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    10:1 [] Muiai apoqnhskousai kamnousi to muron tou mureyou na brwma, na anabrazh× kai mikra afrosunh atimazei ton en upolhyei epi sofia kai timh.

    10:2 H kardia tou sofou einai en th dexia autou× h de kardia tou afronoV en th aristera autou.

    10:3 Kai eti otan o afrwn peripath en th odw, leipei sunesiV autou kai anaggellei proV pantaV oti einai afrwn.

    10:4 [] Ean to pneuma tou hgemonoV egerqh enantion sou, mh afhshV ton topon sou× dioti h glukuthV katapauei amartiaV megalaV.

    10:5 Einai kakon to opoion eidon upo ton hlion, laqoV, legw, proercomenon apo tou exousiastou×

    10:6 oti o afrwn balletai eiV megalaV axiaV, oi de plousioi kaqhntai en tapeinw topw.

    10:7 Eidon doulouV ef' ippwn kai arcontaV peripatountaV wV doulouV epi thV ghV.

    10:8 OstiV skaptei lakkon, qelei pesei eiV auton× kai ostiV cala fragmon, ofiV qelei dagkasei auton.

    10:9 O metakinwn liqouV qelei blafqh up' autwn× o scizwn xula qelei kinduneusei en autoiV.

    10:10 Ean o sidhroV amblunqh kai den akonish tiV thn koyin autou, prepei na prosqesh dunamin× h sofia de einai wfelimoV proV dieuqunsin.

    10:11 Ean o ofiV dagkanh cwriV surigmou, plhn kai o sukofanthV kalhteroV den einai.

    10:12 [] Oi logoi tou stomatoV tou sofou einai cariV× ta de ceilh tou afronoV qelousi katapiei auton.

    10:13 H arch twn logwn tou stomatoV autou einai afrosunh× kai to teloV thV omiliaV autou kakh mwria.

    10:14 O afrwn proseti plhqunei logouV, enw o anqrwpoV den exeurei ti mellei genesqai× kai tiV dunatai na apaggeilh proV auton ti qelei eisqai met' auton;

    10:15 O mocqoV twn afronwn apaudizei autouV, epeidh den exeurousi na upagwsin eiV thn polin.

    10:16 [] Ouai eiV se, gh, thV opoiaV o basileuV einai neoV, kai oi arconteV sou trwgousi to prwi

    10:17 Makaria su, gh, thV opoiaV o basileuV einai uioV eugenwn, kai oi arconteV sou trwgousin en kairw proV eniscusin kai ouci proV meqhn

    10:18 Dia thn pollhn oknhrian piptei h stegasiV× kai dia thn argian twn ceirwn stalazei h oikia.

    10:19 Di' euqumian kamnousi sumposia, kai o oinoV eufrainei touV zwntaV× to de argurion apokrinetai eiV panta.

    10:20 Mh katarasqhV ton basilea mhde en th dianoia sou× kai mh katarasqhV ton plousion en tw tameiw tou koitwnoV sou× dioti pthnon tou ouranou qelei ferei thn fwnhn, kai to econ taV pterugaV qelei anaggeilei to pragma.


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