to the eardrums through
a tube from a point beneath the surface near the eyes. It can hear other
whales at a great distance.
The whale has special breathing equipment so that
it can remain underwater for as long as two hours. Which land animal did
it inherit that ability from? While down at great depths, its body can
withstand immense pressure that would crush any land animal that tried
to go down there.
The outer skin is marked with lines not found in land
mammals. These lines help streamline water flow, giving it maximum speed
for the least effort.
In the mouth of the baleen whale are unique
plates with fringed edges, that permit it to strain out ocean water-and
catch tiny plant and animal plankton-the smallest creatures in the
ocean-for food.
The windpipe and gullet separate at about the same
point in land animals, but in whales the two are located differently so
the baby whale, as it nurses, will not get milk down its windpipe and
choke. If a whale choked underwater, it would cough and that would carry
enough water down its windpipe to kill it.
DOGS- Daniel Bernoulie was an 18th
century physicist who first stated the principle that the pressure
exerted by a moving fluid decreases as the fluid moves faster. Bernoulie's
principle may sound complicated to you and me, but prairie dogs
understand it well.
These little creatures admirably apply this principle
in making their underground tunnel cities.
The burrows have two openings, one at ground level,
the other located on a raised mound. They work hard to make that second
opening higher than the normal ground level.
Having done this, the Bernoulie principle takes
effect and nicely aereates their burrows with fresh air.
ARCTIC HARE- When you follow the tracks of the
arctic hare in the snow, they will lead on for a distance and then stop.
The tracks end! Did it take flight?
Carefully examining the track, you will see that the
hare has doubled back on those same tracks. Following it back, you will
find that after about a fourth of a mile, the doubling back tracks end
entirely. The hare is gonel
Scanning about, you will see that, 12 feet [37 dm)
away, the tracks begin again, leading off in a different direction.
Who taught the arctic hare to do that?
PORPOISE- The bottlenosed dolphin is also called a
porpoise. Some scientists and naturalists call it by the one name and
some by the other.
The porpoise has a special valve in its air hole
which closes when it submerges. In this way, no water goes into its
lungs. Lacking that single feature, the porpoise (and all whales) would
quickly die for they could catch no food without drowning.
Coming to the surface, it exhales 90 percent of the
air in its lungs, whereas people only exhale 15-20 percent. This enables
the porpoise to remain underwater longer.
It has 40 special valves in its bronchial tubes, and
these close so the air in its lungs cannot escape while it is
underwater, opening its mouth and catching and swallowing fish.
Porpoises do not breath automatically as we do, and
so they cannot sleep as we do. Each breath of air must be purposely
taken. If they became unconscious, they would fall to the ocean floor
and perish.
Porpoises get hot while swimming but they cannot
sweat or pant, so there are extra blood vessels in their flippers and
tail which, through heat exchange, release heat off into the water.
As with whales, there are stripes or corrugations
etched into the skin of porpoises that enable it to swim faster with the
same amount of effort than they otherwise could. Accuracy in directional
swimming is also improved by this means. The resultant reduction of
water resistance makes it possible for porpoises to sustain speeds that
are about ten times more than otherwise would be possible with the same
muscle power.
Porpoises are very powerful creatures and crush
vicious barracudas with one snap of their jaws, and kill deadly sharks
merely by ramming them with their snout. It is sonar that enables them
to be able to plan at a distance and win the battle with those terrible
creatures. Yet porpoises are intelligent enough to know that man will
not hurt them (?), and they have never been known to attack
You have probably read that careful research
indicates that the porpoise is the most intelligent water creature in
the world, and probably equal in intelligence to the larger dogs. Dogs,
in turn, are more intelligent than most any other animal. Chimpanzees
are considered the most intelligent of the animals.
Porpoises use sonar (sonar = "sound navigational
ranging") to locate food and enemies. They emit high-pitched
squeaks, which rapidly travel outward, bounce off fish, reefs, and other
surfaces, then return. Porpoises can even measure the size and distance
of the fish with this technique. They probably can identify them as do
whales with their sonar.
Porpoises have a special region in their head which
contains a specialized type of fat. Scientists call it their
"melon," for that is its shape. Because the speed of sound in
the fatty tissue of the
melon is different than that of the rest of the body,
this melon is used as a "sound lens" to collect sonar signals
and interpret them to the brain. It focuses sound, just as a glass lens
focuses light. The focused sound produces a small TV screen "sound
picture" in the porpoise's mind-showing it the unseen things ahead
of it in the murky water.
It has been discovered that the composition of this
fatty lens can be altered by the porpoise in order to change sound speed
through the melon-and thus change the focus of the lens to accord with
variational factors in the surrounding water!
There is also evidence that tie composition of fat
varies in different parts of the melon. This technique of doublet lens
(two glass lenses glued together) is used in optical lenses in order to
overcome chromatic aberrations, and produce higher-quality light lenses.
The porpoise appears to be using a similar principle for its sound tense
You have just completed
Chapter 33 Evolution and Society Part 1