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    11:1 [] Riyon ton arton sou epi proswpon twn udatwn× dioti en taiV pollaiV hmeraiV qeleiV eurei auton.

    11:2 DoV meridion eiV epta kai eti eiV oktw× dioti den exeureiV ti kakon qelei geinei epi thV ghV.

    11:3 Ean ta nefh hnai plhrh, qelousi diacusei brochn epi thn ghn× kai ean dendron pesh proV ton noton h proV ton borran, en tw topw opou pesh to dendron, ekei qelei meinei.

    11:4 OstiV parathrei ton anemon, den qelei speirei× kai ostiV qewrei ta nefh, den qelei qerisei.

    11:5 KaqwV den gnwrizeiV tiV h odoV tou anemou oude tini tropw morfonontai ta osta en th koilia thV kuoforoushV, outw den gnwrizeiV ta erga tou Qeou, ostiV kamnei ta panta.

    11:6 Speire ton sporon sou to prwi, kai thn esperan aV mh hsucash h ceir sou× dioti den exeureiV ti qelei eudokimhsei, touto h ekeino, h ean kai ta duo hnai epishV agaqa.

    11:7 [] Gluku bebaia einai to fwV, kai euareston eiV touV ofqalmouV na blepwsi ton hlion×

    11:8 alla kai ean o anqrwpoV zhsh eth polla kai eufrainhtai en pasi toutoiV, aV enqumhqh omwV taV hmeraV tou skotouV, oti qelousin eisqai pollai. Panta ta sumbainonta mataiothV.

    11:9 Eufrainou, neaniske, en th neothti sou× kai h kardia sou aV se caropoih en taiV hmeraiV thV neothtoV sou× kai peripatei kata taV epiqumiaV thV kardiaV sou kai kata thn orasin twn ofqalmwn sou× plhn exeure, oti dia panta tauta o QeoV qelei se ferei eiV krisin.

    11:10 Kai afaireson ton qumon apo thV kardiaV sou, kai apomakrunon thn ponhrian apo thV sarkoV sou× dioti h neothV kai h paidikh hlikia einai mataiothV.


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