Encyclopedia Vol. 3
Chapter 22

Appendix 22
Among knowledgeable scientists, the whole idea of "useless organs" is
ridiculous. It is well-known that functions have been found for nearly every organ, and
time will unveil still more information as research continues.
Slusher and Moors point out several decided flaws in the theory.
"There are major weaknesses in the vestigial organ argument. First, as has been
pointed out, just because no function is known for an organ does not necessarily mean that
it is useless. That its removal causes no apparent dame may be because its function is
taken over by other organs. This is known to occur in some cases.
"Second, why would disuse cause deterioration of an organ? This is Lamarckian
reasoning and has certainly not been demonstrated. Even if an organ was never used, this
would not change the formation of an organ by the genes. Supposed deteriorations occur
because of 'loss mutations.' but why would these individuals be selected when they were
losing the use of an organ that though not beneficial was certainly not harmful?
"Would any of the 'vestigial organs' mentioned above have a harmful effect on
their possessor? It should be remembered that mutants tend to have less chance of
survival, not more. If vestigial organs do exist, they cannot be used to support evolution
toward increasing complexity because the individual is thereby simplified by having fewer
functional organs.
"Rather, existence of vestigial organs would seem to support application of the
second law of thermodynamics rather than evolution. The second law of thermodynamics
relates to the idea that all natural systems degenerate. Are not all vestigial organs
evidence of degeneration rather than progress or evolution toward complexity?."
N. Moors and H. E. Slusher, Biology: A Search for Order and Complexity (1970), pp.
*Scadding adds more reasons for rejecting the vestigial organ theory.
"An analysis of the difficulties in unambiguously identifying functionless
structures and an analysis of the nature of the argument, leads to the conclusion that
'vestigial organs' provide no evidence for evolutionary theory.
"I would suggest that the entire argument that vestigial organs provide evidence
for evolution is invalid on two grounds, one practical, the other theoretical.
"The practical problem is that of unambiguously identifying vestigial organs,
i.e., those that have no function. The analysis of Wiedersheim's list of vestigial organs
points out the difficulties. As our knowledge has increased the list of vestigial
structures has decreased. Wiedersheim could list about one hundred in humans; recent
authors usually list four or five. Even the current short list of vestigial structures in
humans is questionable.
"Similarly, for other 'vestigial organs' there is reasonable ground for supposing
that they are functional albeit in a mina way.
"The other major objection to citing vestigial organs as evidence of evolution is
a more theoretical one based on the nature of the argument. The 'vestigial organ' argument
uses as a premise the assertion that the organ in question has no function. There is no
way, however, in which this negative assertion can be arrived at scientifically.
"Since it is not possible to unambiguously identify useless structures, and since
the structure of the argument used is not scientifically valid, I conclude that 'vestigial
organs' provide no special evidence for the theory of evolution." *S.
Scadding, "Do `Vestigial Organs Provide Evidence for Evolution?";
Evolution Theory (1981), pp. 174175,17!£
Paradoxically, vestiges are still considered important even though most scientific
writers are opposed to it. But that is understandable, for evolutionary theory has little
else in its favor.
"Its shortcomings have been almost universally pointed out by modem authors, but
the idea still has a prominent place in biological mythology" *R
Erlich, and
*R. Holm, The Process of Evolution (1983), p. 68.
Enoch cites oddities in who has an appendix:
"Apes possess an appendix, whereas their less immediate relatives, the
apes, do not; but is appears again among the still lower mammals such as the opossum.
Hour can the evolutionist account for this?
"However, the alter absurdity of calling the appendix 'vestigial' in man is
apparent above all from this fact: that its function is unknown not only in man but also
in every other species of animal that possess it. It kooks as though evolution has
produced a totally useless organ all through the animal world.
" . . That such organs are useless, and to offer them as 'proof' of evolution, is
not at all scientific. Professor E.S. Goodrich in his Evolution of Living Organisms,
(1812), p. 68, declares: 'He would be a rash man indeed who would now assert that any part
of the human body is useless.' Quite apart from this, the presence of vestigial organs,
even if they should exist, would be more a proof of devolution, than of evolution.
"In order to prove his theory the evolutionist ought to show the existence of
`nascent organs', I.e., organs newly acquired by an animal, and which did not exist in its
ancestor." H. Enoch, Evolution or Creation, (1988) pp. 18-19
If the vestigial organ theory is true, then men descended from women, or vice versa.
"A fourth category of vestigial organs would be those than are vestiges of the
reproductive structures of the opposite sex, e.g. nipples in men, vestiges (in the female)
of the Wolffian duct, and (in the male) of the Mullerian ducts. These structures, however,
clearly reflect the embryonic development of a sexually dimorphic organism which begins
its development in a sexually indifferent condition with structures characteristic of both
sexes. They certainly do not reflect phylogenetic development. No one supposes males
evolved from females or vice versa. On the basis of this analysis, I would suggest that
Wiedersheim was largely in error in compiling his long list of vestigial organs. Most of
them do have at least a mina function at some point in life." *S
"Do 'Vestigial Organs' Provide Evidence for Evolution?'; Evolutionary Theory (1981),
p. 175.
Evolutionists are quick to mention that whales have vestigial hind legsbut the
fact is that only one species of whale has those bones, and they have a special function.
"Evolutionists often point to vestigial hind legs near the pelvis. But these
are found only in the Right Whale. and upon closer inspection turn out to be strengthening
bones to the genital wall." John C. Whitcomb, Early Earth (1988), p. 84.
The vestigial argument of functionless organs is merely an argument from ignorance.
"In many cases the functions of minor structures are not well understood.
Identification of function is often based on experimental procedures, the results of which
require some interpretation. Hence, our knowledge of function can never be as secure as
our knowledge of anatomy. . .
"I suspect that this argument;[functionless organs] gained widespread use not
because it proves anything about evolution, but because it was thought to have particular
force against some varieties. of creationism . .
"There is no way, however, in which this negative assertion [i.e.,
the organ has no function) can
be arrived at scientifically. That is, one can not prove that something does not exist
. . since of course if it does not exist one cannot observe it, and therefore one can say
nothing about it scientifically . .
"Such an argument, from ignorance, or from negative results, is not valid
scientifically, and has no place in observational science . . Since it is not possible to
unambiguously identify useless structures, and since the structure of the argument is not
scientifically valid, I conclude that 'vestigial organs' provide no special evidence for
the theory of evolution.' " *S. Scadding, "Evolutionary Theory,"
quoted in CRSQ. December 1982, p. 190.
Scientists, angry at the Haeckel's hoax, wish to discuss the matter with you:
The theory provides us with only a few stages and some in the wrong order; why are so
many stages missing?
"A number of questions have been asked by serious scholars:
"First, if the developing embryo is supposed to reenact the sees in the
evolutionary history of the race, why are so few stages inducted? Why should we find some
of them appearing in the wrong order? Why should we not find thousands of steps instead of
only a few. Why does the embryo go through some steps that could not possibly have been
included in the history of the animal? How can such stages as the egg, tea, pupa, and
adult of a butterfly be explained? Why do some parts of an embryo show recapitulation and
other parts never show it?" *Core Reno, Fact or Theory (1953), p. 89.
The theory is nothing more than an odd quirk in the history of evolutionary promotion.
"This law has been so seriously questioned and is so obviously inapplicable in
many instances that as a law it is now of historical interest only." *W.R
Brenaman, Animal Form and Function (1954). p. 407.
Fetal structures cannot represent adult ones, and mutations are supposed to modify all
"According to it, ontogeny, the development of the individual
recapitulates phylogeny, the development of the race . . In this form the theory runs Into
so many difficulties it clearly cannot be true. An immediate problem is presented by the
fetal membranes, the umbilical cord, and other fetal structures that cannot represent
adult structures of any period. Furthermore, mutations have been shown to modify all
stages of development, not just the final ones." *G.B. Moment; General
Zoology (1958). P. 201.
Significantly, *Charles Darwin, who well knew all the available evidence for evolution,
considered recapitulation to be among the best of it.
"Biogenetic Law or Recapitulation Theory was considered by Darwin to be
'second to none' as an evidence of evolution." H.M. Morris, W. W. Boardman
and R F. Koontz, Science and Creation (1971), p. 45.
Embryonic stages of the human heart reverse the theoretical evolutionary pattern.
"One favorite example was the human heart. Supposedly, the heart passed through a
worm, fish, frog, and reptile stage before reaching its final forth. It is true that at
one stake or another the heart in the human embryo has one chamber (as in the worm), two
chambers (as in the fish), three chambers (as in the frog), and four chambers with the
connection of the two sides (as in the reptile). But it should be noted that the heart in
human beings starts out with two chambers which fuse into one far a time. This sequence
actually reverses the stages of supposed evolution. There are reasons for each steps. The
'reptile stage' is necessary to churn the blood around the lungs until after birth. Since
oxygen is received from the placenta before birth there is no use in sending a large
supply of blood to the lungs when it is not needed." J.N. Moors and
Slusher, Biology: A Search for Order in Complexity (197ID), p. 424.
Certainty as to the theory was founded on a broad base of enthusiasm.
"The rapid development of this science [of embryology], was due principally to the
enthusiasm created by the spreading of the theories announced by Darwin and by
and that the 'almost unanimous abandonment' of the recapitulation theory has left
considerably at a loss those investigators who sought in the structure of the organisms
the key to their remote origin or to their relationships." *A. Weber, quoted
in E.R. Hooper, Does Science Support Evolution?
(1947), p. 75. [*Weber is at the University of Geneva]
It may have been founded on enthusiasm, but not on facts.
". . so that the facts as we know them lend no support to the theory of
recapitulation." *A. Sedgwick Darwinism and Modern Silence, p. 174.
Still without satisfactory proof.
"After fifty years of research and close examination of the facts of embryology,
the recapitulation theory is still without satisfactory proof." *A.
Sedgwick, Darwinism and Modern Science, p. 178
A leading Darwinist makes the following admission:
..Now that the appearances of the embryo on all stages are known, the general feeling
is one of disappointment; the human embryo at no stage is anthropoid in its
appearance." *Sir Arthur Keith, quoted in ER. Hooper, Does Science Support
Evolution? (1847), p. 70.
An empty theory, no longer believed by scientists, but still offered as evidence for
"The biogenetic law was widely accepted by biologists and sensed as the basis for
the surge of embryological research that continues unabated to this day. Moreover, the
biogenetic law has become so deeply noted in biological thought that it canned be weeded
out in spite of its having been demonstrated to be wrong by numerous subsequent scholars.
Even today both subtle and overt uses of the biogenetic law are frequently encountered in
the general biological literature as wail as in more specialized evolutionary and
systematic studies." *W Bock, "Book Review," Science, May 1969,
pp. 684-685.
The problems standing in the way of the theory are just too great.
"Anatomically homologous parts in different related organisms appear to have quite
different embryonic origins. This is almost impossible to reconcile with orthodox
Darwinian or neo-Darwinian theory, and it is by no means evident at the time of writing
how such problems may be overcome." *D. Oldroyd, "Charles Darwins
Theory of Evolution: A Review of Our Present Understanding, " Biology and Philosophy
(1988), p. 154.
The kidney argument for recapitulation is worthless also.
"We see the development in the amniote embryo of three successive kidney
structures: pronephros, mesonephros, and metonephros. It is often stated a implied to
these three are distinct kidneys that have succeeded one another PMT they do
embryologically. However, there is little reason to believe this. The differences are
readily explainable on functional grounds." *A Romer and *T. Parsons, The
Vertebrate Body (1988), p.407.
Enoch summarizes some of the problems:
"The facts of embryology have left the recapitulation theory without satisfactory
proofs. Professor Lucy, an evolutionist, says in his book Biology end its Makers (p.
230), that in development:
"'Many stages have been dropped out, others are unduly prolonged or abbreviated,
or appear out of their chronological order. Some of the strictures have amen from
adaptation, and are not therefore ancestral at all. The interpretation becomes a difficult
task, and requires much balance of judgment and profound analysis.'
"T.H. Morgan, himself an evolutionist, in his Critique of the Theory of
Evolution cites several instances of embryonic forms which cannot represent ancestral
animals. An obvious one is the embryo chick in its shell. 'Hundreds of such cases are
known to embryologists, and are explained as falsification of the ancestral records.'
"This is the kind of proof offered by evolutionists. The reader will remember how
in a previous chapter . . mother earth was at 'fault' whenever she did not show the
fossils in the order demanded by the evolutionists. And now a 'balanced judgment and
profound analysis' apparently leads us to conclude that it is nature, not the
evolutionist, who has falsified the facts of history!
"Until the beginning of this century the recapitulation theory had a good
following all over the world, but the intensive research carried out of late has
considerably lessened its importance, and today it is largely abandoned by evolutionists.
Thus Professor E.B. Wilson, Dean of American Embryologists, states: 'There is a strong
suspicion that the embryological record has somehow failed, and there are even some
embryologists who seem to be almost ready to abandon the recapitulation theory.'
Professor. T.S. Westoll called it 'sheer nonsense.' But in spite of the categorical
rejection of the theory by men of great scientific status, and distinguished
embryologists, there are still a few teachers of biology who obstinately cling to
it." H. Enoch, Evolution or Creation, (1966), pp. 57-58.
The following statement was made as part of the introduction to the 1956 reprint of *
Darwin's Origin of the Species.
"A natural law can only be established as an induction from facts. Haeckel was of
course unable to do this. What he did was to arrange existing forms of animal life in a
series proceeding from the simple to the complex, intercalating imaginary entities where
discontinuity existed and then giving the embryonic phases names corresponding to the
stages in his so-called evolutionary series. Cases in which this parallelism did not exist
were dealt with by the simple expedient of saying that the embryological development had
been falsified. When the 'convergence' of embryos was not entirely satisfactory, Haeckel
altered the illustrations to fit his theory . . The 'biogenetic law' as a proof of
evolution is valueless." *W.R. Thompson, Introduction to Charles Darwin,
Origin of the Species (1956 ed.).
*Asimov was fortunate enough to find two 19th century writers who believed the theory
of recapitulation:
"Embryology furnishes the best measure of the true affinities between
animals." Jean Louis Agassiz (1807-1873). "Embryology will often reveal to us
the structure, in some degree obscured, of the prototype of each great class."
Charles Darwin(1802-1882)."*Isaac Asimov's Book of Science and Nature
Quotations (1988), p. 74.
Oddly enough, *Stephen Gould, America's most influential evolutionary spokesman in the
1980s, is recommending a restudy of this blatant error.
"During the late 19th century, Haeckel's Biogenetic Law was considered one
of the proofs of evolution. As detailed research showed it to be a sweeping and
superficial generalization, untenable in most particulars, science abandoned it.
"For 50 years no biologist tackled an overview of the problem until Stephen Jay
Gould's Ontogeny and Phylogeny appeared in 1977 and revived interest in the
subject. Current attempts to understand relationships between ontogeny and phylogeny are
difficult and technical, and the issue remains unresolved. " *R. Milner,
Encyclopedia of Evolution (1990), p. 44.
Bird summarizes the views of ten scientists on the matter:
"[The] biogenetic law has been demonstrated to be wrong by numerous
subsequent scholars,' according to Bock, who was a biology professor at Columbia . .
"Raup and Stanley call the biogenetic law 'largely in error'; Ehrlich and Holm
note its 'shortcomings' and its place in 'biological mythology'; Danson says that it is
'intellectually barren'; de Beer refers to the 'evidence against the "biogenetic
law" of recapitulation in Haeckel's sense'; Bonner of Princeton calls it 'probably
nonsense'; Encyclopedia Britannica calls it 'in error'; and even Mayr of Harvard
describes the biogenetic law as 'invalid.' In fact, Haeckel, the formulator of the
'biogenetic law,' supported it with 'faked' drawings." W.R. Bird, Origin of
the Species Revisited, Vol. 1, p. 198-197 (see Bird for sources).
If embryos repeat past ages of history in their development; what about the embryos
of the invertebrates? Why do they not "recapitulate"' also? Invertebrate
embryos are so varied that it is impossible for recapitulationists to use them to
illustrate evolutionary development.
"The invertebrates have been examined for evidences of recapitulation also, but
they have not been of much help. Their eggs often hatch into larvae that are so unlike the
adult that they may not be recognized as belonging together without breeding experiments.
These larval stages are a kind of continuation of the embryo and have been included in the
search for clues of taxonomic and phylogenetic relationships." Henry Morris,
et al., Science and Creation (1971), p. 48.
The shortcomings of this crude interpretation have been almost universally pointed out
(except in the school textboooks).
"This generalization was originally called the biogenic law by Haeckel and is
often stated as 'ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny.' This crude interpretation of
embryological sequences will not stand close examination, however. Its shortcomings have
been almost universally pointed out by modern authors, but the idea still has a prominent
place in biological mythology." *Paul R. Ehrlich and Richard W. Holm,
Process of Evolution (1963), p. 66.
Among scientists, its abolition is now established.
"It is now firmly established that ontogeny does not repeat phylogeny."
Gaylord Simpson and *William S. Beck, Life: An Introduction to Biology (1965), p. 241.
[italics theirs.]
It was an unfortunate exaggeration.
"The enthusiasm of the German zoologist, Ernst Haeckel, however, led to an
erroneous and unfortunate exaggeration of the information which embryology could provide.
This was known as the `biogenic law' and claimed that embryology was a
recapitulation of evolution, or that during its embryonic development an animal
recapitulated the evolutionary history of its species." *Gavin R. de Beer,
Atlas of Evolution (1964), p. 38.
The influence of Haeckel's theory retarded the study of embryology.
"The theory of recapitulation has had a great and, while it lasted, regrettable
influence on the progress of embryology." *Gavin R. de Beer, Embryos and
Ancestors, (revised ed., 1951), p. 10.
Scientists no longer believe it.
" . . we no longer believe we can simply read in the embryonic development of a
species its exact evolutionary history." *Hubert Fringe and *Marie
Concepts of Zoology (1970), p. 267.
No longer convincing, or even interesting.
"The type of analogical thinking which leads to theories that development is based
on the recapitulation of ancestral stages, or the like, no longer seems at all convincing
or even interesting to biologists." *Conrad H. Waddington, Principles of
Embryology (J956), p. 10.
It was debunked back in the 1920s.
"Well, the Biogenetic Lawembryologic recapitulationI
think was debunked back in the 1920's by the embryologists." *Dr. David
Raup, as taken from page 18 of an approved and verified transcript of a taped interview
conducted by Luther D. Sunderland on 27 July 1979. See also Luther D. Sunderland, Darwin's
Enigma (1984), p. 111.
The concept is a dead one.
"Surely the biogenic law is as dead as a doornail."
Stewart Thomson, "Ontogeny and Phylogeny Recapitulated, "American Scientist,
May-June 1988, p. 273.
Instead of facing facts, *Haeckel began with a theory and tried to fit the facts into
"A natural law can only be established as an induction from
facts. Haeckel was of course unable to do this. What he did was to arrange existing forms
of animal life in a series proceeding from the simple to the complex, intercalating
imaginary entities where discontinuity existed and then giving the embryonic phases names
corresponding to the stages in his so-called evolutionary series. Cases in which this
parallelism did not exist were dealt with by the simple expedient of saying that the
embryological development had been falsified. When the 'convergence' of embryos was not
entirely satisfactory, Haeckel altered the illustrations of them to fit his theory. The
alterations were slight but significant. The 'biogenetic law' as a proof of evolution is
valueless." *W.R. Thompson, Introduction, *Charles Darwin, Origin of the
Species, p. 12.
*De Beer explains in some detail why the embryonic similarities argument is incorrect.
"Structures as obviously homologous as the alimentary canal in
all vertebrates can be formed from the roof of the embryonic gut cavity (sharks), floor
(lampreys, newts), roof and floor (frogs), or from the lower layer of the embryonic disc,
the blastoderm, that floats on the top of heavily yolked eggs (reptiles, birds). It does
not seem to matter where in the egg or the embryo the living substance out of which
homologous organs are formed comes from. Therefore, correspondence between homologous
structures cannot be pressed back to similarity of position of the cells of the embryo or
the parts of the egg out of which these structures are ultimately differentiated."
*Gavin R. de Beer, Homology, An Unsolved Problem (1971), p. 13. [Italics his.]
*Ernst Haeckel had an overmastering obsession to convince people that
evolution was true. Like certain men after his time, he was willing to go to any length in
providing supposed substantiation for the theory. Here is additional information on
"Haeckel's hoax."
Haeckel's theory, known as the "Law of Recapitulation" and
the "Biogenetic Law," was first suggested by Meckel (1781-1883). Karl von Borer
(1792-1876) saw the error in Meckel's idea and wrote against it.
But it was *Ernst Haeckel (1834-1919) that elevated it to the supposed
status of a "law" and proclaimed the theory as widely as he could. He wrote a
number of books advocating evolution, and in all of them recapitulation was a dominant
theme and a primary evidence.
Both *Darwin and *Huxley were thrilled that someone had, at last, come
forward with some actual evidence for evolution:
"He [Haeckel] became convinced he had discovered the most
basic law of evolution: 'Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny,' or the development of an
embryo (ontogeny) is a speeded-up replay of the evolution of the species (phylogeny). It
was an enormously influential idea, utilized by both Darwin and Huxley, who were impressed
with Haeckel's detailed illustrations comparing embryonic development in various animals
and man. In their earlier stages, according to Haeckel's drawings, pigeons, dogs and
humans looked identical." *R. Milner, Encyclopedia of Evolution (1990), p.
Haeckel developed his charts and used them, not only in lecture halls,
but in books as well. They first appeared in his Natural History of Creation
(Naturliche Schopfungsgeschichte) in 1868. In this book Haeckel stated that the ova
and embryos of different animalsand also manare, at certain period in their
development, perfectly identical. In proof of this assertion, he placed on page 242 three
woodcuts that were indeed identical! One was purported to be the ova of man, the second a
monkey, and the third a dog, each enlarged 100 times. The three woodcuts were totally
identical. What a striking evidence this was to anyone who saw it!
Yet it was a fake. Haeckel prepared a woodcut, and then had the printer
print it, one above the other, three times in a column!
On page 248, three woodcuts of embryos are to be found. The captions
label them the embryos of a dog, a chicken, and a tortoise. All three are identical. In
the accompanying text, on page 249, Haeckel explains that close examination of the actual
embryos revealed the same total likeness that the woodcuts did. Once again, Haeckel was
writing fiction. As for the woodcuts, the same device was used: One woodcut had been
prepared, and then printed three times in a row, side by side, with dog, chicken, and
tortoise labels underneath.
In this book, Haeckel mentioned the sources from whence he prepared his
woodcuts. This greatly added to the credibility of the woodcuts. But, of course, any
scientist could check his sources. Rutimeyer and His did just that.
In 1868, L. Rutimeyer wrote an article entitled, "Referate, " which
appeared on pages 301-302 of the Archiv fur Anthropologic (Archives of
Anthropology). In that article, Rutimeyer, professor of zoology and comparative anatomy at
the University of Basel, reviewed two of Haeckel's books, Natural History of Creation
(Naturliche Schopfungsgeschichte), and his Uberdie Enstehung and den Stammbaum ties
Menschengeschlechts, both of which had been newly published the same year that
Rutimeyer's review was published: 1868.
"Haeckel claims these works to be both easy for the scientific layman to follow,
and scientific and scholarly. No one will quarrel with the first evaluation of
the author, but the second quality is not one that he seriously can claim. These are
works, clothed in medieval formalistic garb. There is considerable manufacturing of
scientific evidence perpetrated. Yet the author has been very careful not to let the
reader become aware of this state of affairs." *L Rutimeyer,
"Referate," in Archiv fur Anthropologic (1868).
Rutimeyer then continues on and discusses the fraudulent woodcuts. For example, the dog
embryo and human embryo, shown on page 240 of Haeckel's book, are completely identical.
Haeckel maintained that he faithfully copied the dog embryo from Bischoff (4th week), and
the human embryo from Ecker (4th week). Rutimeyer then reprints the original drawing made
by Bischoff of a dog embryo at 4 weeks, and the original of a human embryo at 4 weeks made
by Ecker. The originals were very much different!
On the left below, is *Haeckel's drawing of a dog embryo and human embryo, each in the
fourth week. For this, he drew a picture of a human embryo, and then drew a very slightly
changed one for the dog.
On the right below, is what the original illustrations really look like. On the left is
an original drawing of a dog embryo (4th week) taken from Bischoff. On the right is an
original drawing of a human embryo 4th week) taken from Ecker.

Then Rutimeyer notes that, elsewhere in Haeckel's book, that same woodcut is used to
portray a dog, a chicken, and a tortoise!
Rutimeyer was a well-known German scientist living at that time. He regularly had
articles in each yearly volume of Archiv fur Anthropologic, yet his book review was
never translated into English nor published in Britain or America!
Wilhelm His, Sr. was another highly-respected contemporary German scientist. The first
major scientific book on embryology was prepared by His, Sr., and published in 1880. His
not only perfected serial sections technique, so important in embryological studies, but
he also pioneered the wax plate method of accurate scale reconstructions from such
sections. He was the first to identify the bundle of His in the heart.
His, Sr. wrote a series of letters to Carl Ludwig; these were later published in
Leipzig under the title, Unsere Koperform and das Physiologische Problem Ihrer
Entstehung. The fourteenth letter in the series deals with Haeckel's fraudulent
activities. As the basis for His' analysis, he used the 5th edition of Haeckel's Natural
History of Creation.
His explained in details the extent of the fake woodcuts, and the false claims in the
accompanying text. He also noted that, in another book by Haeckel, the Anthropogenie, two
figures of human embryos in the blastula stage were shown with the allantois clearly
visible, yet the allantois never appears in the blastula stage of growth.
He also discussed the 24 figures in the two-page spread on pages 256-257 of Haeckel's
book. He angrily declared them to be gross distortions of reality, and not true to life,
and said that Haeckel did it in order to show similarity of form, even though such
similarity did not actually exist.
His also pointed out that Haeckel was a professor at the University of Jena, which was
noted for having excellent optical facilities. Thus, according to His, there was no excuse
for these fraudulent productions. His concluded by denouncing Haeckel as a fraud, and
henceforth as eliminated from the ranks of scientific research workers.
"When critics brought charges of extensive retouching and outrageous 'fudging' in
his famous embryo illustrations, Haeckel replied he was only trying to make them more
accurate than the faulty specimens on which they were based." *R. Milner,
Encyclopedia of Evolution (1990), p. 206.
This fraudulent chart was Table IV in "Haeckel's

On the left, "Haeckel made a woodcut of an ova, then had it printed three
times, but with three different labels (dog, monkey, and man).
On the right, Haeckel prepared a woodcut of an embryo, then had it printed three
times, each time with a different title below it: dog, chicken, and tortoise. Haeckel
recognized it would take scheming and trickery to come up with evidence for a theory
without evidence.

Among his other pictorial accomplishments, in 1874 "Ernst Haeckel drew a family
tree of man's supposed ancestors.

Another scientist, who at about the same time also protested against
Haeckel's fakeries, was Albert Fleischmann (Die Descendztheorie (1901), pp. 202-252.)
But it was all to no avail. Evolutionists gleefully reprinted Haeckel's
charts over and over again.
Even after 1960, they were still being printed in reputable science textbooks! Here are
several of them: *Edward O. Dodson, Evolution (1960), pp. 46-47; *William Bloom and
*Carl Kreketer, General Biology (1962), p. 442; *Tracy Storer and *Robert Usinger, General
Zoology (1965), P. 244; *Tracy Storer, *Robert Usinger, and *James Nybakken, Elements
of Zoology (1968), p. 216; *Claude Ville, *Warren Walker, Jr., and *Frederick Smith, General
Zoology (1968), p. 677; *Richard Leakey, Illustrated Origin (1971).
Disgusted with Haeckel's "cheating tricks," *Rager said this:
"Haeckel was not prudish in the selection of tools for his fight. In order to
prove the validity of the law of biogenesis, he published several figures, the originals
and legends of which were faked up.
"This fake is now shown in a few examples. For this purpose he used the same
printing stock three times and invented a different legend for each copy
"There are a number of other figures the originals of which were changed by
Haeckel in order to demonstrate that human ontogeny successively passes through stages of
development which repeat phylogeny.
"This is not the first time that Haeckel's fake has been revealed. The well known
zoologist Ludwig Rutimeyer (1868) protested against it.
"The law of biogenesis had to use cheating tricks in order to fit data to the
theory." *G. Rager, "Human Embryology and the Law of Biogenesis,"
in Rivista di Biologic (Biology Forum) 79 (1988), p. 451-452.
*Singer considered *Haeckel's work to be a mass of contradictions, acceptable only to
the scientifically uneducated.
"His [Haeckel's] faults are not hard to see. For a generation and more he purveyed
to the semi-educated public a system of the crudest philosophyif a mass of
contradictions can be called by that name. He founded something that wore the habiliments
of a religion, of which he was at once the high priest and the congregation."
Singer, A History of Biology (1931), p. 487.
He said he was merely filling some missing details.
"To support his case he [Haeckel] began to fake evidence. Charged with fraud by
five professors and convicted by a university court at Jena, he agreed that a small
percentage of his embryonic drawings were forgeries; he was merely filling in and
reconstructing the missing links when the evidence was thin, and he claimed unblushingly
that 'hundreds of the best observers and biologists lie under the same charge."
*Michael Pitman, Adam and Evolution (1984), p. 120.
He was a doctorer of science.
" . . ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny, meaning that in the course of its
development [ontogeny] an embryo recapitulates [repeats] the evolutionary history of its
species. This idea was fathered by Ernst Haeckel, a German biologist who was so convinced
that he had solved the riddle of life's unfolding that he doctored and faked his drawings
of embryonic stages to prove his point." *William R. Fix, The Bone Peddlers:
Settling Evolution (1984), p. 285.
We see in *Haeckel an example of shocking dishonesty.
"[The German scientist, Wilhelm His,] accused Haeckel of shocking dishonesty in
repeating the same picture several times to show the similarity among vertebrates at early
embryonic stages in several plates of [Haeckel's book]." *Steven Jay Gould,
Ontogeny and Phylogeny (1977), p. 430.
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