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    4:1 [] O de Adam egnwrisen Euan thn gunaika autou× kai sunelabe, kai egennhse ton Kain× kai eipen, Apekthsa anqrwpon dia tou Kuriou.

    4:2 Kai proseti egennhse ton adelfon autou ton Abel. Kai hto o Abel poimhn probatwn, o de Kain hto gewrgoV.

    4:3 [] Kai meq' hmeraV proseferen o Kain apo twn karpwn thV ghV prosforan proV ton Kurion.

    4:4 Kai o Abel prosefere kai autoV apo twn prwtotokwn twn probatwn autou, kai apo twn steatwn autwn. Kai epebleye me eumeneian KurioV epi ton Abel kai epi thn prosforan autou×

    4:5 epi de ton Kain kai epi thn prosforan autou den epebleye. Kai hganakthsen o Kain sfodra, kai ekathfiase to proswpon autou

    4:6 [] Kai eipe KurioV proV ton Kain, Dia ti hganakthsaV; kai dia ti ekathfiase to proswpon sou;

    4:7 an su pratthV kalwV, den qeleiV eisqai euprosdektoV; kai ean den pratthV kalwV, eiV thn quran keitai h amartia. All' eiV se qelei eisqai h epiqumia autou, kai su qeleiV exousiazei ep' autou.

    4:8 [] Kai eipen o Kain proV Abel ton adelfon autou, AV upagwmen eiV thn pediada× kai enw hsan en th pediadi, shkwqeiV o Kain kata tou adelfou autou Abel efoneusen auton.

    4:9 [] Kai eipe KurioV proV ton Kain, Pou einai Abel o adelfoV sou; O de eipe, Den exeurw× mh fulax tou adelfou mou eimai egw;

    4:10 Kai eipen o QeoV, Ti ekameV; h fwnh tou aimatoV tou adelfou sou boa proV eme ek thV ghV×

    4:11 kai twra epikataratoV na hsai apo thV ghV, htiV hnoixe to stoma authV dia na decqh to aima tou adelfou sou ek thV ceiroV sou×

    4:12 otan ergazhsai thn ghn, den qelei eiV to exhV soi dwsei ton karpon authV× planhthV kai fugaV qeleiV eisqai epi thV ghV.

    4:13 [] Kai eipen o Kain proV ton Kurion, H amartia mou einai megalhtera par' wste na sugcwrhqh×

    4:14 idou, me diwkeiV shmeron apo proswpou thV ghV, kai apo tou proswpou sou qelw krufqh, kai qelw eisqai planhthV kai fugaV epi thV ghV× kai paV ostiV me eurh, qelei me foneusei.

    4:15 Eipe de proV auton o KurioV, dia touto, paV ostiV foneush ton Kain, eptaplasiwV qelei timwrhqh. Kai ebalen o KurioV shmeion eiV ton Kain, dia na mh foneush auton paV ostiV eurh auton.

    4:16 [] Kai exhlqen o Kain apo proswpou tou Kuriou, kai katwkhsen en th gh Nwd, proV anatolaV thV Edem.

    4:17 Egnwrise de o Kain thn gunaika autou, kai sunelabe, kai egennhse ton Enwc× ektise de polin, kai ekalese to onoma thV polewV kata to onoma tou uiou autou, Enwc.

    4:18 Egennhqh de eiV ton Enwc o Irad× kai Irad egennhse ton Mecouiahl× kai Mecouiahl egennhse ton Meqousahl× kai Meqousahl egennhse ton Lamec.

    4:19 [] Kai elaben eiV eauton o Lamec duo gunaikaV× to onoma thV miaV, Ada, kai to onoma thV allhV, Silla.

    4:20 Kai egennhsen h Ada ton Iabal× outoV hto pathr twn katoikountwn en skhnaiV kai trefontwn kthnh.

    4:21 Kai to onoma tou adelfou autou hto Ioubal× outoV hto pathr pantwn twn paizontwn kiqaran kai aulon.

    4:22 H Silla de kai auth egennhse ton Qoubal-kain, calkea pantoV ergaleiou calkou kai sidhrou× adelfh de tou Qoubal-kain hto h Naama.

    4:23 [] Kai eipen o Lamec proV taV gunaikaV eautou, Ada kai Silla, Akousate thn fwnhn mou× gunaikeV tou Lamec, akroasqhte touV logouV mou× epeidh andra efoneusa eiV plhghn mou× kai neon eiV mastiga mou×

    4:24 dioti o men Kain eptaplasiwV qelei ekdikhqh× o de Lamec ebdomhkontakiV epta.

    4:25 [] Egnwrise de palin o Adam thn gunaika autou, kai egennhsen uion, kai ekalese to onoma autou Shq, legousa, Oti edwken eiV eme o QeoV allo sperma anti tou Abel, ton opoion efoneusen o Kain.

    4:26 Kai eiV ton Shq omoiwV egennhqh uioV× kai ekalese to onoma autou EnwV. Tote egeinen arch na onomazwntai me to onoma tou Kuriou.


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